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Everything posted by kenpo.stylist

  1. the letter W
  2. I can't figure out if they're just joking around, but part of me says they're dead serious.
  3. http://spikedhumor.com/articles/56298/You_Wouldn_t_Want_to_Mess_With_These_Guys.html wow! I need to learn that two by four trick!
  4. I never have till you posted...funny, why won't XP allow it?
  5. Definitely will. I'm actually excited again...thsi hasn't happened in a few years
  6. I went to the Yoshukai school tonight and watched a class...coincidently, they had a testing prep class as well. I have to say that I am much more impressed with the Yoshukai students overall. There were some white and yellow belts that were in the adult class that were pretty good for that level, meaning the basics have been hammered into them(which I think is a must). The black belts are outstanding, and the middle belts were doing some weapons kata that looked really good as well. I am very impressed with this school overall and will be starting this Thursday. I chose this school not only because of the quality of the students, but the crispness of the instructors and the curriculum content. I am very pleased to note that Thursdays are sparring days, and they have medium contact sparring which they call Ipon Kumite. Sparring nights also have a grappling class after the sparring class...YAY! So, they have grappling, Kobudo, and Katan work in the curriculum, as well as the usual traditional Japanese Karate content. Nice, very nice.
  7. bacteria is going to keep them stinky unless you kill it and keep them clean. spray them with Lysol to kill the bacteria, then get some anti-bacterial wipes to wipe them down with after each session after rinsing them with water to clear the sweat. You can get pretty decently scented wipes from a myriad of sources...I prefer warm vanilla sugar from Bath and Body works. I have decent results with any wipe that has Benzylkonium Chloride as its main component.
  8. ...and I won't really go into it, because of the possibility of the post being deleted... Jerry Lee Lewis sang, "whole lotta lovin' goin' on!" sorry folks, had to be said
  9. Actually, I've had lucid dreams since I was about 12 yrs old. It started from having horrible dreams and I would try to tell myself I needed to wake up when I was too terrified. From there I learned to tell myself that I'm dreaming, and don't need to worry about what happens...just watch the movie. Still even after that, things would still get way to frightening to deal with. So, I would tell myself that I could do what I wanted to when I wanted to...even so far as slapping a would-be captor/demon/whatever in the face...well it didn't take too long to figure out that I could do what I wanted to from there...man, it made puberty very interesting to say the least. I still have that ability, but not all the time...use it or lose it I guess...although it seems like the only time I can't control things is when I start having night terrors which still happens once in a great while.
  10. I would think any of them would complement any style well enough. Choose whatever is local and has the best instructor. Good luck.
  11. Nah, Kukkiwon I'm familiar with, and it wasn't that. I'll have to find out, cause now I'm curious.
  12. I sat and watched a class last night. It was a prep class for testing which was today, but I didn't go to the testing...anyway, there were three red belts(one adult and two early teens), a black belt(maybe like 14yrs old), and some blue and purple belts. Master Kim wasn't there, but there was a BB instructor leading the class. Now I do hate to sound negative toward anybody else, especially an instructor who was EXTREMELY nice to me while I was there, but... She seemed confused about the basic forms that the lower belts were performing. Which strike goes where, etc. Also, she had no snap at all...like she was just going through the movements, and would rather be somewhere else. Now, I'm sure we all have bad days, so maybe there's more to it than I saw. The younger BB also didn't really show any BB skill...they were practicing one steps and self defense techniques and everytime after blocking, he had to think about what he should do...that just won't fly in a real situation. He also seemed more intent on practicing kicks that were obviously beyond his level(lke wushu stuff)than working on perfecting any of his current material. Another thing that bothered me was the adult red belt was in really poor shape physically and couldn't perform alot of the kicks that he was asked to do at a reasonable competency. The roundhouse was extremely low, like groin level, everytime he threw it. He did attempt the tornado kicks that they were doing, but even I have some trouble with those, so I can't say too much However, it seemed like he wasn't really wanting it...again, that bothers me since he's in the highest of ranks, approaching black belt. The most impressive person there was a yellow belt adult who I would say either practiced nonstop, or has prior experience, because he was pretty decent, and had great spirit. Man, being an extremely picky and anally retentive instructor of a combat style has really messed me up for watching anybody else. When I practice, the technicalities and heavy reliance on basics are a priority, and I saw very little in the way of good footwork, even from the BB's there. I'm going to sit in for a Yoshukai class on Tuesday and try to make my decision from there. Oh, he's not WTF or ITF, but he is affiliated with both in an administrative aspect of some sort from what I gathered by talking to the instructor last night. I should have written it down, but didn't think of it, he's in the Kyukki(sp?) Do federation...I most likely slaughtered that name, but can't remember exactly what it was due to being unfamiliar with it.
  13. back to the original topic...You know, it's almost a scruples kind of thing...you keep driving, but then you can't help but think about it...and what if it gets in the news from going bad...then how would a person feel? Then again, you could stop and say something, but maybe it's a domestic thing and they don't want to be bothered...Again, I guess just stop some distance away, and call the police and let them know what you see...much safer for all concerned that way.
  14. look at it this way, you can't correct years of inactivity by being active for six months. Unless I'm reading this wrong, you have been doing this since march. I had the same problem when I started. I wasn't sure if I could do this or that or whatever...you can't realistically expect to become perfectly balanced and stellar at your MA in 6mos. This takes years man...set some short term goals and keep the faith. Are you better now than when you started? Of course you are. Think of how much better you'll be in another 6mos. Keep at it, things get better. And for the love of Pete, don't compare your progress with higher belts...you should only guage your progress against yourself!
  15. so, I spoke today with the owner of the TKD school. He is Min Hur and has been teaching for 20 years...15 in chicago and 5 here. He said he teaches Olympic TKD, and I asked him if it was sport oriented, and he said no, that it was like traditional hapkido. I do like the schedule which is mon-fri 7-8pm. That works for me. I am impressed with his credentials which can be seen in part here: http://www.minhurstaekwondo.com/Master%20Hur.htm So, I'll go and watch a TKD class tomorrow night, and then a Yoshukai class on thursday.
  16. Ok, I'm getting the itch to do something different. I have yet to test for Shodan in Kenpo, and might not for some while. I have the material, but nobody to train with who is at my level. So, my motivation to train is twofold. One is that I don't want to stagnate, and feel the need to study either something new, or delve deeper into the style that I practice(which is difficult since there is no suitable instructor near me). Two is that I am looking for a training partner to complete my shodan in kenpo. I don't need somebody who is capable in my style, but I do need somebody who can be a 'good bad guy.' By that I mean that he knows how to react to techniques to make it look similar to the real thing, and knows how to fall, etc. Anyway, since I'm close to DFW, I have pretty much any style I want to pick within an hour of me...problem is, I don't like to drive an hour each way, and gas prices suck. So, in my town we have two to choose from. One is Yoshukai Karate and the other is TKD. I don't know what federation the TKD is. From what I can gather, the Yoshukai is from Chito-Ryu under Master Chitose and evolved from there when one of Chitose's students created it. It is officially recognized as a true martial art in 1963 and is known as the Actual Fighting Karate. I've visited the Yoshukai school, but have yet to visit the TKD school. I have trained in TKD before, but had a bad experience. After training in the MA for as long as I have, I have learned that it was the instructor, and not the Style that was the problem, so I'm willing to give it another shot. What do any of you know about Yoshukai Karate, and do any of you study it? Also, given the choices, what would you pick? Thanks in advance.
  17. Looky! http://www.kick-start.org/ enjoy
  18. get in VERY close. Katana is an extension weapon, and can't be fully utilized without either stabbing/thrusting or swinging. Once the attacker commits, you have your plan all laid out for you. Jam him up.
  19. http://www.kempo.org.pl/eng/mul_festiwal_wasz_2002.html there you can see the GM in action. Looks interesting, adn I like how they don't wear belts. Very cool. Too bad there isn't one of those around here.
  20. yeah, if you look at the dojo he's at in Enter the Dragon, it has alot of the BKF people in it.
  21. I dig the whole chase scene. It doens't get much funnier than that for me
  22. My last set on the leg press is 720lbs + the weight of the sled and that is for no less than 5 reps, but usually 8. My reps also go to where my knees almost touch my shoulder...no sissy half-reps. My most weight was on a calf machine about 10yrs ago, and I routinely did 950lbs on my last set for as many reps as I could muster, which was usually about 5-7. I don't know if the calf machine was entirely accurate, since that seems like alot of weight to me...but then, my legs are like oak trees, so who knows?
  23. just concentrate on the counter. you ahve the blocks down, which I would imagine provide an opening...now just work that counter into the opening.
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