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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Good to see that you were able to figure out what you wanted to do. Best of luck to you, and enjoy your journey!!
  2. It doesn't seem very fair to the rest of the students. Why would they do this??
  3. Just because a guy can pull a car by their....you know....doesn't mean they are great fighters. It is just a different aspect of what they study.
  4. Yeah, that roughing the passer call was bunk, IMO. They have to let them play....its a contact sport, for crying out loud!!! Pretty soon, defensive players won't even be able to look at a QB funny without getting penalized.
  5. I think owning exotics is ok, if there is proper certification that the animal can be owned, and the responsibility is taken to care for them properly. Personally, I like dogs. I currently have no pets.
  6. It was good, but it just didn't hit home as one of my faves.
  7. Groin guard, protector, etc.
  8. You cannot replace these feel good moments with any monetary value!
  9. Something fun to do at the end of class, that is similar to lordtariel's idea, is to have the class line up, and then have everyone set in a horse stance, and then extend the arms straigth out in front of them. Lock the elbows, and extend the fingers. Now, starting with the lowest rank, they count to ten, and with each count, everyone brings the fingers in to a fist, and then flexes them back out, very quickly. After that person counts to 10, it goes to the next, and they count to 10, working your way all the way up to the highest rank, and then the instructor. The forearms will be stingy when finished, and the more people in class, the better it is!
  10. I have seen the kettlebell training, and it looks good, but I don't have access to them. If the gym ever gets some, I will give them a try, but I won't go get some. I do have a friend that swears by them, and he is over 50, and in fairly decent shape. He is really wiry, and like to workout with them.
  11. see, this is what I'm talking about. I bench a little over 300, I squat 450, dead 455, etc. But I am in the 40 rep range on pushups. It's the difference in the type of training that I mentioned above. You see, I have trouble doing around 30 push-ups, and I let it bother me. I can bench 305, but I feel like it is not justified, because I suck at push-ups.
  12. That's the only way to go. We have a guy that teaches gymnastics where I do karate who is 78 years old and can still do handstand pushups and backflips, and has a grip like a vise. He is my inspiration. With respect, Sohan Wow!! That is something else! I hope I can still kick when I am 60.
  13. You could also get some tennis balls, and squeeze on them as well. Once you kill the ball, get another.
  14. Well, it sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work.
  15. What happens when that show finally ends.....?????
  16. Unfortunately, I don't think that this fight is going to take place, because I saw on the news the other night that Mr. Snipes has not filed a tax return in the last 15 years. Authorities are looking for him, but are unable to locate him. His wife is Korean, so maybe he is there??
  17. If you are into non-Olympic TKD, then what rules do you spar by? I ask because the ATA would perhaps have some rules that you would like, but you would have to be an ATA school to attend. Another option is AAU competition. They offer both Olympic sparring and point sparring. That is the route that I would try to go down. Best of luck to you!
  18. That is great info. A nice history lesson. I would like to learn more about the lineage and history of the Tang Soo Do, but TKD is so popular, that it seems to be the only literature I can find, as far as Korean arts go. Thanks for sharing this information.
  19. Very good point!! I agree with you here.
  20. There you go. You have been rewarded, and you thought you were being held back.
  21. That's cool that you will have someone to work with. Another thing you could do is try to augment things that do irritate the use of your foot. Try to find a different thing to do what you want to do. Don't just give up on it; see what you can come up with. This is part of makin the art your own.
  22. Fighting is fighting. In my opinion, fighting is dirty, no matter what. I heard this saying once: "The only guy who ever complains about getting hit by a cheap shot is the guy who loses." A "cheap shot" would probably fall under your category of dirty fighting. Fighting is what it is, and, in my experiences, there are no rules, no off limits areas, and no areas that cannot be struck. If you are trained to "fight fair," then you are going to be in trouble when you encounter someone whose only concern is putting you down, no matter what it takes.
  23. I would ask them to put gloves on, or augment the contact level a little bit. I used to have this problem when I would just mess around with some of my friends. I would throw very light kicks, and light hand techniques, so as not to hurt anyone, but they would take me down and wrestle me, and they tell me that my stuff wouldn't work, because of what they were able to do. You have to change the contact level to make them understand.
  24. The final fight was a good one. The next season should be great as well.
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