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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Thanks, Wamp. All in all, I've been sicker than this before. A year ago, I'd have gone to work and not batted an eye.
  2. Ashworth's questions are a good start. I'd be interested in how you plan on presenting your material. Is one of your Karate styles going to form the base, with the Kickboxing and the other style being supplemental? Do you plan on offering courses for all three (together or separate)? Do you have the ability, as only a first dan, to promote rank? Rank doesn't matter to everyone, but it's important to some prospective students. Do you plan to promote a competitive, sparring-focused school, self-defense, or all-around? The important question for me would be, what is the layout, format, and focus of your classes going to be like?
  3. Yeah, the parallels are loose, but I just wanted to point them out.
  4. In class, I prefer just Mr. Walker. I don't necessarily want any title attached to my rank put in front of it. Our organization is pretty strict on not allowing first names to be used, but outside of class, I prefer my first name, or at the least, just my last name with no title.
  5. Well, training is done for a few weeks. I tested positive for the Covid.
  6. Hello, and welcome to KF! Have you done any checking in you area to see what is available? It may be difficult to find someone willing to train you for free, but there may be something very affordable out there.
  7. Very good points, especially at the higher levels, when it's so much more than just evaluating technique. I see this happening with my kids when they do online learning at home for school work, too. The engagement just isn't as focused, and you can tell that the teachers aren't able to help out as much as they usually can in the classroom. I feel for your 2nd Dan student, but if he is serious about his training, I'm sure he is very understanding of the situation. The circumstances are just not good, and it's hard to see when they'll be getting better. Hopefully, it's sooner rather than later.
  8. The center of the wheel. From which so much movement happens, but appears to be doing less work than everything radiating from it. But, that is where the movement is concentrated. Be the axis, from which everything else moves. Maybe? Perhaps this means we are affected by the things around us, as opposed to us affecting everything around us? It is easy to see ourselves as the reason for things being and happening, as opposed to only being affected by the things and events around us.
  9. So, Netflix had Enter the Dragon on it, and I watched it the other night. While watching, I wondered, who would they recast as each character? Ten or fifteen years ago, I would have had some ideas; Wesley Snipes as Williams, for instance. But today, I have no idea. Maybe Jason Statham could play the Roper character well? Also, watching the movie, if they re-made it, I think they'd spend more time developing the relationship between the three protagonists. Lee and Roper develop what I would refer to as a little bit of a rapport, but not much more than that in the original. That there was a relationship already established between Roper and Williams was obvious, and appeared to by a strong one, but you don't get any inclination as to why, other than their time in the military together. And there was basically no development at all between Lee and Williams. I think a remake would rectify this somehow. Also, watching the movie, I couldn't help but think of the parallels between another movie I've seen, and thought, "huh, they already did remake Enter the Dragon, and they called it Mortal Kombat." Just hear me out: In both movies, there are three main protagonists, they get invited to a Martial Arts tournament on a "mysterious island" (ok, different dimension, I guess), which is ruled by a self-sufficient individual with ulterior motives. Lots of parallels between the two, when you think about it.... Ok, all done with that. Don't beat me up too much for it.
  10. I don't think right away, for sure. I think he'll want to be able to know who he can trust them with first. He and Johnny also seem to be tentatively partnered up. I can't wait to see them start clashing next season. Ally brought up really good points in that the two of them are much more alike than they realize, and I'm glad someone finally came out and said it. Perhaps they will be able to work towards a common goal. I think in the end, though, Johnny gets Cobra Kai back, and they go their separate ways, but both will be better for it.
  11. 1/12/2021 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 165x5, 195x3, 210x1, 230x5. Pin Press (forehead level): 45x5, 65x5, 85x3, 115x1, 135x3, 135x3, 135x3. Lost my balance going back down on one of the deadlift work set reps. Frustrating. I feel like I'm not gaining anything.
  12. Hmmm, that is unfortunate. Keep looking though; hopefully, something comes to the fore soon. I'll be praying for you in the meantime!
  13. You make some good points, for sure, especially in regards to the focus of training. However, in some places, a local Karate or other Martial Arts program may be one's only exposure to the world of structured MA training. And if one desires to be a fighter someday, having a place to start is very beneficial. Learning to adapt things would have to come along the way.It does sound like you have quite an interesting culture at your dojo. It would be refreshing to see an older crowd like that, I think. We have a decidedly younger crowd that attends out dojang right now. I hope after all the craziness in the world is over, we start to swell our ranks with more teenage and adult trainees.
  14. Well, before getting one, it might be prudent to search out some directions on how to work with one, and how and what you do with it applies to your training and self-defense knowledge. I've always been fascinated by them, so I can't fault someone for wanting to give one a whirl. But, make sure to figure out how to be productive in training with it. It's going to be quite a bit different than just striking on a heavy bag.
  15. scohen, I'd be happy to offer my thoughts once I get through it. Even though I'm not a Karateka, I'm always looking to read and learn new perspectives. I confess to knowing exactly jack and squat about Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu, but I look forward to reading, learning, and seeing how I can apply it to my training.
  16. I see and understand your thoughts on this, Bob. You mentioned rank, and many a Martial Artist are preoccupied with rank, especially achieving it. I remember being like that once, when I was young and fresh and full of energy. I believe I can speak for Bob, and many others present, that more important the pursuit of rank, is the pursuit and accumulation of knowledge. They are not the same, and knowledge benefits us so much more than rank.
  17. I've been seeing that The CW is kicking off a new version of Walker, Texas Ranger. However, I don't see it being anything like the original series. It does not appear to have any Martial Arts associated with it at all. Anyone seen or heard anything on this? From what I've seen, I'm not hopeful.
  18. I'm not sure he wants to kill him; mess him up and make him "see the error of his ways," yes.
  19. 1/7/2021 TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Assisted with this class, helping with basics, forms, and one-steps. 1/8/2021 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 165x5, 195x3, 210x1, 225x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 120x5, 120x5, 120x5. Stretched after deadlift and between press sets. 1/11/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 210x5, 210x5, 210x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 122.5x5, 122.5x5, 122.5x5. MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. I taught this class; it was a one-on-one class with one of the recommended black belts. We did Do-Kang 1 three times, then I had him review forms: Choong Moo, Won Hyo, Joong Gun, Toi Gye, and Do San. Then I had him do all colored belt one-steps, and to finish class, we worked on some self-defense applications using the chamber and execution parts of the knife hand strike. Had a stretching session at home.
  20. Ugh, that's not cool. Have you spoken with anyone at the hospital that might know how to reimburse the money on that card so you can use it?
  21. I've never got to use an XXL bag, but the standard Wavemaster has been a decent bag for me over the years. Yes, it is possible to kick it over, but by and large, I've gotten good use out of mine. I think the XXL would be just as good, and provides more striking areas.
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