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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Best of luck in your endeavors moving forward, Alex. It's been a privilege working with you as a moderator, and an honor to have you as a continuing member. Thank you for all of you contributed to KarateForums over the years. You're the epitome of what a KF member should be. Thank you!
  2. I had forgotten about Reddit. I've never posted on it before, and don't really plan to.
  3. 12/10/2020 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x5, 185x3, 210x1, 235x5. Press: 45x5x2, 70x5, 85x2, 120x5, 120x5, 120x5. Did the more dynamic set on set 2 of the press, and finished the last few reps of set 3 that way. TKD Testing: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. It was a pretty light testing tonight; only 5 testing, but not bad, considering Covid and all that. Even though it was a light testing, it was a very good testing. I saw adjustments the orange belts had made, a young white belt with good stances and techniques (just needs to add some power), and a green belt and a brown belt who was testing for skunk belt both did really well. Prior to testing, I spent 10 minutes working on the third segment of my form, Choong Jang. Breaking the form into segments is really benefiting me. Finished the night at home stretching and reading through Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
  4. Exactly, explained it much better than me, thanks My current organisation hasn’t been too helpful during COVID, but this potential new one has been great so far, feel like they are really going out of their way to help clubs recover and get back on their feet. Makes sense all, thanks. I think that kind of clears up a question I've had for years. Many organizations around here must be able to be their own governing body; like the ATA, when I was in it. It's really part of three organizations; the ATA (North America), the Songham TKD Federation (South America ATA basically), and the WTTU (World Traditional TKD Union, for Europe, Asia, etc). Either the ATA is the umbrella it all falls under, or the WTTU is, but I think it's the ATA.Now, my current school, Sun Yi's Academy of Hays, is a member of the TTA (Traditional TKD Association). I always wondered why there was an association when the only schools in it were the Sun Yi's branch schools. I think this is why. The basically provided themselves with a governing body, I think. I've also learned over the past few years, a few different schools have been brought in under the umbrella of the TTA.
  5. That sounds like a great piece of training equipment!
  6. I'm re-reading Bruce Lee's Tao of Jeet Kune Do. This book is fairly iconic in the Martial Arts world, and many have read it. I think there is a lot of value to be found in the book, and would like to explore it, with everyone here, if y'all are up for it. Here's what I thought I'd do. Starting with the philosophical text in the beginning, I'd like to post a quote, and then ask how that affects or is viewed by others here. I'll admit, I wouldn't consider myself a deeply philosophical type, and find myself rather perplexed by some of the readings. So I'd like to start by posting a quote up, and reflecting on it. As I get deeper through the book, I'd like to do the same with the training ideas and philosophies, how they can relate to us each, etc. So, what's the KF community think? Shall we try this?
  7. This is an interesting question. I personally don't know anything about organizations like these. In the UK, are you required to be a member of an organization like this if you own and operate a club? I wonder how these new organizations get approved?
  8. Ah, ok, that makes much more sense to me. Sorry if I misunderstood.
  9. 12/9/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 215x5, 215x5, 215x5. Press: 45x5x2, 70x5, 85x2, 115x5, 115x5, 115x5. Squats were tough today; having a 5 day rest did not help. On the second and third set of the press, I tried to move to taking my breath at the top, and getting more of a rebound out of the bottom instead of coming to a dead stop, breath, and then shove it back up. It worked well, but I don't have the timing of the breathing down yet. MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. T-shirt class. I did one run through of my form, Choong Jang, and then broke it up into four (I think) segments, and worked on the first two segments for the bulk of the class time. I went through at an even pace, focusing on technique, targets, and stances. They were good repetitions, but my knees did not like the work. Finished with a light, brief stretch. Stretching Session: Did this at home for about 20 minutes. Started with leg swings, front, side, and back, 10 each, then some round kick chambers, 10 each. Then sat on the floor and read my book while sitting in a wide split. Leaned both ways, did butterfly, and did some single leg stretching, too. I've also been training with the old noggin during this time, re-reading some books in my library. I've recently finished up The Way Alone and Solo Training, both by Loren W. Christensen. I'm now starting Bruce Lee's Tao of Jeet Kune Do.
  10. I don't care for the Facebook Groups either. I believe the use of platforms like Discord has also affected forums like these. I'm on a few Discord channels, and I honestly don't like them (at least, I don't like viewing them on my phone). The conversations are more of a "right now" thing, and if you don't check on it for a few hours, going back to a conversation that is over is hard to do. I like the organization that online forums like this offer, with the opportunity to read over the posts and respond in my own time, and not necessarily having to be watching it like a hawk in order to respond to something that interests me. Personally, I'm hoping we start to see a turn-around in the traffic here. As Patrick said, things ebb and flow, and I think things will come around again.
  11. That's great that you've got some more interest! I'm sorry that you have to wait until after the first of the year, though. Our school is still holding classes at the dojang, so we've been lucky so far.
  12. Those are pretty solid blows. I kind of like that. I would not want to wait until brown belt level to start conditioning like that, though. If you have some to work with, start light and work up.
  13. Well, first of all, welcome to KarateForums! Glad to have you here! I don't know if there are many Karate programs out there that offer the kind of training that you seek. You might check out some YouTube channels from instructors (there are a ton of them out there), and see if anything is offered. I do think that there are probably more opportunities out there for students that were already active members at a dojo, and have something worked out with their instructors to continue their training during these circumstances. However, I think it will be much more difficult to find these opportunities as a fresh student, starting out, with no training. As an instructor, I'd find it very challenging to try to teach a raw, beginning student how to do basic techniques and forms over Facetime or a webcam session. Not impossible, but very difficult. I see you have styles listed in your profile; does any of your instructors offer anything in regards to training via Zoom classes or the like? I understand this sentiment, but you also have to understand how many instructors will feel about this, as well. As an instructor myself, I would not feel comfortable offering to test an individual for rank that I have never seen in person before, and never had in my class before. With that said, it's important to understand how difficult it may be to find someone who is willing to do this. To go along with that, if you can find someone willing to do this for you, the first thing I would question is the quality of instruction, and what the instructor's motives are. They may be truly genuine, and they may do a very good job. Or, they may be looking for a way to make money, and not be concerned with the quality of student they produce, and only with collecting testing fees. So, just be wary about what you find. You say most. Are there a few dojos in your area that are actually hosting some classes? If this is the case, then I would highly recommend that you seek them out, and look to begin your training that way. I think you would be much happier with your progress and results if you go this route. If crowds concern you, you could ask if private classes are offered, and you could probably wear a mask to the classes if that makes you feel safer. I imagine the instructors at these dojos are holding classes to a more limited number, as well, in accordance with most ordinances that are in place at this time. As an instructor, this would be my first recommendation. Now, back to your original request. If you are looking to start some training on your own, and cannot find anyone that offers an online service, there are, again, lots and lots of channels out there on YouTube that you can find to use as resources.
  14. I think an important aspect of this is to do some visualization training about actually getting into a confrontation. Actually thinking about what it feels like to kick or punch someone, how it feels on your hand or foot. What it feels like to be struck, and fighting through that strike to deliver your own. I know that this doesn't go as far as getting some actual contact in a sparring session, but sparring sessions, regardless of contact levels, tend to offer a more comfortable environment that doesn't quite replicate what an actual self-defense scenario would. I'm not saying it's the answer, but it is a good training alternative.
  15. Hehe, the trades. Such fun. I always made it a point to not show any grimaces or winces, no matter how much it hurt!
  16. I liked that presentation. Thanks for sharing that, Bulltahr. I loved that dojo!
  17. The shy ones can be tough. In the past, at some point in the class, I'd announce that "we're going to play a game," and then ask if the want to join in for the game. It can be a good icebreaker.
  18. Congratulations! Catching an elbow with the foot really hurts. I've done it a few times, and there are times where I may have slipped an elbow down to block an incoming kick... Balance is something I still struggle with to this day. Keep working on it; you'll get better.
  19. 12/4/2020 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 210x5, 210x5, 210x5. Press: 45x5x2, 70x5, 85x2, 110x5, 110x5, 110x5. Lat Pull-downs: 130x10, 130x10, 130x10, 130x10. Meniere's was really bothering me today.
  20. I agree, not fighting three knuckleheads would be preferable. I also like your point about learning how to avoid such instances. That is the key to good Martial Arts instruction; teaching students how to avoid such situations.
  21. That's great that you've got more students now! If Cobra Kai is actually revitalizing the Karate community somewhat, then that's a good thing.I've definitely seen a lot of enquiries recently and a fair few were mentioning Karate Kid / Cobra Kai to me. Wouldn't be surprised if the Martial Arts industry grows off the back of this. Well, that'd be alright if it does.
  22. Welcome to KF, Oldschool_EugueRyu! I hope that someone is able to help you out with this. It seems to be rather obscure.
  23. The handles he's got are about 24" long. I'd imagine a 10lb sledge would work as a substitute if you've already got one. Otherwise, it's cheaper to just make your own -- get a cheap plastic pot, some concrete mix, some nails/screws, and an appropriately thick dowel. You can do a batch of them for less than 10 bucks each. There are several videos on YouTube on how to do it: is one.That's pretty cool!
  24. 12/1/2020 Strength Training Deadlifts: 135x5, 155x3, 185x1, 210x5, 230x5. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 80x2, 105x5, 105x5, 105x5. Lat Pull-downs: 125x12, 125x12, 125x12, 125x12. MA Training Reps Training for three-step sparring: #1, #2, #3 one time each. #4: 10 times. #5: 10 times. #6: 10 times.
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