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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Ooh, that does sound like a bit of a pickle. Do you notice any ill effects if the dosage is increased?
  2. Incredible SLK59 with all you have endured and continued with your MA journey. It really goes to show how your spirit is a winning one. I second that! What a horrible experience that must have been! Keep up the good work, and you'll get there!
  3. Used it once then I broke my hanging bag bracket they only record a kick when they sense an impact so you need to kick a bag or pads. They were created for WT Taekwondo so they have also been using them in sparring with the hogu as that will record the impact. I'd like to try them in sparring where I think it would be more useful but as we use foot pads rather than hogu I'm not sure how that will interfere with the sensor. As an adult they seem to work fine but I don't know whether the kids can kick hard enough to get a reading on the sensor (some of my rubbish kicks weren't registering). I would be interested to see how it works hooked up to hogu and doing some sparring. In our classes, even with the pads, we have pretty moderate contact, not really drilling each other, so I'd be interested to see what it would take to register impact.
  4. Sounds like a fun class! Also, great that you are starting to get back to some contact work.
  5. Yeah, those are the stats, and I'd say they are pretty close to that now, too. What I'm saying is that there doesn't seem to be an interested adult demographic here, or in many rural areas that I've seen. Yes, there are plenty of adults; but I don't know how many adults there are with spare time on their hands to put in two or three hours of training per week.
  6. 3/22/2021 So, some backstory to lead up to this day. After my last training session, on 3/17, I had a procedure scheduled that forced me to fast for the rest of that Wednesday (so I only had breakfast), and then had nothing by mouth after 8:30 am the following day, Thursday. I also had to have two doses of a medicine that basically gave me the runs to clean me out for this procedure. So, to sum that all up, terribly hungry and dehydrated, and then sedated on Thursday, and then too much busy stuff going on at work on Friday to make that training day. Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 115x5, 115x5, 115x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 240x5. I did a 10 percent deload, and honestly, it might not have been enough. Everything was hard, but I did complete all my sets and reps. Hoping Wednesday feels better. MA Training TKD Class: 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Black Belt Class. Warmed up with Do-Kangs 1-4, moved to three-steps, and then spent about the last 20 minutes of class on more Ho Sin Sul. We moved into some kick defenses using some sweeps and takedowns.
  7. Sounds like a case of hurry up an wait. I'll be thinking about you, Bob.
  8. That is very interesting. I'd be interested in seeing data on my kicks, for sure. Are you drilling with it regularly?
  9. Thanks for those, Danielle. I had seen the one by CK Choi (bookmarked it), but not the one by GM Campbell. I'm considering taking the time to learn the form, in the style of how we do forms. I noticed that CK Choi seemed to have considerably less sine wave than GM Campbell. As far as the book goes, I've found it interesting. I'm at the back end of the book, which he has dedicated to putting all the forms into the written format found in one of the condensed encyclopedias. It's not enjoyable reading at this point, and he seems to have done it more for a nostalgia purpose than anything else, but I'll trudge through it. There are several forms in the Encyclopedia that our organization does not use, and several are out of place in comparison to the ranks they are done at. So I am considering spending time on the ones that aren't in our curriculum. I've seen another book that is formatted in the vein of the Encyclopedia, and it's titled as Taekwon-do Study Companion, by George Achilles Lazarou. Heard of or know anything about it? I'm looking to get it next: https://books.lazarougeorge.gr/en/product/taekwon-do-study-companion/
  10. Back in my ATA days, we used to do a variation of forms practice called "form in a phone booth." Yeah, I was teaching classes when that analogy actually worked. I mean, they weren't really around, but people still knew what they were... Anyways, it was a fun variation on the forms, forcing students to really work on adjusting their footwork to still generate power, all the while completing the form in about a 4 foot square space.
  11. 3/17/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 260x5, 260x5, 260x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x2, 130x5, 130x5, 130x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 265x5.
  12. I think you are close here, but I don't think one will be under anyone's control. But, there's another angle that is possible that would make that appear to be true.
  13. We don't have any special titles in our school, beyond those that come with certain ranks.
  14. Well, Kenneth is pretty much geared for baseball now, and Kendall is as well. I don't know if I'll get them to do much offseason wrestling at all, but they'll go out again next season.
  15. Is there a club in your area that you can train at? The main problem I see with this is that most of the clubs are either a kid's club that wrestle at tournaments, or school teams and college teams.
  16. Me and my youngest son are both pretty jacked for this one. I'm nervous and excited at the same time, and based on the few things I've heard coming out of the rumor mill around the movie, it shall be interesting. We are Godzilla fans, all the way. If you look back to the original Kong vs. Godzilla movie (yes, I've seen it, multiple times), Godzilla got the raw end of the stick. I think things work out differently this time. What I find odd is that for this monsterverse to continue working, it doesn't do any good to kill off either of these titans. Both are immensely popular, and to rid the monsterverse of one of them so early into the film franchise would only be bad. I think something will possibly happen that causes them to fight together in the end, as opposed to with each other. But, we'll see. Oh yeah, Godzilla, all the way.
  17. I have not done this, but I have known of some black belts that exchanged belts with other black belts, some in other styles, as a sign of respect and friendship. I thought that was pretty cool.
  18. Thank you, Bob! 3/15/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x2, 255x5, 255x5, 255x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 127.5x5, 127.5x5, 127.5x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 260x5. Last 2 reps on the squat sets suuuucked. That last one is always a grind out of the hole. Last rep of deadlift floated away, but still completed the rep. I've ordered some creatine monohydrate, which should arrive sometime this week. I'm interested to see how that affects things over the long haul.
  19. Well, state has come and gone. As a club, we performed rather well; I believe we qualified 36, and about half placed, and we ended up with a few state champs, and a few runners-up to boot. Unfortunately, Kenneth was not amongst that group. He had some ups and downs this year, and just needs to work on some things. Fortunately, the club is going to continue with some practices during the off-season, for as long as interest holds. In my experience, however, it doesn't seem to hold for long around here, mainly due to: 1, fatigue; and 2, other sports seasons kicking off. We'll be in full swing for baseball now, but I think I can manage to get Kenneth to at least one of those practices a week, which I think would help tremendously. Until then, on to next year.
  20. I think I'll be watching it, too. Time to check Vudu!
  21. I haven't been good about giving updates here this year; it's been a doozy, to say the least. But after all was said and done, Kenneth was able to finish the season out with 4 straight tournaments, and he is on to the State tournament this Sunday.
  22. Thank you, Bob! I really appreciate it. Most of my workouts are pretty solo (my youngest is usually on his phone when I'm working out), so getting outside motivation is very nice. 3/12/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 250x5, 250x5, 250x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 125x5, 125x5, 125x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 255x5. Sleep wasn't great the past two nights, so I was worried about today's session. Turned out ok. Deadlifts got away from me a little bit, but I got it done.
  23. 3/10/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 245x5, 245x5, 245x5. Press: 45x5x2, 65x5, 95x2, 122.5x5, 122.5x5, 122.5x5. Deadlifts: 135x5, 185x3, 205x1, 250x5. I had to work a mid shift today, so I had to get into the gym earlier this morning, and also had to miss class tonight. The squats....man, they were a grind. Deadlift was grindy, too, but I felt like I kept good position with the bar on each rep, staying on the shins up the leg. Although grindy, lockout also felt good. Maybe this could have been a result of working out earlier in the morning than I have been, but I'm not sure.
  24. So glad to hear you are getting things to start working in your favor. Making a move like that can be quite a hectic change, but hopefully it all works out for the best.
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