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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. When doing step-sparring, I think control is important because you are allowing yourself to be a target. However, when it comes to sparring, I think that more contact is important. It is important to know what happens when you don't defend successfully. Therefore, I think that the situations are a bit different, and require a different approach. If someone hits you while doing one-steps, maybe give them a pop back. In sparring, you just have to up your level of contact to keep up.
  2. Karate, or any other Martial Art, can help you with your self-confidence, but the most important factor in improving your self-confidence is you. It all starts with how you view yourself, and how you think about yourself. Martial Arts will bring a new type of activity to you, and as you begin to see that "hey, I can do this, and I enjoy it," you will begin to improve your self-confidence. I think that there are many activites that can do this for you, too. Many people gravitate towards the Martial Arts because they are an individual activity, and the only competition that you have to have is with yourself. Begin by believing in yourself.
  3. I don't think that MA should require a license. I think it is fine just the way it is right now. The politics behind the MAs would not allow such a thing to happen, I believe.
  4. Yeah, like I said, my mom finally made the stick. My veins tend to roll a bit, and they are pretty deep. I could never be one of those cool looking, vascular body builders, because my veins are too deep.
  5. BJJ is as much a sport as Wrestling is, but just with different rule sets. In the MMA competitions, the Wrestlers have done very well combining it with the ground-and-pound strategies.
  6. mmmm True but not 100% of the time, reaction can be faster believe me. How? Anticipation may be faster, but there are some simple drills you can try out to see. Put a towel on your shoulder, with it hanging evenly in the middle. Now, you stand with your hands down, and when you partner tries to grab the towel, try to stop him. Most of the time, you won't be able to, because you can't react until he acts. This automatically puts you behind the curve.
  7. Why do you think that BJJ is more damaging than Wrestling? Have you had the opportunity to Wrestle?
  8. I think that the usefulness of the techniques that you list depends on the range of fighting that you are in at the time. The categories you listed basically break down into the fight ranges. Therefore, I don't think that one takes precedence over the other. It just depends on the situation that you are in at the time.
  9. Front kick Side kick Round kick Back kick Twist kick Axe kick Outer crescent kick Inner crescent kick Hook kick Heel kick (or wheel kick) Now, that is about as bare-bones as it gets. You can add a spinning motion to some of these kicks: Spin side kick Spin outer crescent kick Spin inner crescent kick Spin round kick Spin hook kick Spin heel kick Just to name a few. Next, you can add jumping, if you so desire: Jump front kick Jump side kick Jump round kick You get the idea. Now, you can add together the jumping and spinning: Jump spin round kick (usually a 360 degree kick) Jump spin hook kick Jump spin side kick Etc, etc. Basically, I just count all of the above as variations of the basic kicks listed first. The basics will get you to the rest of the kicks.
  10. I don't imagine I do 1000 techniques per workout. Each of our TKD classes opens with punching in the sitting stance, much like the Hung Gar practice. However, we don't do it for very long.
  11. If they have been shot already, breaking bones isn't going to amount to much, either. Basically, if someone is juiced like that, you need two things; distance, and more ammo.Thats a viloent way too look at it. Fighting is about violence. There really isn't any other way around that.
  12. Yes, I agree. An instructor has to be able to think on his feet.
  13. I have seen fights where Cung Le would toss his opponents so much that it just wore them down. Towards the end of the match, the opponent had no defense against his throws.
  14. I think that in sparring and fighting, keeping it simple will lead to success. Bill Wallace is an advocate of this idea, as is Joe Lewis, I believe. What is important is to make sure that the techniques you train work for you. This can usually be discovered while experimenting with sparring in a class setting. Antoher option is to scout your opponents, if you can, and then work on a few techniques that may work well against them, and train to add them in. I think that fighting is the same way. It is going to be very beneficial if you can apply a small set of techniques in a variety of ways, and it helps keep the mind from getting jumbled up on excess techniques.
  15. I think that if someone is being raped, then they have the right to defend in any way necessary, and I believe that in most states it the use of deadly force is applicable in rape cases. I think that if one is threatened with rape, then it is necessary to defend from such an assault in any way necessary.
  16. I don't put much stock in the ideas behind chi. I don't think that chi can be outwardly manifested in any form. I think that most of it is related to body mechanics. If one cultivates himself inwardly, then that is all that he is doing, unless he is performing some other physical training to augment his fighting ability.
  17. Thanks for the input, MMA_Jim. Like I said, I try not to make generalizations, so I wanted to put this question out there.
  18. Shin conditioning is something that has been discussed in the Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai forum to great lengths, and you can find some information by browsing over there. Here is a thread to get you started: http://www.karateforums.com/how-long-does-it-take-to-toughen-up-the-legs-vt28547.html
  19. Some of that info doesn't sound right. Even in Thailand, I believe that the dominant kick is the roundhouse kick, mainly to the upper section of the legs. The teep (front) kick is used like a jab or a stop-kick, and the side kick is rarely used. I think that the main difference between Muay Thai in the U.S. and Thailand was that elbows were disallowed in most U.S. Thaiboxing competitions. The reason that Thaiboxing in the U.S. resembles American Kickboxing more is because those American Kickboxing competitors are the ones who got into the sport. Therefore, their fighting styles from the Kickboxing followed, with some modifications to the new rules set.
  20. If you mean the Tao of Jeet Kune Do, then that is not strictly a Wing Chun book. Having said that, it will for sure have some Wing Chun concepts and so on. No, I mean the Tao of Gung Fu. They are two different works. Here is the link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?ean=9780804831109
  21. A Game of Thrones; Daenerys The khalasar has reached the Dothraki Sea, a vast plain the Dothraki could ride endlessly. The endless riding had nearly worn Dany down with pain, and she felt that she could no longer go on. Then, she dreamed the dragon dream again, but without her brother in it this time (foreshadowing, again? ). In it, the dragon engulfed her in flames (foreshadowing again...), but she didn't seem to feel it; she awoke in less pain, as if healed. In the dream, the dragon was black, like one her eggs. She also noticed that the egg felt warm to the touch, but she dismissed the feeling due to the warmth of the weather. She begins to become accostumed to the life of the khalasar, and begins to enjoy it; she becomes it. She commanded Jorah to halt the khalasar, so she could ride ahead alone. Viserys didn't like this, and caught up to her. He gave her the "how dare you command me" routine, and attacked her, but she pushed him away, which she had never done before. She expected Viserys to hurt her in retalliation, and he was getting ready to, but one of the khas (guard), Jhogo, restrained Viserys by wrapping a whip around his neck, Indiana Jones style. Her khas would have punished him physically, but she refrained them from doing so. She saw how pitiful he was, and feared him no more. Dany then decided to punish him, in the worst way; she orders Ser Jorah to take his horse, which degrades him to the lowest level of Dothraki society. Viserys essentially sits and poubts and fumes as the enitre khalasar walks past him, mocking him. Dany and her maidservants end up discussing myths of the dragons. Dany had also heard that the Eastern lands still claimed magic, and that the Western lands lost it when the winter ended and the long summer came. Is it coincidence that Dany's dragon eggs grow warm as they approach the lands of Westeros, and the approaching winter?? Notes: Dany is beginning to act more like a queen, a khaleesi. The chapter ends with the news that Dany is with child.
  22. I fear you people... you wanna snoopy bandaid Bushido? j/k buddy.. No, I want to punch you...just kidding. You would just end up throwing me down, and then I would be hurt more.... If you are a good stick, I can get along with you. However, I had one of those incidents where I was stuck like 6 times in each arm, before my mom (who is a nurse) finally stuck me and found the vein. Not a good experience.
  23. Maybe put some padding on your shins. That may help.
  24. I am with you, lupus. Just a bit of spinning and jumping make it fun to watch. I am also with you, Eric....no wires!
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