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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I remember reading about it as well. It shows that what these guys do, and anyone who competes on a regular basis in a full contact event, is pretty serious.My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
  2. Very well written. In any kind of physical training, we reach plateaus. Your discussion of the depth and breadth of learning are a great way to attempt to refocus and get past these plateaus.
  3. Perhaps he needs a hiatus before he picks it back up again. Whenever you work with kids, it is a good idea to bring them along on a trial basis, to see how they will handle it. If they are not mature enough, then it may be necessary to hold them off for another 6 months or a year. It can make a big difference.
  4. I would be surprised if one of those guys came to a club, and then asked to start training for rank. If they did, however, I imagine they would start out on the bottom, and work their way up. They may work through the ranks faster, because of their experience, though. In the end, it will depend on what the instructor decides to do.
  5. I do think that humans experience fear. I think in the animal kingdom, it has more to do with survival instinct.
  6. When did this happen? I don't know of any such feat...could you elaborate?
  7. Welcome to the Forums!
  8. Yeah, no sense it getting into it over something like that. Life goes on, and the sun will come up tomorrow.
  9. I don't think I would want to be part of the switch. I would rather split off and do my own thing, I think, than be a part of the franchise like that. Especially if your ideals and those of the others are not the same. There would be no point in teaching something you don't believe in.
  10. Heh. That'll learn ya. (On the other hand, you're clearly a good teacher if you're advice worked ) I guess that is one way to look at it!
  11. This is a tactic that I have used, and it usually gets results. If it doesn't work, then it would be in your best interest to discontinue the student. Otherwise, his disruptfulness will take away from those who are there to learn. Don't fall victim to this. Just because you need the money, it is not a good enough reason to keep around students that are going to act this way. If you start this now, then it will continue on, and it could lead to bad publicity eventually.
  12. 4-6-08 I took my son to the park today, and did my own little workout while playing with him. I tried to do some pull-ups. I got quite a ways up on the first one, but hit a point where I couldn't get past. It felt like I was about half-way there, or a bit better, but couldn't complete it. I did a few more after that, each of which went less and less the way up. I also did some dips on some other bars, and also scaled the monkey bars once.
  13. Yeah, the government will fund it when the government is going to be represented internationally. That is why the race that was won by the WTF hurt the ITF so bad.
  14. Congrats on coming out with something new learned. That is what is great about competitions; you learn something everytime you go.
  15. The bits and pieces I saw looked pretty balanced. Other than getting his arm kicked into oblivion, I didn't see much that Shamrock wasn't able to take. Le did have some good leg catches and then leg kick-outs. Those had to suck. However, I would have expected to see more grappling, and was disappointed that there wasn't any, really. Perhaps the two will schedule a rematch?
  16. Teddy Roosevelt would probably have been an awesome person to know. He was into just about everything Martial. I have even read about him and some buddies clearing out some furniture in one of the White House rooms so they could have some stick fighting matches. He was into some swordsmanship as well. Very cool.
  17. The best way to fight a bigger stronger opponent is to put him on his back. As a result, to try to get away from your opponent after you successfully took him to the ground and therefore gave yourself the best possible advatage to win wouldnt be practical. Mount or knee in the belly, and attack Sounds like a good plan to me. Also, by taking a big fighter down to the ground, they loose the advantage of leverage in their punches, relying essentially on only arm strength from their back. Having experience in the mount would help from this point on; experience I honestly need more of.
  18. Is he going to be doing only stand-up fighting now, or is he still looking for the MMA fight?
  19. There is a point to be made about the hobby Martial Artists that Treebranch points out. It is important, as instructors, that we bring out the importance of what the arts convey to those who tend to practice them or view them in this manner. There is nothing wrong with the MAs being done as a hobby; the important meanings of self-defense and fighting need to be expanded upon as well.
  20. At my school, we have two students who have recently been promoted to black belt. I was running a class the other day, and while I was pairing them up to spar, I told them that they should try to push each other when they spar; to step it up. I told them that they were going to be the same rank together for a long while, and they should try to push and help each other out. I hope that they can forge a relationship like that as well.
  21. That is AWESOME! Nothing like a little barroom mercernary action to save your butt!
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