I should do some digging, too. My dad was in the Navy, but he didn't do any Boxing. He didn't attend the Naval Academy, though, either. I think that the Naval Academy itself is, or was, pretty proud of their Boxing program.
Thanks, tallgeese. I really enjoy the work that I do now, too. I am learning a lot now, just from seeing everything from this side. I think that every LEO could gain very valuable experiences by spending a year as a corrections officer/jailer.
Interesting. I would have never thought that Bruce Lee would be the subject of a Broadway musical. I am not much into musicals, but the story sounds interesting. I wonder who they will cast for the part of Lee?
Boy, I can't think of how many I have promoted, but it hasn't been many. Not more than a handful, I know that. I don't teach my own students any more; I am an assistant instructor at my school.
I agree with you here. If we tell our students to never retaliate until they have been attacked, then I think we do them a disservice, and set them up for unneeded liability.
Ole what-his-name was impressed, so they must have pressed the right buttons. It was entertaining; not "traditional" by any means; very XMA. But if they were aiming for entertainment value, that it was.
Another way to defend it is if you see it go up, and are quick enough, just shoulder ram them with their leg at the apex. They will go down. Just a side note: even though the kick isn't in your style, the best way to learn how to defend an attack is to know the attack yourself. Wow, DWx, those were some good axe kicks. They do work well in that format.