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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I don't know why the instructors would have to have learned Karate secretly at the time; most Koreans would have been able to learn it, anyways. At any rate, it sounds like most of the Korean styles that are around now; influenced by Japanese styles, with their own Korean flavor, and with a mix of Hapkido type curricula as well. Checking it out and comparing it with other styles around wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
  2. That was easy enough!
  3. I'd follow NightOwl's advise as well. Check both out, and see if they will give you a few more trial classes. Then go with what you enjoy more. Many people find that they start their MA journey in one place, and then gravitate towards others as they grow. You may find the same. Keep an open mind, even after you make a decision of where to train for now. Good luck and enjoy!
  4. I thought I would ask what everyone has as far as Martial Arts equipment goes. I am sure that the school owners will most likely have more equipment than most, but I noticed that I have quite a bit laying around the house, and thought it would make a good topic. My inventory: 1 Powerline free standing bag 1 old stretching machine 3 clapper pads 2 square target pads 1 rubber training knife 1 rubber band gun w/ammo 1 set of nunchaku (that I rarely use. It even has the safety foam.) 4 kicking shields 4 rattan swords 2 wooden round shields 1 metal heater shield 2 rattan axes 1 rattan polearm 1 suit of armor (upper body only) 1 helm 1 set of foot/shin pads 2 sets of hand/forearm pads (1 set for the weapons fighting) 1 set of knee pads (for the weapons fighting) 1 chest protector 1 headgear
  5. 5-22-08 Kicked around from 4:30 to 5:30, doing various strength building exercises and kicking combinations. I spent my time focusing on transitioning from kick to kick, and not on height. Push-ups: 2x15
  6. 5-21-08 TKD Kicking class: Powerlines again. FL Side kick: 20 BL Side kick: 20 Spin back kick: 20 Switch away spin back kick: 20 FL Round kick: 20 BL Round kick: 20 Hop round kick: 20 BL Jump round kick: 20 FL Push kick: 20 BL Push kick: 20 Hop side kick: 20 Crossover side kick: 20 FL Double round kick: 40 BL Double round kick: 40 FL Side kick to round kick: 40 Spin back kick to round kick: 40 Side step, BL round kick: 20 420 total kicks. Stretched after class.
  7. 5-20-08 Push-ups on parallel bars at park: 2x10 Pull-ups with feet on ground and body at angle: 2x20
  8. 5-19-08 Chest/triceps Bench press: 155x10, 195x8, 215x4 Cable crossovers: 40x10, 50x8, 8 Dips: 3x5 Upward cable crossovers: 40x10, 10, 10 Combat Hapkido: 11:20 - 12:15. Worked on Blue Belt material. Solo workout: 4:00 - 4:20. Worked on Do-Kang 2, focusing on the hip movement with the techniques. TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. We did extra side kicks and round kicks in basics, and it tired out my legs pretty good. Push-ups: 2x10, after class.
  9. 5-15-08 TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00. Quick basics, then Do-Kangs 1, 2, 3, followed by Yoo Sin hyung. After this, we worked on some lower ranking one-steps, and filling in advanced applications with them. My abs were sore from the kicking class the day before. I also figured out that Do-Kang 2 is great for working on hip rotation.
  10. 5-14-08 Push-ups: 3x15 TKD Kicking Class: all done on Powerline Wavemasters. FL Side kick: 20 (10 each leg) BL Side kick: 20 FL Step together side kick: 20 FL Hop side kick: 20 Step back, FL side kick: 20 Side step, FL side kick: 20 FL Round kick: 20 BL Round kick: 20 FL Jump round kick: 20 BL Jump round kick: 20 Side step, BL round kick: 20 Spin back kick: 20 Switch away spin back kick: 20 FL Hop side kick: 20 FL Crossover side kick: 20 300 total kicks.
  11. That does sound good. I love to read a little bit of military history, especially the movers and shakers, like Napolean. For a guy of his stature, he must have had some interesting tactics to become a leader.
  12. I agree; quality, not quantity. I always try to make sure that I have something worthwhile to say when I post.
  13. Absolutely. The Martial Arts should be all about defending oneself, first and foremost.
  14. It was ok. I have seen better demos, but by more "professional" demo teams, though.
  15. Were the bad rounds different for each station, or were they all the same? What all did you do?
  16. I should do some digging, too. My dad was in the Navy, but he didn't do any Boxing. He didn't attend the Naval Academy, though, either. I think that the Naval Academy itself is, or was, pretty proud of their Boxing program.
  17. What is it about, glockmeister?I am also reading bits and pieces of Best Karate volume 7 now.
  18. Thanks, tallgeese. I really enjoy the work that I do now, too. I am learning a lot now, just from seeing everything from this side. I think that every LEO could gain very valuable experiences by spending a year as a corrections officer/jailer.
  19. Do I win a prize if I do, Patrick???
  20. This, I agree with. It definitely needs to be a worthwhile promotion.
  21. I do admit that I have made a habit out of training with my hands up when not doing forms or basics. My dad always drilled that into me, too.
  22. Interesting. I would have never thought that Bruce Lee would be the subject of a Broadway musical. I am not much into musicals, but the story sounds interesting. I wonder who they will cast for the part of Lee?
  23. Cool. More avenues for MMA will help with its popularity, to be sure.
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