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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I think this ties back with the original purpose of kata. You learned a new kata at a higher rank because that is when you were supposed to learn those new moves (again, going off off old JMAs as a reference). I was under the impression that originally, kata was taught, and then applied, and the number didn't matter; some masters only focused on one kata. Didn't Funakoshi do Tekki for 7 years or so, before he was even taught another kata?
  2. That's a good mantra, Joe. I think it holds true, for the most part. That's why I wonder about the types of movements and principles in this system. I'd like to see demonstrations of it.
  3. I wouldn't have guessed this at all. I would think that gi chokes with clothing wouldn't work as well, because of less resiliance of the clothing as compared to a heavy duty gi. Have you seen this demonstrated?
  4. At this point, it just depends on the day. My DT partner has some certification levels in Close Quarters Combatives, so he'll put different things together on different days. We often review and refine what he is teaching in his DT classes for the police department, so most of it is job-related for me. We work into controls that either become escorts, or cuffing positions.
  5. So tallgeese, what are your requirements for firearms training, as it concerns achieving black belt rank?
  6. We watch some Spider Man, when we catch it. Just depends on what time we get home and settled in.
  7. That just sounds crazy. I can't imagine why the parents would see her being able to do less than other students, but then receive more. Its too bad, but I guess these things happen. My worry is that if have parted ways with her temporarily, then she may not return, ever. But, what can you do? You can't change everything for one person.
  8. I think that this is what many like to think of as traditional. However, I think what cross states is actually more accurate: This has been something that has always bothered me, too. I am proud of the Western heritage of fighting and warriorship, and I think it is something that isn't as appreciated as it is from the Eastern viewpoint, even though it is just as valid and established.
  9. I think that there are a few contributing factors to this. The first is that many see the achievement of black belt as "the" goal. Part of this is the fault of instructors not showing good reasons to continue to stay involved (or by not providing a curriculum that sets them apart from the colored belts), and part of this is the fault of the student; the idea that there isn't anything more to achieve.
  10. To an extent. I'm not sure that the rank system causes forms in all systems to become longer and more complex, but it does in some. When the ATA created their system of forms, they did so with the intention of each form being longer, and more complex, and to help develop more advanced techniques as the practitioner went along in rank. Not that this is bad or good; at least their ideals are cleary defined. I do think that forms tend to become attached to rank, and therefore curriculum. I think that most styles have at least one form per rank that they push the students through. Unfortunately, it is this way in my school. The form you do is representative of your rank, and to me, it seems like that is about it.
  11. More reading material has prompted yet another discussion! I read in Black Belt about an art called Albo Kali Silat, in which the practitioners learn to change levels of attack, from high to low, by actually kneeling or going supine, in their style. I know that many of us here will use the idea of changing levels of attack, like by kicking the legs, and then moving up to punch the head, but it is usually all a standing thing. In this Silat style, they will actually kneel down to change their level. They will use their elbows to both attack and shield. They claim that with the proper peparation and practice, that they become quite agile at changing levels like this, and can use it to surprise their opponents. I have seen in our Aikido classes, that some of the students of higher rank will do techniques from seiza (kneeling position), and although they tend to start kneeling and stay kneeling, I don't see why one couldn't start kneeling, and then finish standing, or start standing, and then finish kneeling. Capoeira is also known for its stylish flying kicks and hand stands, as well as its dropping and low level kicks. Not to mention the spinning. My question is, would you consider looking into this strategy of changing levels of attack? The obvious drawback here, to me, would be the decrease in mobility in going to a kneeling position, and offering vital targets like the head at a more accessible level to the attacker. So, how would you approach this?
  12. I know that many Okinawan Karate styles incorporate Kobudo training into their curriculum, but I have heard that it tends to be a seperate set from the standard Karate curriculum. Does your school offer Kobudo? Is it mandatory, or optional? What weapons and requirements are reflected in it?
  13. Do you do any firearms training? Does it consist of a hand gun, or of your seasonal hunting excursions? Would you recommend firearms training of any kind to your students? Do you ever discuss it with your students? On what levels?
  14. When you hear the term "Modern Combatives," what comes to mind? What is the definition of Modern Combatives to you? Is it different from other kinds of training, like sport or traditional?
  15. How do you, as an instructor, or your school, if you are a student, incorporate self-defense training into your classes? Do you do self-defense in every class? Do you use applications from forms/bunkai? Do you use one-steps training to incorporate it? Currently, I use my sessions in Defensive Tactics and Combat Hapkido, along with bits and pieces I have picked up and pieced together for basic moves and forms applications, along with concepts from one-steps for my self-defense needs. Our organization has a very small group of Ho Sin Sul, but we don't ever do it at our school. So, I have to incorporate self-defense training through other venues.
  16. I read an article in Black Belt Magazine here recently on Larry Wick's Split Second Survival program. I thought that it included some good concepts in it, and would like to see it up close some day. Here is the website: http://www.splitsecondsurvival.com/index.php Has anyone had any experience with what he does? Did you like it? Do you feel that it has value over anything else that you have done, related to armed attacks?
  17. A lot of us are parents here, or have younger siblings, so we naturally have to watch what the little ones want to watch at times. So, my question to everyone here is, what is your favorite kid show to watch, when you have to watch them? I mean, we don't watch them because we want to, but you know, for the kids, right? I enjoy Fineas and Pherb lately. Its a funny cartoon on Disney. My daughter also watches I, Carly sometimes, and its pretty funny, too. My favorite would probably be Fairly Odd Parents, though.
  18. All I have to say is "Long live the Hulk!" Maybe I'll have to start checking out some comics.
  19. Good call, TG, both were Christmas movies. We've been watching a lot of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the one with Jim Carrey as The Grinch. My little one has been enjoying it, and my wife and daughter recite the movie by heart. Watching that one is a tradition for us. My wife also likes to watch It's A Wonderful Life on Christmas day. We also watch A Christmas Story at least once during the 24 hour marathon.
  20. I guess I haven't seen this, so I'll take your word for it. As a judge, I would say that I would look at the knee bend of the stance, specifically from the top of the leg, and not underneath. I think if you can take note of how tall a competitor is, and how long his legs are, then you can judge stances that way, if the pants really distort things that much.
  21. We do not have a setup like this. At times, I wonder if it would be better if we did. However, we don't have a different curriculum, or set of requirments for adults and children; its all the same forms, and the same one-step requirements for testing. Board breaking techniques are the same, but different boards are used ("kid" boards as opposed to adult boards; different size). So at our school, its all the same. I kind of like this differentiation idea, using the do and jutsu suffixes. Its a different touch, but one that makes sense.
  22. I guess if someone flips me off, I just don't take it to heart. I've got a lot of other things in life to worry about than letting someone's display pique my blood pressure a bit.
  23. I think I've seen some of that one before. Its an enjoyable video.
  24. The Martial Arts tend to be categorized, and the categories tend to go like this: TMA: Traditional Martial Arts MMA: Mixed Martial Arts RBSD: Reality Based Self-Defense XMA: Extreme Martial Arts My question to the forum, is what constitues a "traditional" Martial Art? What are the "required" prerequisites necessary for one to even think about tagging their style as "traditional?" I await your responses.
  25. We do. One per belt level, required for testing. In our school, their relevance is pretty much to a testing requirment. Each form tends to get a bit tougher to do, and so there is an increase in skill level as one goes up in rank. Supposedly. We have a strict set, with one form being the creation of our GM, and the rest of the forms are the ITF set, but we don't do all 24 ITF forms. My feeling on forms is that we could do more with them. I don't mind doing forms; I always enjoyed forms competitions. I like to do them in class, too. However, I think that we could do more with them. Our style doesn't do any forms applications (Hae Sul), but I have picked up a book that does show applications for the forms set that we do. I would like to delve into it some in class, or add it into an advanced class setting, so the black belts have something different to motivate them. Those answer your original questions. More to come!
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