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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. In TKD, we don't use the term sensei, and we don't really use any other Korean titles formally in class. I'm just called "mister" usually. But, for me, being recognized as a teacher, means to me that I have a responsibility to the students. Its my job to bring them along as students, and do the best I can to help them understand TKD. As a student (because I still am one), its looking to someone for some guidance in the things I may not quite understand yet, and helping to become the better me that they can make me. Its looking to someone who will tell me what I need to hear, and not what I might want to hear. Its someone who can hopefully help me find the answer that I might not be able to provide.
  2. 6/27/2018 TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:15 pm. Basics, stretch, forms (lots of black belt forms review today: Kwang Gae, Poe Eun, Yoo Sin, Choong Jang), one-steps (orange belt), and sparring.
  3. It's a bit worse than that in my case unfortunately, as if worn cartilage is not bad enough. I had an accident and few years ago. Unfortunately the x ray technician failed to spot the damage. The conclusion in a very busy A and E department was that nothing was broken, just badly bruised, and a few weeks of rest to light activity would fix it. It was about 2 years later when the problems persisted that an MRI and further xray analysis revealed that in fact the two joint surfaces had actually caved in. Fragments of broken bone from the smashed joint surfaces had moved and reset in the wrong position. If we'd realised this at the time, there's a chance that key hole surgery could have saved the joint. As it's all now well and truly set in the wrong place, it's a case of management until it either fuses or possibly a joint replacement. As grim as all that sounds though, in about 50% of similar cases, joint degradation stops, and it gets no worse for years. Wow! Yup. I'd defiantly move to an art with less trauma on the feet. Does kicking bother your feet, or just being on your feet in general?
  4. That's a good question. I think instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I'd take moves that already portray distinct self-defense maneuvers and build my form out of them. Unless I figured something out from my own unfortunate experience of self-defense, and could come up with a way to mimic that movement that would look different than anything I've already seen in a form.
  5. Congratulations on your promotion! I'd say my toughest tests, physically anyway, have been my tests for shodan. All of the colored belt curriculum was required both times, along with the obligatory board breaking and sparring, which makes for a long day.
  6. 6/21/2018 Range Training: 4 hours of range, pistol and rifle. Even did some dueling tree competition. 6/25/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps, and sparring. Prior to class, I did Po Eun and Se Jong a couple of times each, and had decent stretch.
  7. If you can kick that high, then I don't understand where the stiffness is coming in at. It could be more like you haven't trained your body to pull the leg back from that speed, and therefore you out-kick you ability to rechamber it, so to speak. Rechamber is important so that you are putting your body in a position of control after kicking. Most of our kicks have the same chamber and rechamber positions, based on the kick being done. Whether that is right or wrong could be a topic for discussion, but lets just pretend that for the time being we want our chamber and rechamber positions to be the same. If you want to throw a second round kick after that one, you are going to be hard pressed to do so from the position you end in. Your better option is a side kick, but unfortunately, due to that rechamber position, its about your only option without re-aligning your body to kick again. I'd say your best follow-up technique from there would be to go into a spinning technique of some kind with the other leg. That is not a bad follow-up, but once someone notices that its the only follow-up, you become easy to set up. Again, I don't believe stiffness is your issue. I'm pretty stiff myself these days, but I don't have issues with my rechambers. And when I try to slow it down a little, and stop the video as you start the kick, you aren't so stiff that you can't chamber it properly. If you can chamber properly, you can rechamber properly. Your main problem is you are over-rotating a bit.
  8. I've found that keeping the hands closed while blocking tends to help with this. I don't get my fingers jammed up or my wrists hurt nearly as much.
  9. You've come to the right place, Keith! Welcome to KF!
  10. 6/11/2018 TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, stretch, forms (Choong Jang and Se Jong), and a little bit of one-step work. 6/13/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps. Before class, I got about 20 minutes of work in with black belt basics and three-steps. 6/18/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Basics, forms, one-steps, side kick work on the wall. Spent 20 minutes prior to class doing Se Jong, Po Eun, Do Kang 4, and three-steps 1 and 2.
  11. In the first clip on the other post, I thought your rechamber looked more like that of a side kick than a round kick. In these pics of the already extended kick, all I see is an extended round kick.
  12. In the first video of your kick, your rechamber was in the wrong place. It looked like you threw a round kick, and then rechambered it like a side kick with the foot in the wrong position (this was because you were kicking with the top of your foot). Your speed was good, faster than I can kick. But if you can't control it, then you need to slow down and work on technique and muscle control until you get the kick right. If you kick like that and miss, it puts you in a bad position to try to recover from. The kick to the bag was definitely better. But the kick in the air I don't think I'd let slide as an instructor. I'd take the time to work on fixing that part of it.
  13. It sounds like you're talking about what I've heard referred to as a half-moon step, Bob. I don't step that way, either. My foot might come in toward my center line a little bit, but not a lot, and not all the way to the center line. I know of some styles that like to sweep the stepping foot along the ground, too, and I don't like that either. It just tends to be a difference in styles.
  14. I've used both. In self-defense, most of my kicking is going to be pretty low, so I'll favor the shin over the instep. But, that will also be determined on how much the target is moving. I may plan to kick with the shin, but if the target backs away, the instep has to do the job. If I have my boots on, the instep will be tough to get as well, so then its the toes of the boots doing the job.
  15. 5/29/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Since it was the week after testing, we loosened things up a bit, and had a kicking class. After doing an abbreviated session of basics to warm up, I rolled out the Wavemasters and the kicking paddles, and we did a bunch of kicking. Good class and a nice change of pace. 5/30/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. For the meat of this class, I had the kids doing a forms challenge, testing them on their lower ranked material. The did really well for the most part, but there were a few forms we spent some time reviewing with the class. We finished up with some more kicking on the paddles. 6/6/2018 Taught TKD Class: 6:00 - 7:00 pm. After basics, we spent a lot of time on forms, learning new forms after getting testing results in.
  16. It simply has to do with adaptation. The body adapts to the stresses that it is subjected to over time. If you do Martial Arts two times a week, your body becomes adapted to this. If you start throwing in other stuff at random, then the body had trouble adapting to the extra work load, especially if it doesn't stay consistent. Case in point, the foot race you had. Now, if you take up a running program and work it into what you do alongside your MA training, your body will begin to adapt to that as well, and when you do have to run spontaneously, you'll perform better at it.
  17. The movie has started. I came to work. I do have a nice new HD TV with a soon to be hooked up 5.1 surround sound system. I do also have an Amazon account where I can get the DVD. That sounds like a winner to me!
  18. I tend to do that, too, Bob. I especially do that with cop movies nowadays. But, I still find time to try to enjoy myself, and I surprise myself at times.
  19. I agree. I don't get why? I have fiberoptics in my area, I have high-speed internet, get Roku, Netflix, etc. I don't understand why YouTubeTV isn't available here.
  20. Chuck Norris was a game changer. The sheer bulk of movies he put out were great exposure for the Martial Arts, especially in the U.S. I remember watching Chuck Norris movies with my dad growing up. Lone Wolf McQuade is still one of my all-time favorite movies.
  21. I have a few items. I have a coat with our Sun Yi's Academy logo on the back and my name on one of the chests on the front. I have another coat, a hoodie, and several T-shirts that depict our university defensive tactics club, a few Krav shirts from my DT courses through them, and a shirt I got from my training course with Royce. In my community, wearing these around doesn't pose much of a problem for me. I don't frequent drinking establishments all that often, so I don't typically worry about the places I am when I'm wearing these things. Quite often I wear them for training or workouts.
  22. I have days when sparring rolls around that I dread it. Although I'm higher ranked, the guys I typically spar with are younger, faster, and much more athletic than me. I tend to hold my own fairly well against them, as I try not to play their overly athletic game, and do my best to hold my ground, block and counter, and then get inside where they don't like to be. But, its always such hard work to get there, and there's the sense I get that these kids will eventually start to overcome with their superior athletic ability. That's what I tend to dread.
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