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Everything posted by BLOWN

  1. Took the words right out my mouth. I'll switch stances up from time to time just to confuse and worry my opponent. It's funny when they try to circle away from my left, seeing as how i'm originally a righty that learned southpaw and prefer it over orthodox. So I'm generating A LOT more power out of my right then most fighters expect... Advice..Keep training...Keep sparring...Keep mixing it up. With Respect, -Ray
  2. Don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but Larry Hartsell passed away on Teusday morning..Sad Sad news for the JKD Community and Martial Arts in General. My condolences go out to his family, friends, and students. May he R.I.P. With Respect, -Ray
  3. Every Rubics Cube i've ever bought has been beterrn $9-12 bucks. With Respect, -Ray
  4. Far from a speed Cuber lol...Those guys do it in under 20-30 seconds. It's crazy. I use the layer method like you do. Just keep at it. Theres plenty of good videos on youtube. Search for videos from a guy named THRAWST With Respect, -Ray
  5. I can solve it. My fastest time to date is 54 seconds. I actually brought my cube with me on Vacation thinking and during a few minutes of downtime and me yelling at my younger brother, I picked it up, my friend recorded me, and I clocked 54 seconds. My advice, If you don't know the algorhythms, or how the cube functions. Don't even try it. You'll be wasting your time. You need to understand how the cube actually works in order to do it. With Respect, -Ray
  6. Personally, I parry and attack at the same time. I rarely ever just block unless I'm checking a kick. -Blown
  7. Grabbing some bag gloves and working a heavy bag is a great way to shape/tone the muscles in your arms. -Blown
  8. Football, Snowboard. -Ray
  9. Firstly, theres MANY ways to get out of this hold... Ripping the thumb off (not literally off his entire hand) with your free hand is one way you could get out of the lock. Or depending on what side/wrist he grabbed you, grabbing the fatty part of the hand (fatty party along side the pinky) and ripping that off could work aswell. This is all without causing too much pain to the person. If I were in your shoes and I was looking forward to causing pain, i'd pull my arm away as if trying to break out, and as soon as he resists that and pulls back towards him i'd kick strait for his knee dead on. That'll get him off your wrist, simply because he'll be thinking the excrutiating pain in his leg... -Ray
  10. I agree with you for the most part but I disagree on your neck cranks being stupid. I like any submission I can execute in a combat situaton because the opponent will be sorry no matter what happens. From a choke, to an armbar, to an ankle or wrist lock. It's gonna hurt... -Ray
  11. The fact they can't hit the face is kinda boring imo....Too much flashiness and showing off... -Ray
  12. There was a show a couple weeks ago on tv called Final Fu. It was an elimination type of show with all martial artists. THey would spar for points, and go through obstacle courses where they would need to utilize there MA. It was pretty interesting to say the least... -Ray
  13. https://www.myspace.com/rayray312 -Ray
  14. Teach me?-Ray
  15. I usually use strait leg and try my best avoiding the chambering action. -Ray
  16. Agreed. Right now I train with only two other guys. We do full contact sparring every class. Some people come for a few weeks, and realize it's just a bit too much for them. MA isn't for everybody. My Sifu only charges us $80 bucks a month. The only reason he doesn't do it for free is because then EVERYBODY and there mothers comes out but we only have room for about 10 total. We train out of his garage which has well over $20,000 in equipment . At any rate, if your instructor loves what he does, he'll train no matter what. -Ray
  17. Sorry about that. I thought I had found it on Amazon. Thanks for the correction Sohan. I'm pretty sure they still have it available on Ebay. -Ray
  18. Jeet Kune Do. Check out https://www.imbacademy.com Theres a lot of info on Sifu Richard Bustillo there =) -Ray
  19. Totally agree. I love that film, been trying to get it on dvd for ages but cant seem to find it. Any idea's? I've been looking for it aswell. Unfortunately, they stopped producing that movie. Your best bet is to go to Amazon.com and look for it. They also have it on Ebay. I'll be using Ebay to purchase it pretty soon. -Ray
  20. A lot of people like to dog Van Damme. I LOVED Kickboxer and Bloodsport. I also like Jet Li, and ofcourse Tony Jaa in Ongbak Thai Warrior and Tom-Yum-Goong. Jackie Chan doesn't do it for me. Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Van Damme, and Tony Jaa for the win! -Ray
  21. Here are a few pictures from the seminar from a few weeks ago with Richard Bustillo. Enjoy. Here i'm holding the Thai Pads for my friend Kevin. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar055.jpg Here's Sifu Bustillo showing us some armbars and locks on the ground. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar145.jpg Working with the Focus Mits http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar027.jpg Some striking drills we were practicing. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar302.jpg Sifu Bustillo countering a strike. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar255.jpg This one a fun part. Sifu Bustillo was telling us some experiances he had with Bruce Lee and some funny stories. We had a Great time. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar013.jpg This is some of the guys I train with. The guy kneeleing and the guy next to Sifu Bustillo don't train with us anymore. The guy to my right is my Sifu. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar237.jpg This is a picture of the group who attended the first day of the two day seminar. There were about 10 less the second day. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar232.jpg This is me recieving a certifacte of achievement for attending the seminar. It was a blast. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e80/Blazin04Cobra/IMBSeminar550.jpg I have about 450 more pictures. It was an experiance i'll never forget. Had a great time. Hope you guys enjoyed the pics. -Ray
  22. Oh really? Who was your JKD instructor. There were a couple guys from PA that attended it. A short Asian guy whow as a real nice guy. And a tall big white guy. -Ray
  23. That touchless knockout is a bunch of crap. I think it owuld be funny if he tried that on the street and the person just looked at him, laughed, then punched in him the face. I work with some pressure points. Some work better than others. But like mentioned above, Hit hard, Hit fast, And hit with control. IF you land a solid power hit, it's going to hurt regaurdless. Hit a pressure point at the same time, and it's going to hurt even more. -Ray
  24. A book can only teach you so much. I'd pick up a book on Eskrima/Arnis/Silat. And find a school. Best way to learn is to train with other. Good luck. -Ray
  25. I don't know about you guys, but My academy trains extremly hard. I have seen, however, many other traditional schools train like mentioned above; ''Pansies.'' -Ray
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