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Everything posted by WhiteShark

  1. well I kind of have an "advantage" on this topic because I broke my arm in exactly the same way! Always keep your palm in and never reach out to the kick! (that's what did me in)
  2. I'm pretty sure his hand is open because he isn't wearing gloves. Also keeping your hands loose makes your elbows much faster. Thai elbow techniques are always thrown with loose fingers. The right hand catches the kick on the palm for a pass. Basically if the kick is a little short or you happen to be good at the technique you can accelerate his kicking leg past you and down to the ground. This will open up some good targets and often throws them off balance. if you aren't careful you will catch a spinning back elbow or fist. So be careful.
  3. The one thing no one has mentioned is those guys blocked wrong. Their main body movements were probably about right but when the kick hits your arm you have to have your palm IN and your other hand up to lend support with the palm. If your palm is facing out you take the strike on only one bone in your forearm instead of spreading it out over both bones. This is a great picture notice the position of the hands. http://www.gfcmuaythai.co.uk/imagepages/correspimages/Dazahk2.jpg
  4. Because all the best Kickboxers are Muay Thai fighters. And the Thai fighting stance is short. You cannot effectively defend leg kicks with an overly long stance.
  5. Blocking with the upper part of your shin is really the only good way to block a leg kick. Everything else is a nice idea, but that is the most reliable technique. And all of you who recommend taking it have never fought a good Muay Thai fighter or you wouldn't even consider that an option!
  6. Just try it and see if you like it. If your instructor is holding you back, he's a tit.
  7. Depends. And frankly that's always the answer unless you give a lot of detail. For example, Is he a known Wrestler or Football player? Is he staying really low or mostly upright? How much does he weigh compared to you? What's he wearing? Does he have a weapon? What rules are you fighting under?
  8. That is the answer for: Why have different Stances? not the answer for: Why do you ask? SO Why do you ask?
  9. Muay Thai bag, they last longer and are appropriate for low kicks.
  10. Found this site with google seems interesting. http://users.netropolis.net/yawyan/ Yaw-Yan is a Muay Thai-like Phillipino art.
  11. Yes I have a different fighting "stance" for every rule set I fight under. Also depending on the opponent I typically further tweak my stance. Why do you ask?
  12. COUTERPOINT: My GF started training with me about 6-8 months ago. It has only made our relationship better. Before although she would try not to, she would sometimes resent the time I spent training especially if something came up that cut our usual time together short. Now she is there with me training 2 or 3 times a week(I take two courses she takes one). We can spend time together after practice too because we are already seeing each other. It has really helped us in other ways too, we both find it sexy to be in great shape and she likes being able to handle me a little more. For example if we play wrestled before she had no chance and she could tell I was taking it easy. Now with a little training she can hang in there much better.
  13. Tibby that's very true, IF your goals are god-like. What I mean is if one is only lifting for crosstraining and not to be mr. America they probably don't need to isolate themselves and lift like mad. Also a lot of folks who lift as a supplementary activity need the motivation of a partner to stick with it. So just because that kind of personal intense training works for you and your goals doesn't mean it will work for everyone. I know several guys that have made very good gains in the gym but without a partner(in this case me) to help and motivate them they would never have gone back after the first visit.
  14. How old was this "little kid"? And how old are you?
  15. Might want to try the Strategy & Tactics forum.
  16. Water is the best supplement on the planet! I'm sure that part of it is you sweat more and lose more water during your Karate classes than some activities you've done before. Also You probably don't drink enough water during the day. You know how everyone says to drink 8 glasses of water a day? They aren't lieing although I think that might be excessive iunless it's the only liquids you are getting. Try drinking a lot of water (thry to get 24-32oz) the afternoon before workouts and then drink as much as you can hold after you workout. Banannas are also a great pre/post workout food because they have a lot of Sugar and Potasium which are important for energy and muscle function.
  17. WhiteShark


    How about Shidokan? LOL
  18. https://www.trammellfitnessandmartialarts.com also in my sig
  19. Was there any actual Fighting at the "battle"? I can't find any pictures of any...
  20. Muay Thai without a doubt. Simply because of the training intensity. Not many other MAs even come close to real MT training.
  21. I can't figure out which is the "strangest thing". -You going out to do Kata at 3am or -the dude watching you LOL
  22. Goju1, I meant strikes WITH the knee! LOL
  23. What's your point you can punch in the face all day long in shidokan. 2 rounds fullcontact Karate 2 rounds Thaiboxing 2 rounds NHB https://www.shidokan.com
  24. No knee techniques is common practice for you guys? That would take away a very important weapon for me. Karate: We do no punching to the face and that's about it. Thaiboxing: You can punch to the face all you want. Obviously groin shots and intentionally damaging joints is not done.
  25. My school is really "multicultural" My head Instructor is Black and sometimes I'm the only "white" person in class! We also have a traditional Rabbi in our class and about 20% of our guys speak more Spanish than English! Actually it's kinda funnny when the Jewish guy (this was before I knew he was a Rabbi) first started coming to class I hated throwing him because it would usually knock off his yamika(sic) and I'd feel really bad!
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