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Everything posted by WhiteShark

  1. The website for his Dojo only mentions Japanese Wrestling, boxing, and Muay Thai. http://www.takada-dojo.com/
  2. Thanks for keeping this constructive KarateKid!
  3. Here This may help you: http://www.wado-ryu-karate.com/Wado_Kata.html
  4. I like Juka I just got the tournament cut Emerald and couldn't be more pleased. Also they make a Women's cut Gi which is pretty unique. http://www.juka.com
  5. I still say you can pull off a Jump spinning back kick. I do this all the time from very close (arms length). In my school we learn to stay low and only use the jump to accelerate our spin. In any "jump" technique I never let my feet get more than +/- 3" off the ground. I have seen my coach pull a jump spinning back kick while holding my Gi so distance has little to do with it it you are good at the technique. Note: He let's go of the Gi before executing the kick I was just trying to illustrate the distance.
  6. I use jump spinning Back kick all the time in Sparring. It's very hard to counter and when executed quickly and correctly it's also hard to see. So, that's my example of an effective jump kick technique. As far as Flying kick techniques I do them all the time too. ON THE HEAVY BAG! I really can't see any good way to use a flying kick while sparring an experienced partner.
  7. It's always the same! China's Government sends the best fighters from all over their enormous Country to fight a few mid level Muay thai pros. It always ends in a "draw" If you think about it just based on talent pool Thailand is winning even when they tie. Because the population of China will produce more good fighters, its basic math. If 5% of your population can be top notch fighters then a country with 100 time more people will have 100 times more great fighters! Anyway I don't know which is better because they never let the Thais use elbows. Also sometimes they ban knees to the head!
  8. Yeah you guys have obviously never been kicked in the neck! That is the ideal Muay Thai target! A good neck kick will drop you everytime and they definately work in a fight!
  9. WhiteShark


    Interesting developments. Moderaters please don't feel you need to close this thread responding to forum insults is really not my style. Perhaps some useful content can still be salvaged. Sano- If you think my post implied some sort of threat or disrespect to you. I am sorry. Perhaps saying you should be ready for leg kicks implies that I think you are not. That is not what I meant. I just meant that many of the first-time competitors at these tournaments are unprepared for them. I have no way of knowing if that includes you or not. Anyway, best of luck at the tournament whichever one it might be.
  10. WhiteShark


    Well Sano your responses are very strange I have no idea why you would fear being Identified? Anyway onto the question: If you end up fighting me be prepared for leg kicks. In these tourneys most fighters are not ready for good kicks to the leg. Protect yourself and don't forget to block! As far as offensive technique goes in these tournaments you have to look for your opponents opening then exploit it without mercy. If you limit yourself to a planned technique or one combination you are going to lose. If it's the Yoshakai tourney I'll see you there. Oyama maybe Shidokan maybe. I live and train in Atlanta.
  11. WhiteShark


    Why would you not tell tournament info? I was just wondering because your profile says Shidokan Karate which I also do, and there are some tournaments like this coming up that I may be in or have training psrtners in. For example there is both an Oyama tournament and a Yoshikai tourney in Alabama coming up this fall and there is a Shidokan Tourney in Chicago in september.
  12. I had the same exact problem when I was 14 and on swim team. You may not realize it but you can screw around a lot on swim team! Anyway I asked her out which is what she wanted anyway. And at that point I was able to move any flirting out of the pool and into the dates where it belongs. I got to train harder and had a girlfriend before most of my buddies. If She is as fickle as she sounds and my girl was you'll both probably get bored after awhile and you will have gotten in a lot of good training in the mean time!
  13. WhiteShark


    Sano where is the tournament and who is sponsoring it?
  14. Wow I just don't know what to think about that Grappling Girls site. Is it serious? If they aren't naked why is there a members area? Wow, some fetishes are just plain strange.
  15. What is JKA? problem solved! Answer: http://www.tako.gr.jp/ very informative check it out!
  16. What do you mean by "now"? Did you used to also train in a standup style? Because, if not, just smacking the bag without technique and feedback from others is not going to get you very far.
  17. Hand wraps, if wrapped correctly don't get in the way of holding pads.
  18. RELAX RELAX RELAX That's really the only way you can get faster. It's a proven fact that loose muscles can react more quickly. When you spar try and remember to breath and keep your body loose you'll find that you can react much faster almost immediately. The real trick is staying relaxed!
  19. If anyone still cares about the original post topic I'd like to nominate Shidokan for most complete Art. It incorporates throws grappling kata and kickboxing and advanced students practice Kendo sword sparring for you weapon fanatics. A Shidokan tournament includes rounds of bare-knuckle Karate, Kickboxing and NHB-style Grappling. "The Triathlaon of Martial Arts" http://shidokan.com
  20. Well sounds like time will tell. Stick with it though. What kind of thai pads are you using?
  21. Sorry D_Raven but that's not really true. We do punching with weights occasianally and every time our coach reminds us not to over extend the punch. That's what causes hyperextension of the elbow and similar damage can be done to your elbow when using elastics. My point is it's your form that leads to hyperextension not the type of resistance you apply.
  22. Maybe your class is small so there wasn't an option but you should have been paired with someone closer to your own level. Next time pick someone of the same size and experience. If not both go with similar experience. If your coach is picking partners he is: A) toughening you up B) a jerk C) doesn't have enough students pick one.
  23. You forgot the Liver! Most Knockouts to the body come from liver shots. It's on the lower right side of you abdominal area (to the right of the belly button) A good penetrating shot to the liver will drop just about anybody.
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