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Everything posted by WhiteShark

  1. A push with one hand is the ideal opening for a One-armed shoulder throw. Also since you can decide how hard to slam the throw and you can go into finishing strikes and armbars from the post-throw position, IMO it is an excellent option. A throw is a variable response to a variable threat.
  2. Muay Thai fighters often have tattoos the most comon is a tiger or leopard on the upper arm/deltoid area. My old instructor also used to have a buddist prayer of strength and protection tattooed on his neck.
  4. My coach tore his Acl and had a successful surgery. He then won several US and World titles tin the next few years. I think you'll be fine.
  5. One I've been working lately: Left hook/axe kick to right leg round house Throw the axe or hook high mostly going for the hands then when your foot touches throw the right round immediately to the body or leg.
  6. For one thing traditionally Savate fighters wear shoes! Savate actually means shoe or slipper in French.
  7. I "cope" with it by finding a new instructor! There is no reason to take that kind of crap from somebody, when there are plenty of very talented instructors who aren't A$$holes. If you still want an "answer" the old karate instructors in Japan who first taught martial arts to forigners treated students this way becasue the Japanes believed themselves to be a seperate superior race. People like Kano (founder of Judo) and other enlightened teachers slowly changed this perspective in the 20th century. So it's likely that your instructor was taught by an old school Japanese guy. Or, he's just a Jerk!
  8. You're using Page urls instead of Image urls. Your url info should end in a .jpg or .gif NOT .htm or .html To get Image urls right-click on an image and select properties.
  9. Lunges and Squats without weight both work, but the best thing is a Thai drill called "Circle of Death" Circle of Death, assumes you have a propper kickboxing gym with several heavy bags. Start in front of a bag grab it at head hight with your palms in and squeeze with your elbows, this simulates the clinch. Then throw 10 hard knees into the bag run to the next one and repeat. do this without stopping until you get to your original bag. We usually do this with a bunch of people so you have to hurry to stay ahead of them. I usually alternate between straight knees and circle knees. As far as experiences go, the only knockout I've scored was from a knee to the liver. I also have two knockdowns from knees.
  10. Well I just came back from an open Tournament in Alabama and my School which is SHIDOKAN took all the top places in the Semi-knockdown events. 1-4 in the lightweight division and 1-2 in the heavy weight division. (we only had 2 heavies)
  11. "judo is diverting more and more away from it's originol form" This sentiment is usually caused by people not knowing or not understanding the difference between original Kodokan Judo (the complete martial art) and Sport Judo (the strikeless sport). If you find a place that teaches Kodokan Judo you will see that it is quite comprehensive and lessons are very consistant due to better documentation from the very beginning. What I mean is Judo was invented to be repeatable and trainable for many people not just a bunch of secrets passed down from Teracher to premier student.
  12. Well that really depends on where you train. In my Muay thai test there is usually a section about thai vocabulary and history. As far as Wai Kru and Ram Muay I agree with you, although I know them I never do it at a fight. The real problem is many promoters here don't want fighters to take the time out of the schedule to perform them. I have been told more than once NOT to perform a Ram muay and some tournaments only allow sealing the ring!
  13. If you mean after you are going to fall the answer is perform a break-fall. But I'm not sure that's what you mean. More info please?
  14. Although Jackie Chan versus the Axe Gang in Legend of Drunken Master is my all time favorite. There is one interesting fight from non-martial artists that most folks never mention. Pierce Brosnan v Sean Bean in Golden Eye. The fight they have in the satelite antenna is one of the best shot close quarters fights I've ever seen If you haven't seen it give it a look some time. Also it's the first time James Bond fights like a Black Ops agent would!
  15. I've also read a few books on Judo, and I must say I think that Kano's biggest contribution to Martial Arts is his mental shift to a more positive training atmosphere. Without that the popularization of all Japanese Arts would have suffered.
  16. Karate-ka and Shjirkhan, have you ever had a RNC applied by some one who was good at it? there is no way they would let you get your arm up between them like that! Reducing space between you and your opponent is the first thin you learn when applying RNC. Seriously who taught you that? and how do you practice it?
  17. interesting. Who are his current NHB fighters?
  18. I was kinda joking about German Suplex it's a WWE version of the western wrestling Suplex. The Suplex is a legit move but a real German Suplex kinda requires cooperation from your "victim" because in old school pro-wrestling you would bridge afterwards and roll into another suplex. http://www.arsionworld.com/rost/move/rollinggermansuplex.htm
  19. Osoto Gari Double leg hip sweep single arm shoulder throw German Suplex
  20. I didn't see this when it was a new post, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents. Iuse Twins and the quality is really apparent. especially in the shin pads. MyInstructor tells us to buy only Twins and he doen't even sell it.
  21. The tournaments are really cool. The biggest difference between the knockdown and semi-knockdown categories is the use of protective gear. Semi-knockdown wears light gloves and light shin/foot pads similar to point sparring gear. Knockdown wears no pads. They allows full power contact in all techniques except punches to the head which are not allowed. Also no grabbing and no hip throws only sweeps. These rules are specific to Yoshukai some tournaments allow real throws and grabbing the Gi.
  22. It's in Oxford Alabama on saturday sept.13. It's a knockdown and semi-knockdown Kumite! I'm going. Anybody else?
  23. WhiteShark


    It's about the same as from London to Paris. Cheers! or something...
  24. Wow I use a "collar crunch" all the time and I didn't know it! That's my favorite Clinch position for knee strikes. It's one of the few advanced positons that you can still do with gloves on.
  25. No one mentioned it yet but a circular elbow to the exposed portion of his head would drop him shockingly fast. It's a Muay Thai technique if you are wondering. However it's too rough for in-class sparring. If this person is pressing the attack I would sweep the punches out of my way while circling to the right and throw a good leg kick as a "reward" for using such poor technique.
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