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Everything posted by lordtariel

  1. You can put a tremendous amount of force into a small point. It's the main reason why kevlar vests will stop a bullet but are completely innefective against a knife thrust. That being said, you'd probably have to condition and train your hand extensively to be able to do it without breaking or dislocating fingers. I have a small section of a book I purchased to suppliment my jian(tai chi sword) that is dedicated to training the hidden sword hand.(The off hand is held with two fingers out for spearing the throat, pressure points, ect.) You start by thrusting your two fingers into a bag of soy beans for a ridiculous amount of time. Then you proceede to do it in sand and then clay. The training regimine took years. I could see if I can dig up the book for more detailed info if anyone is interested.
  2. This might be it... http://www.africantrees.com/treeImg/bbTrunk.jpg Found it Here. http://www.africantrees.com/details.asp?treeID=1
  3. Guess it only takes 11 years to become the ultimate master of their art.
  4. I'm a true child of the 80's. The Karate Kid was my first glimpse of the martial arts.
  5. I don't truly expect I'll be in a situation where I'll need to fight, but if I do I plan on being perpared. I mainly do it for the conditioning though.
  6. Going through some of these articles I've noticed all kinds of different terms for instructors. For example, my sensei is also a hanshi. I've also seen shidoin. What term is appropriate when? How many other terms are out there?
  7. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how expensive(ballpark) it is to have a gi hemmed and fitted at a tailor as I'd probably bleed to death trying to do it myself.
  8. I'm not sure what type we have at my dojo, but I'll check tonight. They work pretty well though.
  9. Change is it's own worst enemy -Anon
  10. Lord Tariel for Tariel Balisade, a character roleplayed for a long time.
  11. I play a little bit. I've had 2 years of lessons. Used to be big into playing metallica licks, but right now I'm more into chords.
  12. I thought tensile strength was the measurement of how much an object would stretch before it broke. I've only really seen it used in wire and such. Course, I'm not a physics guy either though.
  13. Our training is kobudo. We do Bo, Sai, Tonfa, Eku, and Iaido
  14. That's a great resource site! Thanks
  15. Um... isn't this menacing, tresspassing and assult?
  16. somewhere a 3d effects guy's head has exploded as well...
  17. Do some reaction drills. You don't need to defend yourself so much if you can hit him first. Have someone stand out of striking distance step towards you. Try stepping forward and throwing a jab or reverse punch. Kicks work too. Try to time it so you have completed you strike before his advancing foot hits the ground. If your opponent hasn't finished his attack before his foot makes contact with the ground, you've already beaten him. Hope this helps
  18. If you remember, let me know how they work. I'm going to be starting to learn eku in about 5-6 months. Good Luck
  19. I don't know if it's legal in the US. You could certainly get sued over it. If it was legal, it could root out a lot of mcdojo's though.
  20. Don't put 100% faith in stun guns. I've seen people take hits from them and not be effected. It really depends on the person. That being said, tazers actually fire a thin wire on a barb into the target. If they penetrate the skin, the person can controll how long the shock goes. I don't know about the legality of owning them though. I remember seeing a video on tv once about a crazy guy in Seattle(I think) that was walking down the street with a katana. They hit him with mace, tear gass, bean bag rounds, tazers and a bunch of other stuff and he was still standing. They eventually had to knock him over with a blast from a fire hose, pin him with a ladder and take the sword from him.
  21. I'm sorry but if two guys came up behind me in a back alley like that, I wouldn't be checking my watch, and I wouldn't be walking with my head down, all sluoched over and with my hands buried in my pockets. I'll give that there are a lot of mcdojo's out there that don't deal teach common sense in fight avoidance, but this sounds much like the classic my style can beat up your style argument. Statements and scare tactics like that scream at me to find a different school.
  22. I'd also look for a chance to sweep if you see an opening, especially if you can get a hold of that kicking leg.
  23. I found a couple places online, but as far as I can find, the only place that ships internationally is century martial art supplies. Afraid it's not the cheapest either. The Eku is also known as the Kai Bo so you might want to try searching under that name as well. http://www.centuryfitness.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10051&storeId=10051&categoryId=13526&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=13524&crumb=13501 actually found this place as well before I gave up looking http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=showProd&subid=842 hope it helps.
  24. Does your instructor come across as someone who would kick you out over something like that? Odds are he probably won't. You could ask him if he dissaproves of dating in the school. You don't have to tell him you are. To me, it's fine as long as you keep class as training time and not flirty time. But, if you're going to class just to play around, why go at all? I also recommend partnering with other people during practice, otherwise you'll not get as rounded of an experience with your techniques.
  25. Here's a trick I used with the sweet stuff. For every 8 oz of pepsi I drank, I would have to drink 16-24 oz of water before I could have another 8 oz. This usually cut me down to 16 oz in a day as opposed to the 44 I used to drink. That simple cutback eventually lost me about 26 pounds over a period of 3 months. Of course, I was 230 at the time and only 5'9"
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