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Everything posted by SigungWhite

  1. Gentlemen, I have been competing for many years, not onlyin the US but in Germany and Korea. I have found even though I am a chinese stylist, If I change to the uniform of the day, ie. Karate type uniform I do much better against the big wigs in the Karate world when I am currently. You can see the results of my labors with the top ten awards in the Professional Karate Commission. https://www.pkcheadquarters.org go to rating and look or the instructor tim white in brown and black belt catagories. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/Wizardsr/PICTkd1.jpg just a sample, I took second place in a TKD tournament with a Choi li fut form on 17 Oct 2005 in Manassa, VA. food for thought. My sons fight all the time in the torunys. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/Wizardsr/patpkc1.jpg This my son Patrick in the blue uniform. Sigung White
  2. I have been competing with a willow saber broadsword for the past few years I like the forward figure 8s less stress on the wrist. Sifu White
  3. Ok, Yang Zse, is truely a body builder and a Martial Artist. He is Godan in Shotokan Karate. Could be higher than that now, since that is what he was when enter the dragon was made. Sifu White
  4. Gentlemen, I have been in the Martial Arts for over 34 years, I have many titles and ranks, some genuine and some honorary. However, most of my students jut call me Sifu. I have certified titles, like, SiBak, Sigung, Si Tai Gung, But I also teach Aikijutsu, with titles like Shihan and Kancho. However, most of them even call me Sifu Too. Can't figure it out, but I like it that way. Sifu White is what it is all about. Tim White Director Molum Combat Arts Asscociation
  5. How important is lineage. Some of us old timers respect the lineage. Even though you may practice for one reason or another. Lineage is you history, it is your past, present and future. No one may remember what you studied or taught, but the lineage live forever, as long as one preson takes the responsibility to pass it on, or keep it going. Linage means you existed as an artist. It tells the stories and legends of your martial arts ancestors, It gives life to that which exists to keep us fit, mentally and physically. Therefore, lineage is your life blood of your system. It tells of the those who did or didn't make it ot the family tree. It does not tell who the best of the best are, only that you followed a path that they once tread. I will let this go, for I can go on and on and on. Hope you see the light. Sifu White
  6. Thank you for the compliment. I am always honor with good communications amongst Martial Artist. I just found this site through an affiliate school. so, I thought I would give it a shot. Sifu White Director Molum Combat Art Association
  7. The longfist systems also deal with high kicks and jumping kicks like TKD only chinese style. Sifu Tim
  8. Chin Na is a system of pressure points accompanied by joint manipulation and circle theories like Aikido and Jujutsu Tim
  9. In the Molum Pai Kung Fu System we teach One form per rank level Wing Chun Concepts Silum Tao Bak Mei Basic Walking Form Basic Praying Mantis Bak un Dao do and interpretations Advanced Choi li fut Ginger fist Kuen Advance Praying Mantis Bong Bo, Dao quan shaun Advance Bak Mei 9 Step push Advance Systems Cross fist then Weapons Tiger Fork Sabre Double Daggers Bo Sai Tonfa Tim White Director Molum Kung Fu
  10. All the MLCAA Students wear all black uniforms and the Instructors have Black uniforms with red trim. Tim
  11. I don't think matters what the style or systems, the question is can you fight at all. Every system in the martial arts has it's ups and down. If you are not willing to fight, then who cares what the sytem is or isn't Tim
  12. I like wearing a Black Gi with red trim, in fact all my Black Belts where that type of uniform. Tim White
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