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Everything posted by SigungWhite

  1. Does anyone have any current photos of Mr. Kelly Sifu White
  2. really, and I am sorry for the mix up in names, Yes, it was Steve Sanders, now Mr. Muhammed. Brain Fart I guess, but that is information that I didn't know. Thanks for all of that as well. Sifu White
  3. that is probably true, but I kinda liked the one Take a Hard Ride, with Fred Williamson, Jim Brown, and Jim Kelley. It was a different kind of Western, but it was good for the time frame I guess. Sifu White
  4. For some reason, he has kept a low profile on the movie screen. for the past 15 years. I know that he did do several movies after Enter the Dragon. Sigung White
  5. Back in those days, Steve Anderson (Fastest Hands in Kempo) had just formed the BKF, now it is one of the larger groups in CA. and it is expanding. Sifu White
  6. Those are interesting titles that are used. A couple of them really are lang sorta with the chinese as well. Sigung White
  7. You are Welcome. Keep up the good work. Sigung White
  8. But where does you martilal Arts jouney take you. Or your goals, or is it worth it to you to stay. Sigung White
  9. Definitely. I watch it everytime it is on TV, I also have the video. Sigung White
  10. Hmmm. So, as a trainer, do you feel that all your efforts are paying off since you have sacrificed so much to get where you are today? Sigung White
  11. A large group of Kung Fu system have gone to a Degree,Dan.Kyu or Duan/Cheech system. This allows for advancement and teaching stratagies. Not all Kung Fu Systems have this. Wing Chun has this type of system as well. Some of is commercialization. Howver, many have found this a successful practice and do it with great care. One thing that I have notice like in our System o Kung Fu. They are calle instrutor levels instead of Dans or Degrees. Sigung White
  12. Best of the Best is about a East meets West Competition that has a history between friends and Family, Kinda Good vs Bad, but not totally in that compacity. Honor is the key element. It strikes for committment, dedication and most of all being true to ones self when making a committment. It is about team work and motivation. The Style is Tae kwon Do. Sigung White
  13. Hmmm. I hope you are not suffering from part timers diease. Sigung White
  14. Ottman, So, do you feel that you sacrificed a lot to get the coveted black belt Sigung White
  15. Hmmm..... sounds like culture shock to me. Sigung White
  16. True, but depending on the system will determine your status. Sigung White
  17. True, But Most traditional Kung Fu systems use this type of title system. Sigung White
  18. That is my poiint exactly. I know that this type of dress is the norm if you are in China, but in the US we tend to look at things in the abstract. The Why is always the question. But, Think of how others might think of you in the wrong setting. Doesn't that bring Questions to your mind? Sigung White
  19. That is not a true statement. There are several Northern Systems that use this system as well. I have been involved in Kung Fu research for over thirty years, and know this to be true. There are several Northern Praying mantis systems that use this type of system as well. Ma Jong Law Horn uses this system as well. So, your facts are a little off. Even though, our system teach several system Of Kung Fu and Aikijutsu, I use both a japanse and chinese grading system. Jow Ga is a Northern Family system and it use this type of ranking system as well. Sigung White
  20. Yeah, in china ok, in the US people have a different outlook on reality and some like challenges. No one says you have to dress to meet societie's standard. It is what pleases you. However, would you put yourself on front street in a wild and crazy area that just loves a good fight. Just a thought Sigung White
  21. Kung fu Rank Titles: Si-Dai Jr. Student Si-Hing Sr. Student Si Suk Assistant Instructor Sifu Instructor SiBak Sr. Instructor (Jr. Master) Sigung/Master Instructor Si Tai Gung/Sr. Master Instructor Sijo Founder of the System. This not include the Female Titles. Sigung White
  22. Wearing a uniform in public is like asking for problems. Maybe you don't care what people think, but then again there are others who will challenge you, and that in itself causes problems, and some legal. Sigung White
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