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Everything posted by SigungWhite

  1. In the Molum Pai Kung Fu System. A student may advance every three months. Once they hit the instructor level, then they may advance every two years. Once they are at the Instructor Level 5 then every five years they may advance. Sigung White
  2. This is heartbreaking. On Jan 14, 2006. I received an Email from the USA Wu Shu Kung Fu Association stating that they received information from IOC that Wu Shu was going to be in the 2008 Olympics. Someone needs to get their stories straight. I am sure your got this from the horses mouth, No offense. However, I know several practioners who were set on the 2008 games. Sigung White Molum Pai Kung Fu
  3. I have read and surveyed numerous Black Belts on this subject on other forums. However, What is it worth your you in Time, effort, money, sacrifice, and dedicaion. Sifu White
  4. In the Molum Pai Kung Fu System we have 4 empty hand forms and one weapon. There are 10 forms in the whole system. Each rank past that is two forms per rank. Sigung White
  5. JESS, I agree with you on paying $6000.00 to get a Black Belt. However, I hated spending 28,000, for a college degree, and going to class for years. Yet I earned my degree. Everything comes with a cost. What will that Black belt be worth in 5 or 10 years. No one knows but you. If you earn a Black Belt and never use your skills for anything but personal fulfillment then that was the goal. Same with a college degree. I know several people who have college degrees and don't use them. So, the worth is in the goal of acheiving it. The cost is what one is willing to sacrifice to get it. It is said that we reap what we sow. So, to enjoy earn the Black Belt is a status symbol and a the real time in your martial arts history where your life really changes. Sigung Tim White MLCAA
  6. I would like see one. Do you have a Picture of one. Sigung White polsvcint@att.net
  7. Didn't know that Kung Fu Uniforms had V neck. However, I do agree that sometime the uniform can mean a lot. I am a Kung Fu Guy and I did a TKD tourny in Oct 2005, and I wore a White Dobok vs Kung Fu uniform and still took 2nd in the BB Forms Division. Sgung White
  8. http://home.att.net/~polsvcint/molumcombatarts_news.html Go the bottom of the the page and click on Rank Systems This is our sash sytem for the Molum Pai or Wu Lin Da System. Sigung White
  9. Dragon Mike What part of Indiana are you from? Sigung White
  10. I complete with Double Daggers and Chinese Broadsword. Sigung White
  11. First off I would like to commend those that do judge Kata or Forms at a tournment. They can make or break that event very easily. I have judged many forms and katas in my time frame in the martial arts. I have judged, Karate Kata, Chinese forms, TKD Forms, etc. I have found a common denominator for judging this event. 1. Look for good stances 2. Focus on the technical aspects of the form 3. Look at the power seen and unseen. 4. Look for smooth movement and transition from one tech. to another. 5. Are the into the kata or form. That will make or break for me. Sigung White
  12. I feel your pain. I too had a heart attack on March 16, 1999. I have been in the martial arts for over 34 years. I have been teaching law enforcement, corrections and security at least 25 of it. Always thought I was doing good. I was 45 at the time. I have two stents in my heart now, wishing they were there. I took my doc's advise on exercise, but it wasn't enough. I take choresterol meds etc... However, my love for the arts is my enthusiasm to continue and be prosperous. I still have a stamina problem a little bit. It is that I get more tired now than I did prior to the incident, but I Still train at least twice a week and I compete in tournaments as well and I am now 51. God is real and he is watching. Sigung White
  13. To bend with the wind like a Bamboo or Willow mean is based on force application. The greater force is the wind, the willow and the bamboo are more supple in nature so to survive they go with the force given and return to their natural state. Now you must apply that to your daily living. Sigung White
  14. I would have to agree with all the above. Wing Chuns poster is not that difficult. Restrict your training to what you can do, then progress from there. Sigung White
  15. It is true that Mantis has a lot of Chin Na in the system. However it is based on attacks and breaking vs controlling a subject or opponent. Chin Na is very applicable in the Wing Chun system because of the simplified movements in the system. This allows for better hand control and faster responses as well. Sigung White
  16. Molum Pai (Cantonese) or Wu Lin Ta (Mandrin) Means the Society maritial arts. As so translated by GM T.C. Wong. It contains forms Mostly of Praying Mantis and Bak Mei Kung Fu. With some forms of Wing Chun and Choi Li fut. However, the System is basically taught for self defense. Over the Past 25 years I have added the Basic system of Keisatsu Jujitsu and Chin Na to the system as well. Since I am the Second in line to inherit the system I have taken many pains to keep it online as I was taught, but I have to realize that it is important to change with the times. I am also a police trainer so it comes in handy when I am trying to create drills for law enforcement personnel to train as well. Sigung White Note: Just a question, What is CLF stand for? I feel ignorant if I don't reall understand the comment.
  17. Yes, The Sash system has grown in the US for a couple of reasons. The first is based on competition. Kung Fu Students like to know where they stand with their competition. So Amercan Instructors had to find a way to prepetuate that in a way that helped them keep their schools open and to keep their students in a line of progression. Normally, there would only be advancement from Novice, Intermediate, advanced, Instructors etc.... So, to really answer your Question is that yes it is a north american thing. However, it has been duplicated in many other countries around the world as well.. Some Kung Fu System are using the Duan/Cheche System of ranking as well. Sigung White
  18. I didn't realize that anyone would take the signature line to this level. I think that signature only reveals an outline of experience and the nature of the person it describes. Some are Ego based, others factual or both. Some are based on believes and ideology and other on poetry. So, my response is why is a signature line important anyway. I have one and I use it to outline my experience. It give the read a better understanding of who I am. Sigung White
  19. This is a true statement. I thought were were talking perferences, with power. However, forward 8's give more moving power than reverse, and reverse gives better follow through to go through the cut without changing body posistions too often.
  20. Yes, a kick is a kick and a punch is a punch. Only you know if you can through it and make it work. Nothing more and Nothing less. However, In a real fight no one cares about style or systems, just surviving the fight.
  21. As a hard and soft stylist. I like to see, tiger hooks, Broadsword, Tiger Fork, and Daggers. Sigung White
  22. Good luck with the class, I hope you have fun...... Sigung White
  23. Well, I would say or ask, what are you comfortable with, shoes or boots? The perference should be yours. If you are a good or average kicker, you don't need them at all. Just be effective with the kicks you use. Sigung White
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