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Everything posted by SigungWhite

  1. Thanks guys for those kind words Sigung White
  2. Just FYI, World Black Belt Inc. announces that Master Instructor Howard Jackson has passed away of Lukemia. He was a student of Chuck Norris and played in several of his films as bad guy except one. Howard Jackson was a determined fighter in late 70's and early 80's. I was also a world Kickboxing Champion. We Salute Mr. Jackson now and forever more for being a great man. Sigung Tim White
  3. I have been on National TV before, it is a fun, but it is a pain in the glutes. Sigung White
  4. I realize that, I am saying I don't charge for lessons and that I have some risk, and yes I still pay insurance through my training business for teaching Law Enforcement, security, and corrections personnel and Martial Arts. Sorry if I was misleading there Sigung White PS. I don't train too many outsiders, Now it is mostly family and friends.
  5. No, I was not in the film. However, I have been aske to come an audition for their next film. How is that. Sigung White
  6. I have a Home Dojo, My Barn is convert with artificial floors, mats, total gym, kicking bags etc I have everyone who trains here to sign a waiver. It is just that simple, besides, I only charge for promotion fees and other club activies that we all attend. Sigung White Note: I too had a commeriical school at one time as well.
  7. Kung Fu is Mandarin for Special Skill Gung Fu is Cantonese for Special Skill Wu-Shu Translated mean Martial Arts The reality of is all Sigung White
  8. Jim Kelly is also a prominent member of the Black Karate Federation as well, Directed by Hanshi Steve Anderson Kempo's Fastest Hands, as recorded by BB Mag. Sigung White
  9. I know the Directors and actors in the Film. I will be meeting with them on Mar 19, 2006 at the PKC Indianapolis, tourney, at Stoneybrooke Elementry School, Event hosted by Herb Johnson. Sigung Tim White
  10. I have promoted, 18 to 1st Dan 12 to 2nd dan 4 to 3rd Dan 10 to 4th Dan (mostly independents) 1 to 5th Dan 1 to 6th Dan 2 to 7th Dan Sigung White 8th Dan MLCAA
  11. Jakmak, I love your answer. Sigung White
  12. This is great stuff. sigung White
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. I appreciate it. Sigung White
  14. For those guys it is a start, Heck even Chuck Norris had his day. Sigung White
  15. I agree with that about an 11 or 12 year. However, I think that junior programs give kids confidence in dealin with life's little situataions. If they are a junior BB who cares. Sigung White Note; it won't take anything away from the Martial Arts
  16. I know that in Korean, by the time a TKD kid is 17 or 18 they are already 2 or 3rd dans. They don't have a junior system there either. Sigung White
  17. Hey, it you watch the trailers, let me know what you think. Sigung White
  18. I would like to take a different angle on the today's Black Belt. 1. I look at the promotion like the a combination of military and educatonal traits. I want Black Belts who are willing to pass on what they know. I want my Black Belts to be responsible for their lives in the General Sence. 2. Todays BB are independent minded and creative. So, to maintain this I let them be that way and give them ownership in their lives. 3. I don't use a Jr. Black Belt System because I choose not too..... Sigung White
  19. Bound by Blood is a MA film which was produced here in Indiana. It uses Martial Arts in the area Stars: Chris Cones, Sean Eichenberg and GM Young P. Choi. http://boundbybloodmovie.com/home.htm I had the opportunity to meet and talk to the director and stars of the film this past weekend. The DVD will be out by the end of March. The trailers look really good and believe it or not it has a good story line to it as well. Tim White
  20. Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee. Blood Sport 1 with Jean Claude VanDam The Presidents Man with Chuck Norris Siguung White
  21. Some of you may know or may not know the following Karateka Masters. Even if you do or don't you will be sadden by the news that I bear. Hanshi Ken Knudsen from Chicago, was killied in a plane crash on 1/31/06. He was great tournament promoter in that area of the Country. Mr. Eubanks who also hosted the Bluegrass Nationals also past away in the past week or so. They will be greatly missed. Sigung White
  22. Glad you made a decision. Just have fun doing it or it will be useless. Sigung White
  23. That doesn't include judo or TKD because they are already estabished Olympic sports. Sigung White
  24. No one knows really why they don't have it, maybe costs, maybe polictics. Regardless of anything we do or say at the moment, there will be no me MA sports in the 2008 Olympics. Sigung White
  25. The International Kung Fu Federation is attempting to get Kung Fu in the Olympics as well. They will hold the 2006 Workd Game in New Deli, India this year. I would really like to see this happen. Sigung White
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