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I'm sort of in the same boat SevenGoals - I'm 5'7 and only weigh 100lbs. No matter what I eat/how much I exercise I don't put on weight. I would do as Bushido said though, talk to your doctor and nutritionist - I'm sure they'll be of more help. Come to think of it, I should do that myself.
The fights I've been in are mostly alcoholic driven and pretty much why I come off second best every time. Should really learn to control my drinking.
My son got into a fight at school!
Toby replied to Shotokan-kez's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Sorry to hear what happened about your son. The two bullies have shattered his ego, and it is sad to hear. I have been a victim of bullying myself... Though not so much on a physical scale - more mental. I think that maybe you should tell your Sensei about it and see what his views are about the situation, I doubt it would make the situation any worse. I mean, if I were in Ryan's shoes I too would be very upset and disappointed with myself if I knew all my training and hard work didn't pay off, or I wasn't able to defend myself with it. Having said all this though, I have had no formal training myself so it is not really my place to comment, just putting my 2c worth in. For what's it's worth. I also know though that even with all the MA skills in the world that every fight cannot be won. It's just a fact of life. I would say to Ryan that this is exactly the reason why he should continue on in his training. To better prepare for situations like the one you mentioned above in the future, should they arise. -
I think, I would be tired! Yeah, I reckon I will too after that workout... I'll see how I go.
This is what I'm trying to work on for a new training schedule... Stretch. Run for about 3-4ks. Home gym (weighted rows, pull downs, leg curls, etc. 10lbs, 20, 30, 40, 40, 30, 20, 10). Push ups/Sit ups/Pull ups. Skip or Exercise Bike. Free Weights Light - Medium - Max - Max - Medium - Light - Barbell Squats, Bench Press, Dead Lifts, Rows, etc. Heavy Bag. One more run before bed. Stretch. What does everyone think?
I had a stiff neck the other day too, not sure what from. And my boos has one today, must be going around. I used to have bleeding knuckles, elbows, knees. etc from using the heavy bag with no gloves or anything. Must of got used to it now though, no more bleeding.
Whenever I do pull ups or rows (as well as push ups and bench press for that matter) I always try to alternate which ways my palms are facing (and my grip) each set in order to work different muscles. And I try and hold my position for as long as I can at the end of each set.
Well, I have a blood clot type thing on the lower half of my right leg, not DVT though, apparently, doctor's don't know exactly what it is. Have had it since about 1999... I tripped over a log on a school trip, came back on trains, buses, etc, lots of sitting, didn't think much of it. Apparently all my veins have wrapped around the lower half of my leg like a sponge so it looks all puffed up, and it's hard and lumpy. Going to the city in about 3 weeks to have another check up, see if anything has changed. All doctor's have advised me to do is wear a stocking-sock type thing on long trips. I still do exercises on my legs, seems to help it out a little.
Didn't Bruce Lee used to be able to hold 2 120 lbs dumbbells? I reckon I read that somewhere.
I can do about 30-40 lbs for about 12 reps or so. How about yourself?
No worries, cheers for the links man.
Faktion and Stone Sour are awesome... Haven't heard of the other bands though. Might have to look them up. I'm a rock/alternative/metal guy, so I love to train while listening to music from those genres.
I can do knuckle push-ups no worries. I tried doing three finger push-ups today and could do them too, was quite surprised. Speaking of which, is this a good idea, to be doing knuckle and finger push-ups? Okay, well maybe only wondering about finger push-ups now... Since knuckle push-ups have been covered already. Actually, I'll do a search, see what I can come up with.
You'd probably know this. Is it illegal to have possession of Nunchaku's in Australia? I mean, do you have to have a permit for them? Reason I ask is cause' my older brother tried getting me some for my 21st, but couldn't. Yet he could get steel Sais. Just seems a little silly to me. Just my two cents. Any insight anyone can give would be great.
Well, I think this is what I'll do. Talk to some of the local police officers about it while they're off-duty and see what they think I should do (some are on the same football team as me anyway). That way it's neither an official or non-official thing. It's just me asking what to do about this situation... So hopefully things should not escalate. Failing that I think I'll just have to do what Jiffy has suggested and show the guy that I wont be intimidated by him. Thank you to everyone for their advice. I appreciate it a lot.
Thanks for the replies guys, Well, it's not in school and neither of us are underage. Thing is, I feel if go and talk to the police about it (whether it be in an official or unofficial manner) it'll make things escalate. Which I don't want to happen. The really sad thing is, as soon as someone equivillant or bigger in size to him steps up, he backs down.
I agree with that, but... I don't want to go that far. I want to try and sort it myself, without the authorities. I'll see what happens. Thanks for the reply.
Okay, this guy threatened to kill me twice (at the time people were there to protect me). First time he says I said some not so nice things about him (which for the record, I didn't, but I still tried apologising to him, he wouldn't have a bar of it). Second time he had my bro on the floor chocking him (or something to that affect, arm around his neck), not sure how it started, they were both mucking around with cream, putting it on eachothers faces, he obviously didn't like to get back what he gave, so I got involved and it started again, plus he calls us Handicaped/Cripple sometimes. I get sick of it. (We can't help how we are. I mean we can still do everything normal, just not as perfect as some other prerson... if that makes sense?) Third time was only verbal, last night. What should I do? I mean, I haven't fought properly yet (and don't intend to, unless I have to fend him off), but he keeps pushing the fact that me and my twin bro arn't perfect. He needs to learn a lesson. I'll only go to the police as an absolute last resort, I'd rather try sort it out myself. What do you all think? Opinions appreciated. Toby Edit: Probably the wrong place, but I'm so used to veiwing/posting here... Mods move if you feel it appropriate. PS: We are on the same football team and have the same mates, so it's kind of hard to avoid him. We end up in the same places most of the time.
What is the Biggest weight you have lifted and how many reps
Toby replied to Jeet Kune Do's topic in Health and Fitness
30 kg - 20 reps, 40 kg - 12 reps, 50kg - 6 reps. -
I do all sorts of training, whenever possible. That includes rowing, push ups, sit ups, chin ups, bike riding, skipping, weights (max on bench, middle on dead lifts/squats, light demb bells), heavy bag/speed bag. Now, I was in a bit of a rut just like you Coco - But just in the last few days I can now max out on bench press at 50kgs/100lbs, 15-20kg/30-40lbs higher than say, a week or so ago... I don't even know why I tried to go for a higher weight... I'm glad I did though. Now, I'm not a big guy (5'7" - 55-60kgs/110-120lbs) So I'm pretty much lifting my own body weight. I'm quite proud. I have also tried to cut a lot of the crap out of my diet lately too. I guess hard training and improving your diet paies off in the end... Even if you don't notice it at first.
I had the same problem... still do sort of, but not as much. All I can suggest is to do knuckle strengthening excersizes and keep practicing. Your knuckle will eventually get better and stop being sore. Also as the other posters have suggested. See a doctor.
Sounds like you're talking about Aikido perhaps? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aikido It mainly focuses on defensive techniques... "Aikido incorporates a wide range of techniques which use principles of energy and motion to redirect, neutralize and control attackers."
http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/203938/Training_with_Bruce_Lee_7_books http://www.torrentspy.com/search?query=Bruce+Lee&submit.x=0&submit.y=0 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lee Hope it helps.
My Friend Needs Your Thoughts and Prayers!
Toby replied to Sohan's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
My thoughts go out to Richard and his friends/family. I'm sure he'll get past this. -
Beginning to learn Muay Thai?
Toby replied to Toby's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Nah, it's cool man. I'd probably feel the same way in your situation. I get frastrated at times too, since I can't learn MT face-face.