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Everything posted by Toby

  1. Whatever anyone practises could be classes as "Jeet Kune Do" - as long as they mix in their own styles. Brandon Lee said he has his own style of Jeet Kune Do.
  2. Run, Swim, Bike, Row, Skip, Heavy Bag, Speed Bag...
  3. Thanks once again for all your imput guys... And I didn't even think this thread would go past a page long. I'll keep practising.
  4. To kungfubluesky - What exactly is neigong and how do I try it? TheAnimal - I do practise punching and kicking a lot (everyday) and I also hit the weights everyday, do push ups (with weights on my back now), sit ups, bench press, etc (as I said in my first post). But thanks anyway for your input.
  5. Hey Shogeri, Thanks for that very insightful look at the way the body works. One of the most in depth explinations I've heard so far. One more question... When you hit a punching bag, do you use gloves. I'm just asking, as I don't wear gloves cause' I figure my knucles will get stronger and more resistant if I don't wear gloves. Or would that just be causeing injury?
  6. You're right mate, go for it... hope it helps. Thanks for the offrer Jiffy, might just take you up on it And thanks to everyone else for the advice.
  7. Thanks for the extra tips Jiffy . You don't know about any secret MA classes here in Ceduna do you? Toby.
  8. Thanks for the tips guys, at present this is what I do in my daily workout: 20-30minutes stretches (plus 3 min jog for warm up), 10 minutes rowing machince, 10 mins bike machine, 10 minutes push ups (knuckle), 10 mins heavy bag, 10 minutes speed bag, 10 minutes chin ups, 10 minutes skipping, 10 minutes running from one object to another about 20 metres apart (can't remember what that's called at the moment), and then 20-30mins warm down (plus another 3 min jog.) Any other ideas that could help me improve? Thanks, Toby.
  9. Hey guys, Just wondering what are some good ways to improve punching and kicking power. Thanks, Toby.
  10. I have a rowing machine also, how long would you spend on it a day? Just curious. By the way, I agree with you... I tend to get sore knees also. But the rowing machine is easy on the body.
  11. Those are very wise words Ron and I am thinking a lot about what you have said... Since thinking about it I could put it another way. I admit, seeing Bruce Lee/Jet Li in a movie(s) is what first got me into liking Martial Arts. So I began to look deeper into it and researh it. Since then however, I have also really wanted to learn Martial Arts so that I can defend myself when need be (that's not to say that I don't have respect for Martial Artists with Black Belts, Because I do. I admire them infact.) Basic self defense is just a starting point for me, whether it be from one style, or gaining a little bit of knowledge from various styles. If I go beyond learning just basic stuff and end up with a Black Belt (doubt it), then that's just a bonus. The styles I am interested in are JKD, Karate, TKD, and Wushu (think that's spelt right)... This doesn't necessarily mean however, that I will not look into other styles. Hope that gives you a clearer picture. Thanks again, Toby.
  12. Thanks for your concern h2whoa, but I think I'll be fine... I've endured pain all my life (more so than some people), so basically I'm used to it.
  13. Nah, Port Augusta is the closest and that is about four and a half hours away... Even the gym we have here is now closed. Oh well, I'm getting a punching and speed bag soon.
  14. No worries, Thanks for that tufrthanu I appreciate what you have said... I will start practising what you have suggested, all I have been doing at the moment is push ups, sit ups, riding on an excersize bike, rowing machine, dumb bells, bench press, and using a bull worker (or something similar to it). I'm also getting a punching and speed bag soon as well. I guess I should just practise more and more, and I should eventually get better. Thanks again, Toby. PS: As for there being an instructor here, there use to be... But not anymore.
  15. Hey everyone, I'm very interested in Martial Arts, but don't really no where to start... I have a few Bruce Lee books and training guides as such, that's a start I guess... But I would just like to know how some of you guys build up your speed, strength, techniques, what equipment you use and how you got started. Any help and input that I get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Toby. PS: Where I live they don't have Martial Arts schools or instructors, so I kind of have to try and learn it myself, which makes it hard. Is it possible that I could train myself?
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