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Drunken Monkey

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Everything posted by Drunken Monkey

  1. Of the first, perhaps calling it Chinese, because he WAS Chinese (which he claim his US citizenship-somewhat trying to have cake and eat it too) what? i'm born and raised in the uk. does that mean i'm NOT chinese? Of the second, somewhat of a "oxy-moron". If he had stated this, makes me wonder of his terms of philosophy why? him not having faith in the chinese arts has no bearing on what he calls his art. if anything, if he truely believed that his art could possibly revive/restore his and hence other people's faith in the chinese arts then why wouldn't/shouldn't he call it a chinese art? after all, if you believe that your martial art is losing something, then wouldn't you try to restore that thing to its original glory?
  2. pai gow? um, not sure what that is. the closest i can think of that it could be in cantonese, is a chinese gambling game that uses dominos.....
  3. um.... not sure how to answer this... i generally don't kick higher than my own stomach/solar plexus level. i guess that equates to, in terms of targets, the hips.
  4. you don't want to keep have to keep practicing the basics? so.... does that mean that once you've learnt how to do one punch, you won't practice it ever again? or when you've learnt how to do a particular kick, or throw or lock or whatever? has it ever occured to you that you don't do much contact drills or sparring cos well, your basics aren't up to scratch? maybe if you put as much effort into doing your basics as you do copyinmg things from books/vids, you'd be getting on with more different things. in my old class we never did any of the basic in class. that was expected of you to do at home. the class was where you got to cross hands with other people and try things that you've been working on by yourself on a live opponent. but if you haven't been doing your boring punching drills (and our friend aefibird knows them well) the instructor, as well as other students, will know/see/feel. that's when someone more senior will ask to see your form and punches and stuff and if you haven't practiced, it will be blindingly obvious. and this thing about mcdojos. well, i know that they are everywhere but is the converse also true? is it really that hard to find a good school?
  5. .....i think because he makes it look so easy that people don't realise just how good he is. there is one particular set of out-takes, at least that's what i think they were.... well, basically, it was for a kinda jump and roll off/along the top edge of a wall (or something similar). and jackie was demonstrating what he wanted .....except he only got it right once.... so there was this bunch of guys all taking a run-jump-step-roll off the edge but no one could get it. what i couldn't help but notice is how effortless it all seemed. what makes it worse is that whenever these guys get it really wrong and it looks like they're gonna crash headfirst into the ground, they tuck and roll out+stand up out of it. even the god-dammned mistakes are 'perfect'.
  6. something just came to mind. y'know the old six degrees of separation between any two people in the world. you - your wing chun sifu your wing chun sifu trained under austin goh austin goh is kung fu brother of eddie yeoh eddie yeoh trains my cousin cousin - me is that 5 or 6? not bad for a you in WI and little old me on the other side of the world!
  7. ...the office. that might've been me.... i've found it to be a good method to tell if someone on the internet really is a brit. but people seem to have caught on about the show now. hmm, maybe i can get a few episodes onto cd for you.... i'll have a look at see what i can do. i'm still in shock at the speed of the post!
  8. iron monkey's a ninja movie? um, wrong country mate...
  9. well, open minded is accepting without thinking. saying you must be open minded to new/unknown things is all well and good in concept but in practice, it doesn't really work. i'd rather listen. then listen some more. i'd reserve judgement when i feel i'm better qualified to do so. i'm not going to be open minded about things just because i don't know about them. if i don't know about it, then i should go and find out more, not just accept it with an open-mind. can i shoot fireballs out of my hands (or perhaps behind)? hey who knows, maybe i can. if you're open minded, you might believe me or at least try to make reasoning as to why that might happen (thereby arguing my case for me.....) the rational mind thinks first, then realises that i am joking and will go on to make a witty response.
  10. from what i gather, jackie chan learns how to do the martial arts but not how to fight with them. if you get what i mean. if you like, he 'imitates' them. after all, he is an actor at the end of the day. is an actor really going to learn a martial art for fighting? but then again, this doesn't automatically mean he can't fight with them, if only purely because of being stupidly fit, strong and familiar with the moves, techniques, ranges etc etc. as for his learning wing chun from leung ting. i'm not sure what i think of that....
  11. hesitant to give SotD a GF? but it's got that kinda of humour in it. that kinda of humour goes a looong way. need i remind you of title pending 2? or of course, U.S vs H.K.....
  12. yi sang (yi-shong) what's this supposed to be?
  13. every time i've walked into a new palce with the intent to learn, i start from the beginning. if i don't, i just end up doing my stuff in their class as opposed to learning their stuff. even when i've gone into a new wing chun place, i've started on the most basics just so that hey can at least see/feel what my hands are like. after all, even the same style has little differences. especially with something like wing chun, where how you do things is different to what you originally learnt. a new class means another 'original' to work from. maybe it's an ego thing. i know wing chun kinda instills a certain mentality into you. for a start, during your training, you learn to not judge people because with wing chun, you just can't tell who is good or not by looking at them. in turn, this means that you too are a little cautious of 'bragging' and you kinda look at everyone with care not to underestimate. our judge is in the hands, not in our words. and all too often, the ones who say the most have the least to show.
  14. an open mind isn't all it's cracked out to be. i prefer to be rational.
  15. whoa....... seven. mate. i never had you figured as a kenshin fan........ um, anyway. have any of you seen 'ebichu the housekeeping hamster'? on a more serious note... i'm a really big fan of the studio ghibli stuff. never fails to bring a smile or make me shed a tear. i've never really been able to get into the looong series stuff. i have a pair of cousins (bro+sis) that are really into their anime. there's a little pig in hk called McDull that i'm kinda fond of but unless you know cantonese it won't make much sense. translations just don't work.
  16. hmm, does SotD qualify for a GF rating?
  17. um, i don't see my name on that list there patrick....
  18. but if you had impaled the kid, then you'd be um, famous......
  19. ....martial arts require kung fu...... sorry. couldn't resist.
  20. Wanting to lose weight and wanting it bad enough to actually change your lifestyle are two totally different things. and that is exactly what is bothering me about this. the first time he asked/mentioned wanting to look at a new diet to 'show his doctor' was three months ago (june 29th) this thread was started on sept 25th. if he really wants to lose weight, what has he been doing for the last three months? c'mon, three months to sort out a diet?
  21. me? i don't recall that i've ever had the stuff used on my head. it's normally reserved for soft parts of the body i.e arms, legs, body.....
  22. ....well, barely an uncle AND only on a very slight connection. my main training-lineage makes us cousins. anyway. the 40 points is almost a separate style of wing chun that lee shing learnt/taught. it was a brief 'loose technique' wing chun that leung jan taught when he went back to his home village. i know lee shing's senior student teaches it but i'm not sure if austin goh has it in his school, which is why i asked.
  23. but isn't your doctor/nutrionalist supposed to do this? y'know set out a diet plan for you. my diet? i don't have any special diet. if you eat what i eat, you'd probably get worse. example: last night i had a rice-bowl portion of b&j chocolate fudge brownie ice cream AND a slice of summer fruit cheescake for dessert. and during last night i finished a 150g packet of bacon flavour crispies. i'm about 5' 5" and weight about 55-57 kgs. i don't eat anything special and i'm not exactly active. telling you what I eat isn't going to help YOU. as the other two here have already said; go and do some research of your own.
  24. oh right.... yeah..... forgot about that. well, y'know how it is. old age and um, stuff on my mind. hey, i just realised that according to the wing chun family, i'm your uncle! hehe..... anyway. you mentioned pien san wing chun; are you doing the 40 points as well then?
  25. am i too late? conchurros@icqmail.com
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