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Drunken Monkey

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Everything posted by Drunken Monkey

  1. Wade-Giles and Pinyin changes it, or shall I say "complicate" it nope. they attempt to write how it sounds. they dont write or re-write the word. the word only exists in chinese. you're still not understanding it.
  2. i could be really annoying and only use chinese terms for everything and alienate myself even more.....
  3. not what i was talking about. i mentioned turtle cos she has it in her avatar. i know, i had a pic of a girl in mine for a while but that was different and understandable..... i was just curious as to why, of all the animals, you chose to ask about the crane. anyway. no other reason for saying female? hmmmm.......
  4. they are because they don't get anywhere when you keep posting the same things over and over again. i wouldn't mind if there was some kind of progression but all you do is blindly go ahead with your of posing questions without consideration of what has been said previously. the short answer to what you asked is: no. the context plays a part in you understanding what 'character' the romanisation might be for. understanding of what the word is only comes after knowing what the character is. it doesn't take another form. i can only say you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. i have said this many times already. the only correct way to spell these things are in chinese. the romanisations are not a way of spelling the word, but a way of writing how the word sounds phonetically. which is why debating over romanisation is pointless. again. if you look at the real words, there is no debate.
  5. in that case. i'm not really sure. why do you ask in the first place? and why would you say it is female?
  6. all of these 'words' you are bringing up are not the actual words. they are romanisations. they are only a way of writing how the chinese words sound. and if you're not talking about the word from baguazhang then why bring it up? what significance does it have? this whole discussion is a waste of time. you are either really don't understand or you're trying to rile me. "Can the term "Zhang" take on many forms when used in different context?" no. you are trying to make a point using romanisations of words. romanisations are not a way of writing a word. they are a way to sound like the word. the word only exisits in chinese character form. "bai zhang, zhang cheng, Zhang He, zhang men" the zhang here are spelt differently. it doesn't matter in the slightest taht it might be 'spealt' the same using a,b,c cos it isn't the real word. if you look at the real word/character, there is no discussion. do you understand? if you want to talk about context of these words, it would only work in chinese, which you do not know. if you did, you wouldn't be asking these inane questions.
  7. is this a question that you know the answer to or is it a genuine question?
  8. .....isn't the actual ninjutsu (ninpo?) mostly about how to climb walls and trees and how to hide and stuff?
  9. i think a good instructor knows when to say "yes, good" and when to say "no, bad" and when to simply say nothing at all. i think a good instructor knows when to teach you something, when to show you something and, like before, simply let you get on with it.
  10. i take it that's another question you're not going to answer?
  11. no. the zhang as in baguazhang is NOT puffy or swollen. why do you ask such stupid questions? i have no idea what you are on about the 'sounds' you are shoeing here can be any number of words. you'd have to show me the chinese characters or else it is meaningless. which is why i mentioned 'palm'. in chinese, it is almost always 'eight trigram palm', not 'fist'.
  12. in which case i offer my apologies. um just so you know, turtles are taken to be a predominantly male symbol in the chinese culture......
  13. on whose authority do you have, that no one knows how the shaolin monks used to train?
  14. i always thought 'zhang' was used for 'palm'.
  15. ....i'm a terrible organiser. i think a couple of the brits here might be going to the goju karate weekend coming up soon. no harm in saying hi while we're there. and the bogbeast says he might be coming to london next year sometime, so again, just a hi and all that. i think an actual official big meet would need someone with more brains and patience than i have.
  16. i think it's important that you ask yourself why you want to do something. never befraid to ask why and never be afraid to change your mind. the worst thing is spending 7 years studying for something, working for another 10 ten realising on the eve of your 40th birthday taht maybe you made wrong choice about your career. BUT now you've got a wife, a child in school and another on the way, a house to pay for and regular bills; you might not be able to take a few steps back without turning your world upside down. esp. with something like medicine. once you go down that route, there aren't many ways to change without starting anew and that is a very tough burden on those around you as well as on yourself and your mind. this is something that's always on my mind. by the time i'm fully qualified/certified, i'll be about 30, then i'll be working properly. i'm kinda lucky that once i'm qualified i'm pretty free to do what-ever i want within the design world but it's still a big commitment on my part and if i wasn't at least 95% sure, i wouldn't have started.
  17. .....and it maybe cos of my styles peculiarities but we tend to 'lead' with the elbow. i.e move elbow into position first. well, kinda.... it's one of those things i'd have to show you.... dammit. we really have to sort out a meeting one of these days.
  18. so is that nice guy so he won't fight? or nice guy so he'll let him win?
  19. ***adopts mister miyagi speech patterns*** pc pc, same same. intention here (points to head) intention here (points to heart) intention not here (does hand gesture to represesnt speaking)
  20. well, i got it wrong! it wasn't me! hmm, does that mean the mods haven't seen him baiting me? oops, did i say that out aloud.....? anyway. apparently, equine of the non-living persuasion. he had caused several threads/posts to be modified/deleted cos he was bombarding them with things about dead horses.
  21. um, this depends on where our hand is to begin with. part of our aim is to be able to do things without the need to re-chamber or similar. i.e be able to punch, anyhow from any distance, with our hands in any position. well, severed and on the floor not included.... if i intend to hit with the knuckles, i would basically 'draw' the straightest line from where my hand is, to the target. and yeah, loose hand, whipping to closed hand; almost like a snatching movement. but then again the intention also plays a part. i.e knock, shock, push, whatever. hand tends to withdraw/relax down the centre, unless it is required to do something else.
  22. Yeah, the problem basically is that these words weren't originally written with the Roman alphabet, compounded, of course, by the fact that depending on where you go, you get different pronounciations. finally, someone here who understands. there is a correct way of spelling these things. as the guy says, it is in chinese and does not involve the roman alphabet. everything you see written using the a,b,c are romanisations and are only how the word is pronounced. they are not, technically, how the word is spelt, but how it sounds; hence mulitple ways of spelling and multiple uses of the same 'spelt' sound. ergo; sifu, shifu, siafu and what have you are all correct as far as the sound is concerned, ignorning differences in regional pronounciations. BUT they are not how the word is 'spelt'.
  23. no, but i really did mean 'comprehensible'. i'm not offended. i made a mistake. if you look at my older posts, i'm a bit of a freak when it comes to errors that i make and i spend quite a bit of time chasing my own typos and such..... i have no problem understanding the nature of trying to explain a concept that exists in another language.
  24. oops, sorry. 47. i think the animal he's not allowed to mention is me.
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