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Everything posted by trustkid1

  1. I start when I was 32. So don't feel bad. I'm doing martial arts for about 6 years and I'm loving it.
  2. I used to do that too with my son in TKD. But the instructor will step and said "Mom I am handling this concentrated in what are you doing." (I am taking the class too.) It took a couple of times to understand that he is the teacher and he is in charge.
  3. Music during practice is a distraction to me. But I saw one time in a Kung-fu school that the used music to help project the voice of the person that was in charge of the warm-ups. For example the music will be loud and she had to be louder than the music so the others can hear the commands. Also I saw in a TKD class using music to do their forms.
  4. I think you have to be a certified instructor before you start teaching others. Also you have to have an insure just in case of an accident. Better to invite them to the dojo that you practice.
  5. It sounds interesting. It remind me about Bruce Lee and his innovating ideas in the time that he lives. I will advise you to continue develop this MA and to listen to any advice that this forum can give you. They are good!
  6. Excellent article. I do have a problem. I always wake up tired even do I go to sleep early. Then I will yawn in class.
  7. I joying because I was looking something to do in the summer.
  8. I use to scream along kiai but my sensei told me to short it. He also said to me that when you kiai you have to leave your punch out and when you finish kiai you have to go back to kumite stance. Don't know why.
  9. My husband practice shotokan, I practice shotokan and TKD and my son practice TKD.
  10. I usually drink water or sport drinks. We are not allow any soda or sugar drinks like kool-aid. Also if you are going to eat it is better to eat 2 to 3 hours before training.
  11. Excellent article! I'm getting into the 40's soon. This article helps me to keep practicing and be fit!
  12. This is the first time I know of keying the belt. That's putting the integrity of the person at risk. And not only his integrity but to his sensei and dojo as well. I'm been first Dan for almost two years and now my belt is starting to fade. The only way that you can see that they really practice hard is by the perfomance in tournaments and in the dojo.
  13. I train 4 hours a week plus 2 hours a week at home. And clean the house, do laundry, make food, clean and cut the grass in the front and backyard, prepare my son for school and much more!
  14. When I move from TX to SC the new dojo did stuff diffently that the old dojo. They like to do more embu and Kata applications than in my old dojo in TX.I try my best but sometimes I think that I'm not getting anywhere, plus my new sensei told me that is going to take me 5 years to test to 2nd Dan. And to make the matters worst is the only Shotokan dojo in the area.Well I guess I have to keep trying.
  15. Excellent article!
  16. I had bow even to the doctor and the nurse look at me like I was from another planet. And when somebody says "OK!" I respond with a loud Ous! I just want it to dissapear in that moment.
  17. Shotkan and TKD
  18. My son is autistic and he takes TKD. We used to live in TX but we recently move to SC and that was a big change for him. He start TKD in TX and the teacher was very good in teaching. He didn't give him (my son) time to even breath or wondering around because we will make him busy until the end of class. He love it! When we moved to SC we found a TKD school similar to the one in TX (I mean the curriculum) but the teacher never teach somebody with Autism, so my son was wondering around to much. He wasn't rude but he was getting lazy and his techniques were sloppy. So the only thing I did was helping him in his techniques and forms. Since I am a black belt in another style and my husband too, we joing the class to help my son. We help him in whatever we can and make sure that he pay attention. Lead by example. Maybe you can choose a partner to work with him all the time. Making sure that he follow directions and stay out of trouble. Good behavior good consequences, bad behavior bad consequences. Yes they understand right from wrong, Im telling you for experiences with my son. Make him busy all the time so he have no time to get in trouble and be very consistant with him. Everybody has giving you excellent advice. Just try.
  19. JKA, ISKA
  20. I'm learning Sochin. It is hard when learning fudo dashi stance but not impossible. It's better if you practice at least an hour at home every day. Just to get use to it.
  21. For me Belts are not important. It's what you can do and the effor that you do in the martial art what it counts.
  22. Well, I did 56. Is kind of dificult but with practice and patience I think you can make this guy walk along distance.
  23. Hi, I'm just checking in. I'm been in the Martial world for over 5 years and my style is Shotokan. I hope to read about interesting Articles and messages. This is a great website.
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