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Everything posted by Adonis

  1. I agree they would have to with the new crop of people coming in that are more deverse in there training. Back to the comment that was made earilier but one of the posters, I been searching around diffrent stree fight vids. I have noticed certain things. I see fights go to ground if not both at least one person on the ground. I also see more fights end up in the clinch even untrained guys. Some guys I see with some boxing experience and others wrestling and boxing experience. I find this intersting as it shows you never know who you go against.
  2. Very true but you do see disparties not every one is well rounded. GSP is a good example of well rounded from take downs, striking, and on the ground. However look at Anderson Siva another point who is extremely good on the ground and while striking, as well as striking and controling from the clinch. However his take downs aren't strong. Any way there are those that aren't as well rounded.
  3. Fedor fight was awesome. So whats Anderson Silva's s
  4. I really want to get my BB in BJJ. Other then that just keep training and having fun for the rest of my life.
  5. THere is a BJJ black belt before he trained BJJ he was in Aki-Jitsu and I think some other forms of Jiu-Jitsu and he was an uki deshi. He has a training blog up. I can see if I can find it. His name is Roy Dean he is out of Orgean I believe
  6. Any way Dwx, I didn't clerify my point in my post about the UFC. Since you braught it up. No a person doesn't have to train for MMA competion to have there style work for them in self defesne scerio. However realist training methods of a resistant parnter is needed to test to find where the person is at. So yes scenerio training full contact type trainging, and non compliant and semi non compliant partners is needed to dertmine effectiveness, and to hone ones skills. There is a fast diffrence in training methods between military, civilian self defense, law enforcement work. However Alive training is the key to effectiveness in my opinon. So if we go into Civlian self defense to defend against attacker for just enough time to run away that is fine. Brings on another subject of the importance of phsycial conditioning IMO. Any way again goes back to realistic training methods. That is my point of the ufc but I will bring that up later on. Now regarding dirty tactics or illegal moves. If style shows many arrays of techniques kicking, striking but the only effective ones that will work for you is IF your able to pull of so called "dirty tactics" Then yes over all the style lacks effectives. Why? Because the develop of timing, speed, and power ect... is the reason why the striking/grappling is a failure. So doesn't leave much room that the person will be effective with the "dirty tactics/techniques" Now however a person who has developed there basic striking techniques to where they do lan effectively because they spent the time to develop the attributes to make the work. Such as the timeing, distance, speed, power ect... Then they would have more use and skill in the so called "dirty tactics" I hope this clears up what I was saying earlier.
  7. I agree MMA now is moe about oponent vs. Opponent's personal style. Ie. (some more favored on there grappling and not as good as three striking, there clinching, take downs, and what not) alot of times it comes down to conditioning, and stratgey to expose a certain weakness in a opponents game. How ever you do get some what of a style type of matches example would be striker vs grappler. Where you have a glaring weakness in some ones game. Ie. A BJJ guy who is really good on the ground but not good on there take downs or strikign. Where you may find a good boxer/Muay thai fighter with good take down defense. Or vice versa may have a striker who isn't good on the gorund or have great take down defense get taken down and then submited or GnP.
  8. Bushido man, I see your point now. Tallegese, there is so many you tube video's of street fights, some one could watch and make an educated guess. Goes back to why I see bushido Mans point now. Dwx, first UFC's had so few rules it is a good indicator. Even if some one takes out Groin strikes, throat strikes and eye gouging or even biting. Those "dirty tactics" in my opinion of a styles only effectivess is use those techniques then its pretty limited style and says alot about the effectiveness of there striking in general if they can't finish a fight with out those techniques. Even so it goes back to teh training method of alive training of having a fully resistent parnter. I wouldn't say MMA is the be all end all. Or any thing like that. My point however is if you want to say UFC isn't a good argument back them. Thats fine however with out any contact or reistent opponent style is just theory and probably not very effective for its practioners. IMO
  9. Nov 12th 1993 for UFC 1. However thats my point. You can use the 1 UFC along with gracie in action and other video's that showed diffrent practioners of an art vs's others to have some sort reason for more accurate comparing. However untested arts you can't really compare how they would actually do. Say monkey kung fu vs, Okinawan Goju ryu. Really there isn't enough video tests of people from both styles against each other to compare the results of the two. Like I said before you can compare what has already been tested. The rest is speculation. There is some merit to comparing based on which arts or better yet instructors that teach or have resisting partners in there class "alive" training. The rest is based on theroy of assumption.
  10. Really its only theory until multiple tests are done to compare the results for a better answer. Thats why I don't find comparing it now worth much. However if you comparing results to what as already been tested then I can understand that. Since multiple tests were already done. However comparing something that hasn't been tested yet isn't worth much unless a test is being planned to see the results.
  11. I thought he mentioned he had a TKD black belt Never mind though I looked it up your right it was Kyokoshin
  12. My point is its still just theory until it is proven.
  13. After getting beat down in that suit. I defiently agree! Its a great training tool. EXPENSIVE! but still a great training tool.
  14. Yeah but that is debate through words. Unless action is done to compare. Then the rest is just theory.
  15. I bend at the digits or while the fingers stay almost straight. THis lines up the middle and ring finger. Making it a big stronger then the regular spear hand. However I not a fan of the technique as a whole. I rather just punch some one.
  16. However mastering a style isn't neccarily needed in any case. As there many parts to a style that is sport or style specific. Mainly a few techniques is needed. Take boxing for example how many strikes are used? Not many at all. Yet they worked them and developed the timing, distance and other attributes to feul those limited techniques. To be effective you don't need to be a master at an art. The arugment of jack of all trades and not good at any one can be true if the person tries to master every aspect of the art instead of focusing on few effective techniques
  17. Out of all of them I find Judo more effective because of the "Aliveness" factor.
  18. Train as hard as you can, as much as you can, and make sure you drink plenty of water
  19. I prefer just the thai kick to the legs or head. Thats it!
  20. Some one mentioned MMA fighters coming from a traditional back ground. Take GSP for example he is a TKD black belt. However TKD alone wouldn't have gotten him as far as where he is now. He added in BJJ, wersting, muay thai/boxing and been training fight stradegy and conditing with Greg Jackson out of NM. He has a used spinning back kick a few times to success of hitting his opponent. However it hasn't ended a fight for to my knowledge yet, plus it hasn't been consitently he has used it. Shonie Carter KO'ed Matt Serra with a spinning back fist. Same thing it hasn't been consistently done. There for to me they aren't high percentage or frequently used moves. Only circumstances dictate them. So the point is I have yet to see one dimential TMA dominate except for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu depsite the opponent selection of the first UFC's could be debated. As regarding triaining methods is on the money. Fully resiting parnter, anlayze weakness, and trained on them, then postional or situational sparring, then full on sparring. For a stradgey to use. I don't mean full contact either. You can go medium contact, have a resiting parnter. Also training the diffrent ranges of sparring is improtant also. Any way we all agree it seems to me about the trainign methology diffrence. There is many things to a fight, the adrinline dump, suprise factor (sucker punch, jumped) enivorment ie.parkling lot, bar, home ect.... that factors into fighting. That isn't covered in MMA trainign as majority of MMA schooling is based on the sport alone. How ever indviduals who want to get the best self defense training should seek out other sources of knowledge to better get experience. Example Tony Blauer has differnt trainign gear suits, and trainig on the emotional side of an altercation. There is fire arms training, scenerio training to defuse the physical altercation of a fight happening, and many other aspects of self defense I think lacking honestly in both in TMA and MMA.
  21. I staying moving around and then after several rounds, after there tired, there hands get sloppy and drop any way then I hit them. This doesn't work if you dont' have good endurance, because then your guard will get sloppy to.
  22. Solo training, Andre Galvao has some interesting ideas on youtube, and there some DVD's with good info on solo drilling technique like Stephan Kestlings (solo drills) as well as Paul Greenhill's (shadow grappling). You can also work on your athleticism and diffrent attibutes that fuel your techniques from sport specific excercise, to working on general endurance, and strengeth training.
  23. For self defense it isn't about the submission but the position. Postional escapes, and escapes whle some one is striking you from a dominant postion ie Mount, side control, should be best place to start from. Get to your feet as quick as possible, if you can get your guard, learn to stand up quickly from the guard. Over all finish the fight quickly as you can and get out of there. Just be mindful of the submissions you do or the strikes you throw and I would seek legal opinion as well for self defense. You may have defended your self in a fight, but coudl end up doing time for it depending on the methods you employ and if they violate your particular states laws on self defense.
  24. Wrestler Some consider wrestling a martial art, others do not.. I think a good collegate one would be tough though. Foot ball player, rugby player I guess that would be sort of the same, except I think rugby players might have more contact I believe. I think the most difficult one would be a sports pistol shooter. Obvious reasons though
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