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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Most guys in my school don't wear shirts under their uniforms. Some girls do because ..... well you know Or we wear tank tops or sports bras under ours. I think wearing a t-shirt under my uniform is too heavy. I sweat a lot, and it would just make it worse ..... yuck LOL. And I recommend wearing a cup during sparring I seen guys that got kicked "below" and it sent them to the floor real fast. You don't need it all the time, just during contact drills or sparring.
  2. Hey, three60! Long time no chat How are you? Anyways, good luck on your test. I prolly won't be black for another year and a half, eventhough my instructor said that I can double test (I don't wanna LOL) because of my experience. I prolly won't test for 5th gup (purple) till July or August. And yes, the "gup/kyu" thing does get confusing at times LOL.
  3. Me too, with front and roundhouse kicks. But my side kicks are still about shoulder level ..... ggggrrrrrr
  4. Thanks I'll pass that on to my instructor. He believes in teaching TKD the way it's supposed to be, so he will love your post.
  5. I did a side kick when I was attacked. Very effective Just keep that in mind
  6. Just to get my black belt I want to earn it, though. I been in three schools and never reached that point. I want it to "mean somthing." I just don't want to hold the rank. I have been busting my a$$ for three years. I want it to be "right." If I feel I'm not ready, I won't test, but I need to get to that point once in my life.
  7. I'm only a green belt, so I would say that I would teach what I have been taught. Most of it has been mental stuff. Yes I have good technique, but that's not all I have learned. I have learned confidence, self esteem, ect. That is more important to someone that has never had this kind of thing. If and when I open my own dojang (which will happen), I will teach my kids these things. On top of awareness. I want my kids to have the confidence I didn't have or the self esteem. Martial arts changed me in this area. So I want to repay that, and show the folks I teach the same
  8. That sounds cool. A dojo/dojang that teaches several arts .... Sweet I just hope it doesn't cost alot Good luck, anyways
  9. I donno if my school learns it, but I know Hapkido and a few other arts do. That would be sweet to learn something like that. Dang! My next art WILL be Hapkido!
  10. I love side kicks. I don't have great height with them, but that's my power kick (even with the front leg). I'm a kicker, so there isn't many kicks I had trouble with. Except when I first started out. It was the back kick, also and spinning kicks. But my TSD instructor drilled technique, so now I can pick up a kick fairly easily. I'm not much for hand techniques. That's where I get screwed up, except for blocking LOL.
  11. OMG!!! This is an old thread LOL. I was still a yellow belt in the old school ..... sheesh hehehehehe. Anyways, my instructor now is a health freak. He doesn't even eat meat for crying out loud. But he doesn't tell us not to eat meat or force us to. But yet he never looks down on us because we won't. My opinion stays the same from a year ago (yes this thread is a year old). As long as they don't smoke in class, or tell the students not to when he/she does, I don't see a problem with it.
  12. Thank you, aznkarateboi. Yes it will be locked if you don't get back on track. Last chance. Sorry folks.
  13. Jamis, I drive 40 minutes to my school And yes, it is the most affordable one around my area. And the instruction is second to none here. So if you really like that Hapkido school, I'd say go for it. Man, if there was a Hapkido school here, I'd go for it
  14. I agree. You have to have the flexibility. Here's a good thread on that: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6186 But technique is more important. I seen people have great flexibility, but because their technique wasn't there, they couldn't kick to the head. And yes, you also have to develope power. Working on the heavy bag will help with that.
  15. There are pics of me in the KF photo album here: http://www.karateforums.com/album_cat.php?cat_id=1&sort_method=pic_time&sort_order=DESC&start=12 They are kinda fuzzy (what's up with that Patrick LOL).
  16. It only takes a dream and will power, Tammy. So get to training and good luck
  17. Wow! That's great. Lotta info there. Thanks a bunch Gloi, I will look up that book for Nahanchi. I hear that it is a very powerful kata/hyung. Lots of good bunkai in those forms
  18. Ok, don't turn this into art vs art, or putting people down for their opinions. It might not be fact, but it is just an opinion. Everyone is entitled to that here. Keep it civil
  19. I just bought two light weight Pro Force just last week. Tonight, we did throws, and they held up well. They stood up to the "throw test" hehehehe. And they are soooooo comfy too I'll never go back to Centry uniforms.
  20. Well, the two TKD dojangs I trained at have age limits. You have to be 16 to get a real black belt. If you are under that age, you get a junior black belt. If a kid reaches 16 and already holds a junior black belt, he/she must re-learn the adult requirements, and re-test for the real thing.
  21. I did Shotokan (with my buddy Ann .... she talked me into it LOL) for a while and it's little brother Tang Soo Do for a long while. It is very much a workout. It is spiritual somewhat (depends on your definition), I trained in weapons (TSD trained bo staff, knife, sai and nunchu at higher ranks), and it is good for self defense. I agree with Kensai. Watch a few classes from all the arts. Do the free trial programs (if any). Then decide from there.
  22. It's like Judo type of grappling. We sometimes start standing or kneeling or start out in the "guard." We are allowed to apply chokes, joint locks, ect. We do whatever till one person taps out.
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