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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I started a ritual this past saturday for a tourny I attended. I found out if I stay "hyper", I don't get nervous. So I will run in place, talk a lot, stretch, and we warmed up by kicking a target, also. So I think I will try that next week before my test. I will stay hyper
  2. You said it right here, Korean. "I believe if you have control, kicking to head is ok. (if you're also sparring in a semi-contact manner, there should be no reason not to kick to the head.) " In my dojang, we do kick to the head, and we are WTF. But we don't try to kill each other or knock each other out. It's usually semi contact in class (no contact for white belts). There is also times we go full contact (sometimes it just happens LOL), but even with full contact, we still only "tap" the head gear. Or at least I do, and the people I have sparred so far.
  3. I just found out that I'm testing also. I'm only testing for high green next week, but that is still a "rank" test in my dojang. I don't go for blue for two months. I am so nervous So there are many of us testing. We are all with ya
  4. G95, Dang. Is that a regular price for all tournies in WV? At the other tournies I competed in were anywhere from $40 (pre-registering) to $55. That was for TSD/open tournies. I haven't actually been to an open tourny for TKD yet (my master instructor has three schools, and this tourny was only for our schools), so I donno if that's a deal or not for NY LOL.
  5. Hey Old rookie, I like the saying your sig. "A Black belt is a white belt that never quit." I know that was off topic, but that is such a cool saying. I couldn't help myself
  6. Hiya Monkeygirl. That sounds cool. An interesting way to do self defense. Anyways, I found out that I am testing also ..... eeekkkkk. I mean, I'm only testing for high green (which is a "rank" test in my school), but tests always make me nervous. I know what I need to know, so hopefully I won't be too nervous. I know you will do great
  7. Yes, I will have pics I'll post them as soon as I develope and scan them. Prolly by the weekend
  8. Well ...... hehehehehe Should I comment? hehehehe
  9. I'll have another one this weekend Kickchick I just got done doin a tourny. I also took pics last night of me messin around kickin B.O.B.
  10. Hiya all. I just wanted to say that I'm eating my words right now. I gripe about how expensive my school is on here. But I just got back from my school's Master's Cup tourny. It was the cheapest one I've ever paid for ($20 for two evens), and I got third in forms. My team lost (we were devided into teams), but I had a great time. I guess I should keep my mouth shut next time
  11. Drunken, Don't bother. I tried already. When I tell people what martial art I do, I just say WTF Tae Kwon Do. Dang, Kickchick (link queen). Are ya slackin??? Just kidding My master instructor (and drunken's, too) "designed" a new art ,per say. I tried to explain it on here before, but I donno how to explain it.
  12. Oh s**t. I just realized who you were, drunken monk LOL. Hey this is Laurie. I just want to say that when our instructor says light contact, it's supposed to be, but it's not always light contact. It depends who you spar. I got my but kicked in day class a few times. Light contact my butt It depends on who I spar. If they are going light, I'll go light. But if they wanna go all out, then I'll give them what they want.
  13. drunken monk, Hey this is Laurie. I know you Well, not personally, but I go to the same school. I go to day classes, but I show up at night sometimes waiting for my boyfriend to get done class.
  14. Congrads Monkey. 3 of my friends are also going for their black belt in Oct. I will be there to support them and take tons of pics . Anyways, I wish you lots of good luck. Just do your best, and you'll do fine
  15. SaiFightsMS Wrote: "This is getting interesting. Yet, no one has mentioned any fighting styles from native american groups. Does anyone know anything about this group?" I like to know this, too (yes, the "red" indian Ad .... sorry I'm part Indian). I heard that they have their own martial art, but I haven't seen anything on it. It'll be neat to have a martial art from my family history That would be the coolest thing. If there is, I think my dad (who is half indian) would get a kick (no pun intended) outta that.
  16. Ti-Kwon-Leap worte: "If you can, practice doing your kata facing different directions, including starting out facing a corner instead of a wall. What really locks a kata into my head is to do it from start to finish in my mind especially when I am busy doing other things." Yes, this is really good advice. The first time I did my form in another direction, I was totally lost, but we did it so often that it doesn't matter what direction I start at Dee, may I suggest that you try doing your form with your eyes closed? My TSD instructor used to MAKE us do this. It was great. After the first time he made us close our eyes during forms, I did it ever since. Well, I learn the form first, then work on technique, ect. And make sure I don't kick someone doing Taeguk sam jang LOL. I hope this helps. Ok, I just woke up, so I hope I made sence also LOL P.S. Like a few said here, talk with your instructor also
  17. I agree. Both me and my huney are wearing black today. To morn those who lost their lives a year ago today. He is specially bothered by it because he worked at the WTC for 12 years before moving up here 10 years ago.
  18. I know how you feel, Tiger. I work part time right now (6 hours, 4 days a week). My boyfriend has a full time day job, but we are "roughin it" right now. Money is tight. But Guess what? We still find time and money for MA. I did the same when I took TSD. My monthly fee came before other bills (good thing I lived with my parents then LOL), because I wanted to be able to train. MA is the only thing I was ever good at. And I'm addicted to it So is my boyfriend (I created a monster!!! LOL). So, we find ways to train.
  19. We did that with step sparring yesterday. It was kinda cool. We did everything in slow motion and with power at the same time (I guess this is the same thing).
  20. I did light contact in Tang Soo Do (point sparring). It was ok. I didn't spar much then. I was big on the technique side of things (forms, one step sparring, self defense, properly doing each technique, ect). Now I do TKD, full contact. Well there is days we go light contact to learn technique and things, which is good. But there is days we go all out. And yes, G95, it hurts. I also agree with you about going light , learn techniques, and control first. That is very important, specially at the beginner stage.
  21. The style I do now is a mix of TKD and Kung Fu. Like I said before, I think my #1 style (if I could find it) would be Hapkido for self defense reasons. TSD because I loved it. But I think I would try Shotokan (because it's TSD's big brother). For ground fighting, I think I would go for Jujitsu or Judo.
  22. I pay $100 a month. Well, my honey pays $200 for the both of us. That's out there. I'm trying to tell him it's expensive, but he likes it there. I paid $80 a month at my TSD dojang, but that was for umlimited classes.
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