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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Congrads all I was suprised and honored to be nominated for the voting. That's good enough for me You all deserve it. Keep up the great work
  2. I'd be willing to do an article maybe twice a week. It takes time to search and compile all the news I find (bewteen TKD, and working), but I'd give it a shot
  3. KickChick wrote: < "Er... Yes, that's fine", He replied. >>> Um ... eerr ... This happened to me. I mean I didn't do it on purpose. Of course I was a white belt and didn't know any better, but I wore just a bra under my TSD uniform (the wrap around ones). During self defense, it came open when I was practicing releases (from collar graps). I ... um ..... gave my male partner an eye full I now wear a sports bra or tank top under my dobahk Plus the TKD pull-overs are wonderful
  4. I was the same way. Except I was overweight and outta shape LOL. I used to watch people doing jumping, spinning, ect kind of kicks, and I was like .... "Me? Do that?!?!?!?! Yea right!" My TSD teacher had a way of getting me "fired up" about trying something, specially when I said the word "can't". That was a bad word to him.
  5. In my dojang, we do a 5 to 10 minute warm-up (jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, ect) and a 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. But I usually stretch on my own before class and after. One reason is because, in class, they don't usually hold a stretch for long and it feels like I didn't even stretch. A stretch should be held for, at least, 10 seconds, I believe. But they hold it for 5, at the most I stretch after class because my muscles are warmed up and I can do a good stretching. Plus if I don't, I get "stiff."
  6. Wow! G95, you are so right. That is the coolest thing I've heard AMEN
  7. I found it easier when I started doing the axe-kick was to bring it straight up (like a stretch kick) and down again on the target. I did this till I got better (and more flexible) at the "knee up" one.
  8. I just say (to non-friends) that I'm going to class. My friends know I take Tae Kwon Do. They automatically know what I mean when I say "class." When I did Tang Soo Do, I said "karate." One reason is because TSD was "nicknamed" Korean Karate a lot anyhow. Not many (at all, that is) knew what Tang Soo Do was. It's definitely not as popular as TKD. TKD here (NY) is REALLY popular, so most people know what it is.
  9. I agree with Thai. Kicking with the ball of the foot isn't a bad idea either. But I think if I kicked with the instep (hard enough for a KO), it would hurt me instead of my opponent ..... ouch! That's just me, though.
  10. Kickchick wrote: < DITTO! Same can be said for me Laur! ... and I am just a lowly black belt! I have also learned to NOT to say "I can't!" anymore ....> I like the "lowly black belt" thing ..... but you know a hell of a lot more than me Hey, did you read my article ???? LOL No cheating. Wait till it's posted Just kidding ya
  11. I've heard that who ever is good at sparring isn't good at forms, and who ever is good at forms isn't good st sparring (I'm one of them .... I'm good at forms). But if you learn the applications (bunkai in Japanese) of the forms, I believe, is the key to self defense. There's a lot of good defensive (or offensive) moves in forms. You just have to "dig" into the forms for the real good stuff. I have gotten a lot better at sparring because I "dig" into forms. Ask questions and practice the moves. You'll see
  12. Love the knees, but in TKD, I could get into trouble Anyways, I think my fav (if someone kicks at me) is a Thai style shin block, punch and/or side kick (which is easy from the "shin block" position to make it look like I was about to kick so WTF style judges don't take a point off ). I've been into steeling stuff from Thai boxing lately specially their roundhouse kicks or cut kicks Which can also get me in trouble hehehehe.
  13. I use a cross between a walking stance and a back stance .... kind of an up-right back stance with my front foot toward my opponent. Some what like Thai discribed. More weight on my back leg, because I'm a "front leg" kicker. A "fighting stance" in TSD is a "back stance" in TKD. I'm so used to it that I still use it in TKD. Not many people fight that way in my dojang (with the front leg) so I use it to my advantage
  14. I saw this on another forum. I thought this was a good subject to try here. I'll start: The most important thing I learned so far, is not physical abilities, but mental ones. Martial arts has changed my charater. I used to be this shy, scared kid, with no respect for myself let alone others, no confidence or self esteem. If you read my posts on this board, you'll see how much I have changed. Now I have more confidence, self esteem, even respect for my fellow human beings (and other arts). It's been a very humbling experience for me so far, and I haven't even reached black belt! I have also learned to be more open-minded when it comes to other arts. I'm just a lowly green belt, but you know what? I'm proud of what I have learned so far, and I give all the credit to my instructors and fellow students from both dojangs and my buds here
  15. XpOiSoN FrEeX wrote: )> Here's one: https://www.bilang.com (my fav tricks page) and one Kickchick passed along to us a while back: http://www.steve-terada.com./ Awsome site. Both sites have downloads, how-to's, and messege boards to get help on tricks Enjoy
  16. Anyone will buy and sell anything on ebay .... sheesh LOL. Ok who wants a Black belt in two weeks. I'll buy one on ebay LOL. Seriously. I saw one on there once that someone was actually selling a black belt!
  17. Mostly bag workouts. I'll work combos, or just randomly kick the crap outta B.O.B. hehehehehe Or I'll work on forms (I'm a forms geek LOL). Or my honey and I work on step sparring, and breaking techniques (we have a re-breakable bored). Basically whatever and when ever we feel the urge LOL.
  18. According to the IMA (my old assn), you have to be a first dan to teach (at a dojang run by a higher rank). You have to 4th dan to open your own dojang under the assn. You also have to take a seperate test for "master" to do so also. I guess it's a teaching test of some sort. I never asked. I hear that in TKD that they would rather you be a 4th dan and up to open your own dojang. But that's not a "rule" I don't think. But when I open a dojang, I would rather wait till I'm a 4th dan, at least. And a 1st dan (at least) in one other art.
  19. My dojang has what they call "Program couselors". Their job is to not only keep the students in check about their progress, but talk to the parents and kids if needed. If they are under age, yes, the parents will be present. They also have "report card" day. They get some kind of reward for doing well in school as well as at the dojang. I'm not really sure how that works (I is in the adult class hehehehe). Plus we have student of the month. For kids, this reward is for their behavor inside the dojang as well as outside. For the adults, it's for how many dojang activities they get involved in.
  20. Pushups!!!! Carpel Tunnel (sp?) and pushups don't mix, like driving drunk! Oh and sparring. You guys hear me gripe about sparring LOL. Oh I like the jump, flying, spinning, breakfalls, hyung, ect that you guys hate so much Just kidding. Well I do like them, though. Maybe I'm the nutty one LOL.
  21. It's been TKD times lately (Korean Arts stuff). But I do read Black Belt and Martial Arts mags. Depends on what mag has the best articles on a given month. They all have way too many ads, and politics, but hey. A good article is a good article
  22. I did use an elbow strike to the ribs when I was attacked. He had me in a headlock (he was standing behind me). I backfisted his nose, elbowed his ribs, and another backfist to the "family jewels". He let go in a hurry. But I wasn't sure which technique worked, because the blood was flowing and I did it so fast. I did a sidekick to the same ribs afterwards, also. I walked away. He didn't
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