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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I agree. I do Judo now, and I would have thought it would have, at least, made the list. I was watching the higher rankers in class last saturday, and it's an amazing art. The joint locks look painful ..... ouch! LOL
  2. I donno if I scared men off with MA. I got hooked up with my current guy three months after I started TSD. He didn't see me as a white belt ... thank goodness, because that would have scared him off LOL. He didn't see me in class till I was a green belt (I was a little better then ). But I taught him all the basics and when we started here, he was a "good" white belt
  3. I did get the ol' kick to the fingers ...... ouch. But it was by lower rankers or kids. I never saw anything like Kickchick mentioned, though. Makes me wanna get a one of those holder thingies, too. eeeekkkkkk
  4. I go to a dojang that my boyfriend pays for (for both of us) $100 each (no charge for belt tests, though). It was pretty boring for me, because I came from another art. They were teaching me stuff that I already knew. Well if you search on here, you will read some of my gripes. Like a lack of self defense. But my boyfriend wanted me to stay. So I decided to make the best of it. I took up Judo for the falls, take-downs, joint locks, and ground fighting. I take TKD for the fun, kicks, forms, breaking, and I get to train with my man. I train hard eventhough some don't. I always work on technique even if they don't, so I train like I did as if I was still in TSD. It (the TKD dojang) doesn't bother me as much now that I started Judo.
  5. I used to study TSD, which did the same forms (I know it as Pyung Ahn ee dan, but same form). I love that form. It is a toughy. But once you get through it and learn it, you'll love it. Just stick with it Welcome.
  6. I think it's all the above. Specially technique ..... and it's sssooooooo much fun Anyways, I like breaking because it does help me improve my technique. If your technique isn't good, you'll just bounce off the board. It's helps me to "center" my power, too. I think it is a useful training tool (some might argue, but just think about it ).
  7. I'm used to holding boards alone. I just hold the board firmly without locking out my arms, get into a deep stance, and turn my head, and close my eyes. So I don't get anything in my eyes .... or flinch. My TKD school makes me hold the boards with another person, and it's so akward for me, since my TSD school didn't do that (unless it was three boards or more).
  8. Kensai, you are too much LOL. Thanks all for the advice. I saw a green belt rolling around on the floor with a brown belt, so I assumed it was ground fighting (ne-waza ..... right). My instructor was talking about different things in Judo ..... For instance, "there are two ways in Judo, up and down." He said something about earth (I couldn't hear him with that part, because of the class. Anyone wanna explain? Kensai?
  9. Hey, at least, Tae Kwon Do is on there LOL. I would have picked Muay Thai and / or Krav Maga as number one. They are no nonsense self defense styles. But they didn't have Hapkido or Judo or many other styles to pick from, either.
  10. My second break was a side kick. Took me two or three shots for that one, but it's easy now (two boards, front leg). I still have both my first and second boards that I broke. After that, I turned into a breaking machine I love it.
  11. Um, I don't know the Japanese term yet ..... what's ne-waza? Kensai, you'll prolly be the one I ask stupid questions about Judo to hehehehehe You are also a white belt, right?
  12. Oh boy .... fun ...... ouch It can't be any worse than getting a full powered kick ...... can it?????
  13. Hiya all. I just started Judo. I had an "informal" first class this passed saturday. My first real class is next saturday. I am a member of Niagara Judo Yudanshakai and the United States Judo Fed. Anyone else a member of one (or both) of these feds? Anyways, I look forward to talking with other Judoka's Ok, now I go nurse me aching bones (from breakfalls).
  14. I have done a front leg side kick and broke someone's ribs in a self defense situation I also broke his nose (or hit it hard enough to make it bleed) with a backfist. Stold, yes you are right. WTF rules are getting weird. I went back to my Tang Soo Do dojang (when I visited back home), and they are getting better (unlike WTF TKD). Take-downs are now allowed during sparring (with higher ranks). It might be just that school, but I had a blast. I did take-downs on two of my old buddies Anyways, I wouldn't see that in TKD. But I do it in Judo.
  15. Thanks Mike:) Hey, Kickchick. I'm catching up to you. I'm up to two board breaks now. I wanna start three soon
  16. Hehehehehe. You guys are too funny. Anyways, my first break was a back kick (one board). That was my worse kick at the time. I had to do it for my green belt in Tang Soo Do. I kept saying that bad word (can't). My instructor started yelling at me (he was holding the board). He knew that was the only way to get me siked up. First shot, I broke the board. I was shocked, "Did I do that???????" LOL He smiled and said, "I told you that you can do it!" and pretended to whack me with the broken board. He is so cool.
  17. I can say yes, in a way. My sister fixed me up with my man. He found out that I did MA, and he would visit me during class. He already had a interest in MA, but didn't want to take it alone. Then we moved here, and we now train together
  18. Hiya Nick. Get back into training And welcome Good story, by the way (coming from someone who also used her training in a real situation).
  19. Kickchick, good job About wood. I by my own. I mean, I go to Home Depot and by wood in "bulk" and cut it myself (I got the measurements from my instructor). When I cut the wood into boards, I cut off the "knots." Out of a 6 foot blank of wood, I get, at least, 5 or 6 no-knotted boards for breaking Then when they are all broken up, I use them for kindling (sp?) for the woodburner. I love breaking week . Free fire wood
  20. "Kon'nichi wa!" What's that mean? I'm a Korean arts geek, but I just joined Judo, so I may find out. Welcome to the forums
  21. How'd you do, Kickchick? I'm anxious to know .... tell me, tell me!!!!
  22. I broke a (or two) ribs. That was with a well-placed side kick Anyways, my TSD instructor told me (when I broke in my first tourny) that an axe kick is always a "sure" break. I have broke with a fist, but for me that hurt. I also did with a ridge hand, another sure break (just don't lock out your elbow or it will hurt). Doug has good advice. If you are not used to breaking with spinning techniques, stick to a good thrust side kick or something. Stay with techniques that you KNOW you can do
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