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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Heidi, you are a vegan? You can't hang out with me then! Nah, just kiddin. I tried to be a vegan, too. Didin't work for me. I'm off tomorrow (thursday) and not going to class. PM me or IM me. I need to chat
  2. I'm in snow country (Upstate NY), so I can't help either. But looking here might help: https://www.martialinfo.com Click on "Looking for a school near you?" thing on the left. Then click on your state. Then your town/area.
  3. Welcome Check out our Karate forum. There are a lot of helpful folks in there.
  4. Me either. I eat when I'm hungry. I don't worry about what it is. Of course, if I think about it, I really don't eat anything that bad. I don't eat fried foods or anything like that. But my down-fall is pizza lately. Just because they have it at work, and it's a quick munch, then back to work I go. I work at a deli/general store where they also have sammiches, which I try to eat instead, but sometimes there isn't time
  5. Same here, Heidi. My TSD dojang uses them for the kids (tigers) after yellow.
  6. You are silly I'll bring the tylenol hehehehehe
  7. Yea, some TSD dojangs use the midnight blue as black belt. They don't even wear black belts. They say if they wore a black belt, it was like "the end" of learning. Which it isn't. But they decided on the midnight blue instead. Yea, we had 10 gup ranks. I made it to 5th gup. I wish I stayed, actually I loved it.
  8. We can laugh at each other and learn it together
  9. I don't know much about it either, but I saw a bit on it on one of the Discovery channels. It looks like a interesting art. I'd like to try it someday
  10. My TKD school does full contact with gear. Fun (I'm a gluttin for punshment hehehehehe) My TSD school was point sparring. But, like Kickchicks dojang, the higher ranks fight with no gear. In class the point sparring thing went out the window LOL (it was only for tournies). The black belts used to go full out. It looked like they were killing each other LOL. They also spar with take-downs, so it is a lot different than most dojangs.
  11. Heidi, you can do it. You're not too old. When I train at your dojang, I'll show you my sorry 540. Then you try
  12. OMG!!! I got kicked in the fingers so many times last week (breaking week)! My hand is still sore.
  13. When I did Tang Soo Do, the ranks went like this: white yellow (for kids .... adults skipped this one) orange green blue (where I stopped) brown purple red midnight blue black It's not really weird. It's depends on the instructor or system. There are several styles of TSD. Most of them are the same, but a few are different. The style can be the same, but the belt ranking can be different. So there's many factors on how each instructor "ranks" his/her students. P.S. I'm moving this to Korean arts. This is more of a Korean arts question than a general question.
  14. No, I never thought of quiting because of injuries. We had breaking week this past week. My poor fingers got kicked, at least, six times (four by the same person). I also pulled my hammies four different times (three on the same leg). I was "second guessing" my dojang, though. I almost quit three different times. After a disappointing class last night, I didn't go today. I don't doubt the martial arts. What makes me squeamish is instructors who think their art is the s***, and it's their way or no way. Ok. I'll shut up now. I'll go off topic if I don't
  15. Your welcome, Heidi Anyways, I kinda felt the same way. Eventhough I was just a 5th gup/kyu in Tang Soo Do. When I came to this school and sparred yellow belts, I knew more than them. They were true beginners. I wasn't. So, I went easy on them. I used some of my teaching experience from TSD, and helped them out.
  16. One of my first sparring clinics was in TSD. I got kicked full force in the gut by a orange belt (same as yellow in karate). Man that hurt! I would rather spar a higher rank. They have more control. Pain or getting kicked don't bother me. It's the ones who have no control (or don't care) that bother me. If you dish it out on them the way they did on you, they get mad. Go figure.
  17. Yea! That guy is a nut! LOL. Anyways, Martial Trickz (https://www.bilang.com) also has a "help" section (or tutoral). There's also a messege board to find help, also. I don't use the messege board, though. I learn by watching (the MPEG's) then trying them.
  18. I seen it on ESPN2 also. It has something to do with Ki. They can focus their Ki energy on the board/brick they pick and only break that one. I could be wrong, though. I don't know much about ki energy yet. But I don't think it's fake.
  19. My best advice would be is to open the phone book, and look for a list of dojo/dojangs in your area. Go check them out. Watch a few classes, talk to students and instructors. Narrow your picks down to a few, then go take advantage of free trail classes (if any), and pick the one for you from there. Don't be suckered by long term contracts, though. If they want you to sign one for more than a year (or "pressure" you to sign), ruuunnnnnnn!
  20. It's hard to stay away from MA once you start Welcome.
  21. There's a kid in my dojang that picked it up REALLY quick. I showed him once, then a few tries, and he got it down ..... gggggrrrrrrrrr. I've been working on that kick for so long. For MOST people, it's (540) the hardest trick kick to learn. If you can get it down, the rest are easy (it seems).
  22. "Karate" is just a general term for most stand up styles. My dojang as "Karate" on the front of it, but we do TKD. When I did Tang Soo Do, it was labled as "Korean Karate." My instructor said Korean karate, but he would explain the style to you when you first started.
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