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kiba no chi

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Everything posted by kiba no chi

  1. 156, 13, 5'4", 120 PL=7.3
  2. do to the doctor as soon as you can then,. eating shouldnt hurt unless it damaged your esophogus, wich is unlikley but it still could happen
  3. i would call it internal bruising, but go see a docor if it doesent die down in about a week, it could be serious
  4. exactly what i was trying to say, looks like your better with words then me, lol ^_^
  5. like i said, bioelectricity that eminates from the nerv endings, but i can understand you skeptisism, the answer is that its realy realy weak, kind of a stupid sounding answer huh? lol
  6. thanks, and i will... ... i was thinking about going to a kendo school somewhere arround me and challenging someone to a friendly, not competitive match to see how actualy effective the style is so far (no sarcasm there) but 1) i dont want to look like an idiot and 2) i dont think kendo schools even accept chalenges anymore, not even for fun, maybe a kenjitsu school would be different? ill try and call sometime ^_^ but as for efectivness so far, ive beaten a MA friend that was using a staff, so, i dunno ::shrugs::
  7. thanks, and yeah, a couple of MA and streetfighting friends
  8. IMHO a warrior is the same thing as a soldier, but a soldier is annonomus, a warrior is a specific person
  9. Rhode Island for me
  10. im trying to develop my own style with the katana based on centrifugal force and some iaido/ kenjitsu techs that i know so its kinda hard but i think its coming along nicley ^_^
  11. pull your leg up and roundhouse with left leg, land on right leg to horse stance
  12. constant weight training will restrict it, actualy building muscles and working out will help it
  13. simply put, bioelectricity is all of the energy's that eminate from your body, aura being the bioelectricity that eminates a few feet off of your body, ki/chi/Qi being the bioelectricity actualy inside the body, hope that helps, oh, and theres not much of a difference between bioelectricity and electricity besides the fact that bioelectricity eminates off of the nerv endings inside your body
  14. heh, thanks, its kinda true, but if you took some time out to design the moves and field test them on an opponent (like i do, and what you said ^_^) then you would have an effective style, no?
  15. the more fit your body the more ki, or, rather, it will be easier to manipulate it, i think thats what clarence was trying to say, however ki cannot increase the size of your muscles.
  16. bioelectricity that eminates from the nerv endings in your skin, in other words, your aura
  17. hahaha, i should try that to get out of science class this year
  18. lol, i want to try that with my scince teacher this yaer, maybe i will
  19. they make a sort of grunting noise when they do "it" lol if anyone was wondering how i know i bread rabits so... yeah, lol
  20. what energy would not be concidered bioelecricity then?
  21. lumonosity has nothing to do with weather you can see it or not, but the ki/psi/aura, well, basicly, energy needs to be denser to see it because, well, let me put it this way, think of ki as the humidity of a room. collect enough of it into one spot and you get dampness, collect even more and you get droplets of water, you get my drift, right?
  22. exactly, the ol' mass V.S. density debate, well, it isnt realy a debate, its more like a fact, lol
  23. i think its 4 or 5 for the little dragons class and then 7 for the regular class
  24. i would say it is a definite plus, although i wouldnt spar, fighing women goes against my ideals, so, i dunno
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