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Everything posted by ninjamac

  1. fred villari owns villaris self defense centers charles mattera broke off from villari in 88 their styles are some what the same, ussds forms and combos are watered down in my opinion, villaris forms and combos are not.
  2. I used to train with them. They are very expensive in my opinion. Its a $175 A MONTH TO TRAIN THERE AND ITS A YEAR CONTRACT.Test fees are $45 for yellow and orange belt, $60 for purple belt, $75 for the two degrees of blue belt, $100 for green and green stripe, $200 for 3rd,2nd, and 1st brown, $300 for black. Charles mattera (the head of the organization) study with fred villari from1972 white to 7th dan, then in 88 broke off and stared his own organization ussd. This was villaris orignale name when he opened in 71. In 1988 mattera teamed up with nick cerio and in 1990 eared his 8th degree(in my opinon 2 years of training in a new style to receive your new rank is pretty fast, exspecialy from 7th 8th dan) Ussd schools dont have as many high level black belts as villaris does. VILLARI LIST EVRY INSTRUCTORS RANK ON HIS WEB SITE https://www.villarisonline.com. USSD DOES NOT https://www.ussd.com. I have found ussd has a lot of low level instructors runing thier schools, even green and brown belts. Villaris only has one 1st dan runing one of thier schools. In a nut shell you would be better off at a villaris school or an independent school who in my opinion focus more on good training then$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. Tone you should be thankful your only paying $80 a month you could have gone a villaris breakoff ussd and payed $175 a month for a year contract.
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