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Everything posted by JimmyNewton

  1. any tips on construction of a traditional one with rope wrapping. i've seen sme artivcles online but would like more info
  2. also..is the rope tied a certain way or bound so tightly in stays in place?
  3. hey everyone. i'm wanting to construct an outdoor makiwara. any tips on the rope rap for the upper portion, type of wood, etc. i've seen a few links online, but thought any additional info would help. thanks
  4. yeah that makes sense. just had never heard the term. thanks
  5. thank you. theres also a couple of old practice fields at the UNCC campus. sometimes i'll run on those in the grass and its more forgiving that on pavement. i also like to subsistute jumprope and swimming for cardio too. anyone who has acess to a pool. swimming is great cardio for martial arts. you can also practice kata or kicking/punching drills in the shallow end . working out in water is fun and good for you, and swimming laps will build lean muscle and endurance.
  6. thanks for your advuce too! when I played rugby in college, my coach said you could also stretch thouroughly before bed, then rub your shins down with icy hot, and sleep with long athletic socks pulled all the way up to the bottom of your knee. this helpos a little, but they still always come back.
  7. any cure for shin splints? i think thats what it is. my shins hurt and it feels like to the bone on the inside lower leg when i run long distances.
  8. you are a madman, but i like it. in this paragraph, i had a question: Another way to develop agility is while you are running is to suddenly stop, do 5 squat jumps or burbees and then return to running. Of course you can mix this in with your jumping over logs routine. what is a burbee?
  9. AIM me, my name is jimmynewtris i'll send you the MP3, you've GOT to hear it.
  10. also bring the pain by method man is a good one.
  11. oops, title name is Masta Killa..just like the artist name
  12. the song name is "mata killa" by the artist masta killa, a member of wu-tang clan. it has this insance chinese music beat with quotes and samples form bruce lee. the album is called No Said Date. if you go download it or bu it from itunes, you'll see what i mean. if your emnail account is big enough, i'll email you the mp3.
  13. yeah, tony jaa is insane. theres a trailer floating aorund online showing his new movie.
  14. thank you
  15. "my life" is going to be in my collection soon. thank you.
  16. i have bubishi and naginame's "the essence of Okinawan karate Do" on the way. I will read these first before I get overwhelemed. was wanting a good book on bunkai as well to use as a reference guide.
  17. nope, he does not.
  18. anyone have good suggestions on informative books to read. I'd like to ad some texts other than bubishi on history, philosophies, bunkai, etc. thanks
  19. any suggestions on some good martial arts books other than Bubishi? Accurate history, philosphies, Bunkai, etc. Let me know if you can, Thanks jn
  20. I dont know if this is a thing of maturity on my part, but when i was younger (22), I didnt have the appreciation or approach kata with the seriousness as i do now. 27 now. Maybe its coming into a greater understanding. Maybe its added wisdom with age, not sure. whatever the case is, my apprach to kata deeper than when I was younger. I tend to think that most younger people want to focus on sparring, fast kicks, etc.. just my opnion though.
  21. i wish it was more like that. i've heard instructors had troube keeping students when they held class like that. oh well, what can you do. i'm sure theres still some old school dojos out there though. not saying people should beat each other senseless. any 2 knuckleheads can through gloces on and wail on each other. however kumite should be mixed up and vary in intensity. every once and a while though people should ge tto get padded up and go all out for a dose of semi-reality,
  22. i loved kumite. i have heard of dojos relying strictly on katas. while kkatas are importants, sparring gives you a chance to work against people. we would spar once a week. sometimes all out, sometimes for points, sometimes EXTREMLY LIGHT, sometimes 3 minutes rounds, and so on. i think its a chance to stay in shape, practice techniques, learn how to take a hit, and it seems to me, those who do not practice at it regularly would be more at a bigger disadvantage. i know in the through the 60's-80'severyone was all about sparring. seems as people have gotten a lot softer over the years. just my opnion thouhg
  23. people need to be brought down a peg every now and then
  24. ] Lucky you I wish i had something like that! I have nowhere to train for kata outside of the dojo and my wife insists on having furniture in every room of the house so I have nowhere to practice kata at home either. furniture can be moved. do you not have a backyard or garage, or driveway? even if you cannot perfomr the kata as you would at 100% as far as power, speed, proper spaceing, etc. you can stil go through the basic patterns in minimal space. i'm ure your wife would unerstand if a piece of furniture is moved for an hour. mine does.
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