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Everything posted by Drithen

  1. The best stance is whichever one works for the situation you're in
  2. I'm split between defensive side kick and front snap kick to the groin when my opponent throws those dang high kicks. Went with side kick though becuse I can land that when I want.. snap you have to wait for the counter
  3. My school has blue gi tops for demos with patches and fancy embroidery on it, and I think that is pretty tacky.. I think even white/black with an over load of patches can be a bit over the top
  4. Bushido; I left the "Kai" off, because I didnt want to make the image much smaller. The middle part is red because it kinda looks like a cross, and my organization is Christian martial arts. I like to read it as "Way of the Christ Warrior."
  5. I have scars between my knuckles from where a canvas bag ripped my hands up... I suppose after time you could build up your hands to resist something like that... but why? I prefer open hands/elbows in an actual street fight situation.
  6. I dont think either is necessarily better, I use both when the need arises
  7. Its out in other parts of the world, not yet here in the US, but you can order it through websites if you wish.
  8. wow, tested for my 1st kyu tonight and survived by a thread. Now I have shodan grading to look forward too in March of 07... excitement and fear all rolled into one.. yay!
  9. Drithen


    I like to play with the idea that in order to learn power from short stances you first have to know how to develop power from long grounded stances, kinda like the walk before run thing
  10. wow.. I will be placing my order the day its released, this movie looks hot
  11. I just had my grandmother hem the sleeves, I like it alot better than having to roll up the sleeves
  12. yeah thats from his latest movie Tom Yum Goong... excelent movie, way better than Ong Bak
  13. 10 back to back 2 minute fights plus fighting against multiple opponents for shodan... I dread that test...
  14. when I was in Shorin Ryu it was on the belt, but now in Kyokushin its floating rib.. I dont reckon it matters as much.. just whichever your instructor tells you
  15. Not sure, might be awile.. look at how long it took Ong Bak to get here
  16. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!
  17. 4 was the best, Rocky Drago fight was amazing
  18. There is a documentary called Modern Warriors: The Martial Way from 2002, it has a few interviews with Benny Urquidez, very good film too. His fight record is like 63-0, retired undefeated, he also developed a style called Ukidokan. more information can be found at https://www.bennythejet.com
  19. Its out in Hong Kong, thats where I ordered my copy from, not sure when it will be over in the States, though. Ong Bak if I'm not mistaken took a couple of years
  20. Just finished watching this, and man Awesome is an understatement. The fight scenes were top notch, much better than Ong Bak even. Tony Jaa's best movie yet. Most of it was in english so wasnt as hard to follow as Ong Bak, but I still cant wait for the US release. two thumbs way up
  21. I just recently got 2nd kyu, and let me tell you after enduring the 3rd kyu test 2nd was a breeze. Once you experience what to expect you can better train yourself for what is to come
  22. How about a Heian Nidan
  23. You could also get a resistance band and practice your kicks with that on to work out your hip muscles, other than that I'm not sure what else you can do.
  24. I enjoy Chinto and Pai Sai Dai very much, but since I have had my appendix removed its hindered my training a bit
  25. You need to develop the muscles that allow you to hold your leg up that high. I would suggest practicing holding your side/front kicks at their highest for as long as you can, work it out that way maybe
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