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Everything posted by Sam

  1. we have pet rats - theyre great
  2. i dont really understand why thats completely relevant ovine king? care to explain [im a physics student..... im just a bit confused now]. Either ways..... you cant apply the formula directly as they deal with perfect environments and the like..... however you can get a general idea of what has teh biggest effect.... i.e. to increase kinetic energy its more effective to increase velocity rather than mass..... I'd use the forumlae as a guide to what to look at, rather than trying to apply them directly.... especially if your not an engineer / physicist / mathematician - because a lot of the formulae dont work out how some people think/
  3. biceps - do some arm curls.... chest - hit the bench
  4. yeah just takling generally - like i said it depends on there grading limits...
  5. i wasnt disagreeing with his authenticity or skill - and the only person that actually promoted others to 9th would be Choi..... either way im not saying theres a problem with him...i have a huge amount of respect for Hee Il Cho.... never questions his ability/skill or deserving of the rank he bestowed on himself....... at all
  6. as the discussion has already mentioned many time s - high kicks can be useful, just dont try and apply them to every situations. also - it may work in sparring within the rules - but i have serious doubts about its GENERAL effectiveness for SD [jumping kicks]
  7. ok i was talking about laterally stronger.... kicing throught the knee [through the directino of bend] yes its beter to be straigh, but side on your more likely to knock them down than break their knee.
  8. depends ---- were you trying to teach him his mistake ..... or were you just attackign? Secondly - did you retain control of your techniques....
  9. yeah probably if death is a risk good point not even sure an indemnity waiver would cover you in that situation.... probably need insuracne against the public liablility.
  10. wow thats a lot of training and work..... Good to hear there is away of getting it to work
  11. Congratulations and good luck with the rest of your training
  12. i did mention that.... already - i just didnt refer them to any specific posts
  13. McNuggets? Arent they just chicken nuggets.... lol Is that the name for young bbelts?
  14. THATS RUDE - im telling really like the one from crippledfingers....
  15. palm heel strike....
  16. welcome
  17. yeah good post - also why fight it - it does you personally no harm.... they're not stealing your students.... because the sort of people that stay at mcdojos are unlikely to want to train as hard or as much as you do..... wheat from the chaff so to speak.
  18. though that would be funny to see.... "yeah so what if you got a black belt"... chuche [sound of shotguns loading ]
  19. also - by laying down the ground rules you dont risk offending anyone with a certain style of instruction.... so long as they know what the difference in training will be like [respect] etc.....
  20. he was just joking a bout - i dont believe he was complaining about getting beat up
  21. "showy kicks" if your not looking for the really spinning stuff - a 360 jumping side off the spot might work.... or a narabam..... errr..... a good clean jumping spinning back kick looks good..... front leg side kick - as this has little body weight behind it and so is down to kicking power only - therefore "showy" in a way.... hope that helps.
  22. wow nice to have some more science based guys on here just out of interest - are you studying / working scientists, or just students? "energy" itself is not visible.... only its interaction [not reaction] with matter. An example would be where energy provides the "push" for an emission of a particle from an orbit, that also releases a photon.... thereby producing light [althoug unless your talking about a really really obscure reaction this would be completely undetectable by teh naked eye].... so in essence in any wavelength of the em spectrum "energy" itself is not really visible, as it cann interact to emit photons from itself [having no mass]...... hope that helps.... and can anyone who knows about energy / matter conversion not bring it up as a contrary because if you think about the energy levels are compeltely different.
  23. also - contrary to popular opinion the knee when in motion is actually quite strong..... only when stationary and bent noticably will it be easier to break.... otherwise your more likely to just swipe it, cause some minor damage and knock them down
  24. ok as everyone says - it has several advantage : (1) the surface is more resiliant to impact damage (2) the tool itself is easier to form [i.e. a correct fist is harder to form so you minimise damage]. (3) generally having your hands open presents a larger attacking tool increasing your chances of landing at least a glancing blow...... (4) lastly - the power from the heel is almost guaranteed to go throug teh forearm rather than act as a torsional force on the rist [as with a mis-aligned punch].
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