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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. this is no ki explanation all i see is all you guys making fun of a person.
  2. alright chris. you chose tae kwon do and sounds like you like giving it your all. thats very good. now as for JKD....it is a different "bruce lee mehtod". if you join in JKD practice it and give it your all also. now i would advice if you dont have it to buy the book called tao of jeet kune do. now dont just flip the pages and look and read and skip another and read learn and skip.no...no..... read the book and read one page per day and understand all the page and the technique. understand what bruce lee meant in his fighting method. be patient and learn what you read. i fully recommended.
  3. Ki is internal energy. it provides power in the attack. ok ill show you how ki is used. get a partner....put one arm out straight and tell your partner to bend your arm. first, use strength and tell him to bend it. this is the first test ok now for the second test which we now use ki instead of full force and strength ok now relax your arm, and in your mind say....he is not going to bend it. keep the arm still. using a little drop of force. well now do you understand ki? ask him in which one of the two was harder to bend.
  4. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS....boy do you have an imaginition or what. well if it was your immagination and you took hours to write this..then im sorry i have to say this but...you stink at fighting. do you even know what your saying. "soft vs. hard. way of harmony vs. hands and feet, japanese art versus a korean style" . i can tell your a tae kwon do practitioner. now let me tell you a story thats true. i have a friend who knows no art...no boxing but likes strikes. he has a cousin who was in tae kwon do.. they fought with gloves and the other guy was using kicks. less than ten seconds. he got knocked down...i tried to hold down the laugh but couldnt. now im not offending the art but the person who wrote this. i know tae kwon do is a good art. but plz follow the art and learn, dont fantasize, or brag about how you this and that. cause that is what happened to my friends cousin. it dont matter about the belts but the knowledge one has and the skill.
  5. drunken apprentice.. dont feel that way...because in fact you will be a good aikido martial artist. why? well you have no other experiences you got use to. so learning aikido for you..will be simpler and better for you. you wont have other studys to confuse you. ofcourse if it suits you..hit the bag or kick it. but try not to study so many arts because youll never learn the true art. youll just have so many techniques to be learning from and youll get confuse. i would advice(its just an advice) stick with one art, and practice punching and kicking. youll will a good fighter. but maintain discipline. dont go about looking for fights. well good luck man
  6. ok...snake fist kung fu....this style you hit in five major areas. the ear drum, eyesight,stomach close to the chest, throat, and the groin. this style is very good. you need strong fingers and palms and pretty good legs. those who study this art know this. post any ideas or ?'s
  7. ok...look...bob when you have to and weive when you have too. dont be an idiot dancing and showing off. youll get knocked down. just defend yourself and hit when there is an opportunity. (speaking boxing languange by the way)......just concentrate on the fight. dont have no plan or strategy your gonna follow. just go with the flow and you will have endless oppurtunitys to hit in your opponents open areas.
  8. i think all you guys saw the movie "only the strong" to much. capoeira is an art that needs stamina, flexibility and ofcourse you. what i mean by you is that every art is beutiful in someway and if you like that art and want to study it by heart you will learn the art itself...and learn to defend yourself. it is up to you how much you like the art. think about it first.
  9. alright shorin ryu....i do understand what your saying. but the reason i put all this is because " i have browsed the board". and all i see...is this....(that this art is weak and that that art is no good or that this is this. im just trying to prove the point in aikido as well as you are proving right now as you replied to me about other arts. now about the boxers jab...look it is easy to criticize that aikido cant defense against a jab. but when you are in a fight.. you find how easy it is to apply the technique against a jab. ofcourse we wait. he cant reach you if you keep your distance and move in at the right moment. always stay focus in a fight and the technique will be there with out a doubt.....learn all the techniques but have no technique. its easy to right down in directions here how to fight.. but when your in the real fight i guarantee you will get lost and get hit.. thats why you should stay focus and dont have yourself a plan before a fight..just do what you have to do. and the technique will reflex itself.
  10. well if you know this art you know how much flexibility you need. it is like a dancing art. very beutiful art. you move your body sort like it is out of balance but the practioner has full control of his balance. tricking the opponent. then suddenly strikes. drunken kung fu is good. because if you know snake fist..or praying mantis you can do drunken snake,drunken crane...etc. Drunken boxing doesnt mean the practioner is actually drunk. he just appears to be. some do drink but others dont. never ever..ever...underestamate a drunkard who knows this art. he'll attack out of know where....escape any grab.
  11. Sounds like your dojo focuses on more combat oriented aikido than we did. The attacks we were usually given were these fully committed "I'm coming at you from across the room" type haymakers or simple wrist grabs and such. We did have similar questions about how aikido would handle the swiftness of a boxer or a WC guy because aikido seems to take best advantage of a strike with a good degree of commitment. Something like chain punching or a jab ... while not counter to this idea ... is certainly more difficult because of its timing and speed.I commented somewhere else about aikido's lack of striking (I forget where). It certainly involves strikes, but to varying degrees depending on the teacher. Some use it only for distraction. Others show you when to apply it when you create the openings during application of technique. Others apparently go all out and you better hang on . Sounds like you're part of the last group, which seems a little more like Daito ryu. I was more of the second group ... but wondered why we never trained in the strikes we were supposed to use if the situation required it. I got the response of, "If you have to strike, it's no longer aikido." (Hey, if I have to use something other than aikido to keep my rear end from getting handed to me, I'll do it. Show me the atemi!!) In any event, it's good to hear that the two styles are working so well for you. well first thank you and hope everything is going well for you too. they did teach us everything you describe and it helps you. i know its kinda rare when someone grabs your wrists. unless your a women....the boyfriend or a thief is gonna grab a girl..but its rare on a male. but all this is teaching you to familiarize all the techniques being taught on grabs. later on when someone strikes you, youll apply the techniques very easy. you wont even be tense or nervous.. always relax. now i would advice you...because you sound like a striking person(dont worry me too). if you practice aikido still..practice it but dont lose your punching techniques or kicking techniques. practice hitting the bag or kicking. that way your gonna be a good puncher,a good kicker, and know aikido all in one, or other styles you enjoy. well take care....any questions feel free.
  12. ok....look....in aikido. we stop the violence. end the battle quickly...and safely. unless your in a life and death situation. Then you break something if it was necessary.anyway, i love aikido because it is a gentle art. let me put it this way. if a boxer, karateka, or a taekwondo person is facing an aikido martial artist. the boxer or whatever in his mind he is thinking(im going to hit him, im gonna bruise him up)in other words he is thinking and has on his mind....fighting. an aikido person is gonna stop it and put him down with his energy. we have a certain distance...an aikido person would wait...what is a jab or a kick or a grab when he cant reach you..even if he dancing like a idiot or jumping around. he wont do nothing if he cant reach you. he is gonna come in and hurt you..thats when you move in and stop the dancing, the weaving,and whatever the guy was doing. but the aikido person stood in his distance. then moved in. now if the aikido person moves in...and strikes too...then both of them are now using force and the strongest force is gonna win..like O'sensei said. now we do strike and kick...but, if your the smarter person you stop the violence.thats why it is called the art of peace. thats how O'sensei intended it. no one couldve touch that man or hurt him. he knew how to control balance using ki. please ask question on Aikido......feel more than free.
  13. Boxing is a very good sport and self defense. it helps to bob and weive and do very good slips and ducks. against puches and kicks. one may be asking what "kicks"! yes thats right. we are kind of dirty as well. we can foot stomp...and also hit the knees with our hands and following up to the body and head..our training is very good. 5 days a week....never resting....10 seconds of water breaks...and after one is warn out of the training then we spar...this gives us alot of potential and stamina..and can fight without getting winded easily..we become very lively. dont take a boxer as if he cant defend himself with a kick cause your dead wrong. unless the person...a boxer...doesnt know how to fight boxing style...
  14. aikido...is a gentle art.. but were not soft..we can have an opponent like a rag doll. make him taste the floor, taste the wall...taste some fists..taste some kicks...taste some breakings he'll never forget. aikido is not weak....but ofcourse, why use unecessary violence. but if we have to..boy is our attacker going for a ride...
  15. i would be careful if i were you...dont underestimate any opponent.short or tall or whatever...hey..we have arms too we can strike if we wanted to...we have legs...we can kick if we wanted to. dont underestimate an aikidoka. you can walk out punched, kicked, and with something broken.
  16. ok....why do you guys always say that we dont strike, we wait..blah blah blah...look in aikido you absorb the strike. you can counter attack apply a technique. punch his troat. his ear drum. kick his groin. kick his knee and break it. and the list go on...so...still think aikido are weak..didnt think so
  17. Yes that would be quite an interesting match up. Two completely opposite philosophies on fighting. I don't really know much about Aikido other than what I've seen in Steven Seagal flicks but an Aikido/Boxing fight would be pretty cool to watch. man just reading this conversation cracks me up....ok....look. you really dont know nothing about aikido. im an aikido student and if i was figthing against a boxer. i wouldn't be standing like an idiot. i would keep my distance. when he attacked i would move in, apply my move punch him along the way if i was that mad and take him down....go home and watch my favorite show in time..(also..ive never heard that in aikido..when you fight in the street you should never punch no matter what..hahahah..whoever told you this lie..i cant believe you believed it. We do strike....and very nasty.
  18. I'm sure you're correct that not all aikidoists are that formal, but the one here locally sure is. To the point that if the sensei wants a student to come out on the floor to demo a technique, they bow low from a kneeling posture, then walk out while on their knees, bow again to the sensei (basically almost kissing his feet literally), then stand and begin. Sorry, that's not me. On two seperate occasions I had the opportunity to work with the head Okinawan sensei of my system, and I was rather surprised on how laid back he was. Sure, we did a certain amout of bowing at the beginning/end of class, and a few times in between, but it was really quite relaxed and rather informal, which for me, is the way that I prefer it. I know others that like the strict "YES SIR/NO SIR" bit where the sensei is the God at the head of the class..."ALL HAIL SENSEI IN HIS INFINITE POWER AND WISDOM!!! sort of power trip. But again, that's not me. ok your right...but the reason we do this is because we are showing respect..to O'sensei ueshiba.... he was the founder of this magnificant art.. like so many others...murihei ueshiba..is well respected by all aikido students..why do you think they call him o' sensei? (The Great Teacher)
  19. ok....ki is internal energy. it works. ive been in boxing for 7 years...but got interested in aikido. aikido is a gentle art. but very effective. it would be easy to take out a boxer. believe me. even if he is a good boxer. in aikido you do strike. but not like a mean idiot...but rather absorbing your opponents strike and strikin with shomen or shokomen. any art is good against anything if your a good fighter. but violence doesnt solve anything. unless you really have to fight and teach a lesson.
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