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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. I see.... But it is really quite simple on an opponent who wild swings. there alot of many oppenings. ofcourse this forums are for opinions and help on others as well as for me. to see different ways one could counter. as for the fire and water. it is a signature at the bottom i put on my profile. they are O'sensei's words not mine. but I'm starting to understand more and more on what he means.
  2. Thats why you chose the name 1kickKo.
  3. quite a while now. i was going at a boxing gym also but not anymore. now for the low kicks, usually one should stay 2 arms length away from your opponent. you get a better view and for the boxer rights cross, thats why when your redirect the jab quickly counter with a kick to the groin or a throat grab.
  4. The more harder the kick or faster. The better for one to absorb it. not block it, absorb it and use it against him. to umblance him or create an easy opening.
  5. I was a boxer I barely left boxing. Now I practice fulltime and only Aikido. I kinda used to mix it up but not anymore(which really helped and still does). Now I understand many things on the human mind and how energy works. It really is quite simple to learn but hard to master some of it. But then again Aikido has no end. you keep learning and learning.
  6. It's kind of a long story.
  7. Murihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido One does not need buildings, money, power, or status to practice the Art of Peace. Heaven is right where you are standing, and that is the place to train. Eight forces sustain creation: Movement and stillness, Solidification and fluidity, Extension and contraction, Unification and division. Do not fail To learn from The pure voice of an Ever-flowing mountain stream Splashing over the rocks. The only cure for materialism is the cleansing of the six senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind). If the senses are clogged, one's perception is stifled. The more it is stifled, the more contaminated the senses become. This creates disorder in the world, and that is the greatest evil of all. Polish the heart, free the six senses and let them function without obstruction, and your entire body and soul will glow Each and every master, regardless of the era or place, heard the call and attained harmony with heaven and earth. There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit - love. Instructors can impart only a fraction of the teaching. It is through your own devoted practice that the mysteries of the Art of Peace are brought to life.
  8. there are good videos also in aikidojournal.com
  9. what to do against straight punches. Just slap them out of the way and counter with what you've be learning to do. your just redirecting there energy away from you. kicks are easy to defend yourself. a front kick...just side step at the last second and grab his leg with your arm and with the other arm just pull him down. i dont think one leg will hold all the body weight. if he kicks with a side kick or a roundhouse just grab the kick with an arm under and the other up to protect your face and when the kick lands bring him down and break his ankle with an ankle lock. only in a dangerous situation.
  10. Many martial artist get distracted and get fear in them when seeing there opponent with a weapon. They feel alright when doing it in the dojo but when doing it outside with a drunken man or a crazy person they get fear. It is the same as in the dojo. always relax but also prepared but not in a stage where you are just concentrating to much and having images on how to counter if strikes in a certain way. what if he does'nt go the way you had planned. that's why you should relax and when he strikes you will counter with a good counter. have a no mind. thats what having a no mind means. I always remeber what O'sensei said. "when im attacked or however im attacked. Im always relaxed." the words of a respected teacher.
  11. there is to much fear in some and in some to much confident. just do it with relaxation and be you and whatever you have learned will come by it self.
  12. to raise your hand and speak is a moments shame, but to remain silent is a life time shame. -unknown practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. -Richard V. Donk a journey with a thousand steps begins with a single step. -Uknown how the reflection of water, reflects a man, that's how his heart reflects a man. -Holy Bible
  13. Actually I,am getting married soon. But don't think wrong about my question. That i have a japan woman and a chinese woman at the same time. I really liked that post that said to get a good woman and loving also. ofcourse its all my life with her. This a good acceptable answer. and truthful. a woman is like a fragile vase and should be treated with care and love.
  14. Since this is General chat I'll put a question here. what should one marry. A chinese woman.. or a japanese woman...?
  15. ki exists. I've been in aikido. and i used to summon up energy(not somthing magical or anything when i say summon up energy). but one feels it through the body. later on one develops to have it in them all the time without having to summon it up.
  16. Most fighters don't do what they are learning. They just start kicking and punching and they forget there katas and forms they learn. Use all you've learn so far and use it properly. you'll see the difference.
  17. step to his side at the same time catching it on the way up and flipping him. or just slap it out of the way(redirecting his force going at you out of there, just a little slap at his hand out of your way and then go for his throat to take him down quickly or throw him down from his hair or his shirt. Remember the shirt is like a second skin.
  18. Just go foward and lunge towards him at the last second your hand on his face drop your center forward and send him to the ground. It's like he is running into a wire or a pole hanging sideways. its real simple. Really simple.
  19. Training, Training, Training.
  20. AIKIDO- Develops a new person and understands the principals of balance and energy. Views change on yourself as well as fighting. you understand and control and redirect or break balance simply. You develop to center yourself with nature and understand ki. helps you bring true ki to have in you always and develop a no mind person. you understand how to control without hurting someone. takes away fear, doubts, and restores it with relaxation which any thing is possible to counter.
  21. I've been studying more and more on aikido every day. But i had promised myself when i was younger that someday i would move to japan to study more there.
  22. Im from Laredo, TX Recently now Im in Garland, Tx
  23. I see.... sometimes I've seen TKD instructors showing self defense techniques and they are good and very, very useful, but some start to kick and i know TKD is based more on kicking but I usually see alot of openings to umbalance an attack. Nevertheless TKD is effective. Don't get me wrong.
  24. one time a student while the doing the excercises for our stomach farted and the whole dojo started to smell very nasty and our instructor kept going but wanted to laugh so hard that he turned very red.
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