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Everything posted by three60roundhouse

  1. It's hard to make someone tap with a straight footlock, such as an achilles tendon lock - at a higher level, however if done properly this footlock is very strong. This is the most basic lock, and probably the one you're talking about. It has SO many details....it's a very intricate move that's hard to get without an instructor or a VERY good book or video. This lock HURTS when done properly! So does one other leg sub I can think of - the calf crush. The other two main leg locks - the straight kneebar and the "twisting" kneebar or HEEL HOOK as it is commonly known, DO NOT HURT UNTIL IT's TOO LATE! You will have hyperextended or popped your opponents knee - MAJOR DAMAGE/SURGERY ALERT before they tap out! If you are trying kneebars or heelhooks (playing around with their foot could cause this pressure on the knee), STOP! It's pretty much impossible to learn these kinds of techniques without someone teaching you.
  2. --Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, fruits are just good . --Non fat yogurt - they make some very interesting flavors of it. --Celery (especially with a touch of peanut butter or a dab of reduced-fat salad dressing), baby carrots, grape tomatoes --Low Sodium Soup - some companies make these cool little "on the go" soups that are good when you're hungry. --Granola Bars....not the ones slathered in chocolate and marshmallows. I like crunchy ones personally (nature's Valley Honey and Oat - a little high in calories for a quick snack though), and some Cereal Bars are ok but watch the sugar content. --Dry Cereal - Especially Cheerios and Kashi --A handful of nuts - don't go overboard because nuts are pretty high in calories, but they are full of "good fat" and have been proven to be very filling, yummy, and nutritious. --If you're craving a salty snack, grab a few pretzel rods, better if you go for low sodium. These aren't very filling though, I try to get high-fiber snacks because our classes in school are long and I'm starving if I eat "quick carb" snacks like pretzels.
  3. Liddel would kill Vitor if he can keep the fight on their feet. On the ground, it might be a different story for "Vitor Gracie"
  4. Bring on Nog. Let's go Tito, the Japanese will give you plenty of cash for that.
  5. I am 15, and I haven't had one of "those times of the month" since August. It was then that I stopped eating fast food, cookies, and sweets and started adding more fruits and vegetables and lean meats into my diet. I stopped eating fried foods and white bread, opting for steamed and grilled food and whole wheat bread. No more bagels and donuts, you know, just some things I felt necessary. Could this be the cause of my little problem? Although it feels like a blessing, I know how bad missing periods can be for your health.
  6. I have a problem: I have no time to think about what I eat! I have little time to prepare food or sit down and enjoy a meal. What do you suggest I eat for, say, lunch? My school cafeteria food is totally appalling to me, I refuse to eat the oil-saturated fries and goppy burgers and mystery meat and huge chocolate muffins . Usually for breakfast, I have time for nothing more than a cup of tea and a cup of dry cereal I bag on my way out the door! I'll have an apple or an orange for a snack, and then lunch...a yogurt or peanut butter on wheat bread? If I go to work, this means I am not home from 6:20 AM until about 9! I like my current weight (118) and can't afford to gain weight by eating crap or lose it by not having enough good, quick, nutritious food on hand!
  7. The most I've ever been at a rank in tae kwon do is about five months, I'm currently a 2nd gup brown belt. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I started training at the end of February/beginning of March last year; I just got two stripes on my white belt last week, but I'm technically still a white belt and probably will be for a while longer. I'll end up being a white belt for a year and a half or so.
  8. Out of curiosity - why are you fasting? This doesn't seem safe for any martial artist or athlete to do for an extended period of time.
  9. I follow some ameteur mixed martial arts/shootfighting, and a lot of people call their style "shhotfighting", while others don't even name a real "style" and have put on the fightcard "freestyle", "vale tudo", "mixed martial arts", "hybrid", or similar.
  10. In tae kwon do, we did a lot of standing wrist and arm locks and submissions like that. In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu we learned my first submission, the keylock or "americana" from the mount, on the second or third class. I first submitted someone with a basic "X-choke" with the gi, from the closed guard.
  11. Lately I've also seen a lot of success with my "arm triangle" from both the mount and guard - a lot of guys aren't expecting it and it works great both with and without the gi! In the guard, you can get it if an inexperienced fighter puts his forearm in your neck when he tries to break your guard open!
  12. I'm still training tae kwon do about twice a week - a little less than jiu-jitsu but I need the great conditioning it brings and the standup defense we learn is very good! As far as Royler, he was definitely a class act, Kensai. No badmouthing at all, very personable and friendly, took pictures with us all, joked around with us, and showed us some of the best sequences I've ever seen. The seminar was at my school, and about half of the people there cross train or have other arts as their primary arts, and Royler was very supportive of that and he kept talking about how things he teaches are usd in other arts as well. And Submission, while I don't think Royler is the best vale tudo fighter, I think he's a great technical fighter and also has great heart!
  13. Hey! Thursday night I attended my first ever Royler Gracie seminar - the man is an excellent technician and teacher! He is very slight in frame, perhaps 150 pounds. He showed us some great moves from the spider guard and the across-side position. And I got my first two stripes on my white belt ! This was definitely an unexpected surprise!
  14. Where do you live? In what art are you competing? Competing, at least in BJJ, only has to do with what's available to you...anyone can enter most of the big tournaments around here; they don't even have to be affiliated with a school to compete. The cost of tournaments is indeed a little steep in jiu-jitsu - $50-$70 but I think in the bigger ones it's well worth it because you get a few fights. I hope I helped. Post more specifically so we can answer your questions more precisely!
  15. Favorite food would have to be chocolate chip pancakes, probably because I eat them so rarely. Favorite color is definitely purple, indigo .
  16. hehe, My brothers are also martial artists, two of them are wrestlers, my house is like a war zone! It wasn't my brother though...it was his friend
  17. Do a technique that won't hurt him but will show him how serious you are...I was hanging out with my brother the other day and his little friend (they are thirteen) started with me...we were on the grass, he had a jacket on, I used osoto gari on him and then sat on him with the BJJ/juso position "knee on the belly" or "knee ride" - does no harm but is extremely uncomfortable.
  18. Wow that seems like a lot of calories for one day! It gave me over 2000...I consume at most 1400 a day, and I feel great. That's a little strange.
  19. Sai, I also love King, but I'm going to have to go with Misery. The Stand was one book I didn't enjoy. Too many flat characters. He should stick to a few and make their personalities grow. Sometimes his books tend to drag because of the number of people in them. Back to movies - MISERY is one of my faves, so is Silence of the Lambs
  20. I'm not a big fan of Barry Bonds, so GO ANGELS! ps. maybe one of these years the mets will get back into the swing of things.
  21. For someone who is about 5'6, 118 pounds, around how many calories should be consumed a day? I'm a girl, I run between 7-11 miles a week, depending on what kind of mood I'm in (usually do 2-2.5 miles a run, it's just a matter of how many times a week), I train in tae kwon do two days a week, and take three short (45-60 minute) BJJ classes a week. Thanks.
  22. Kensai, a lot of martial arts schools now use belt systems even if they aren't traditionally included...it's so much easier to see progression in students that way, even if there are only 4 or 5 levels.
  23. Great post, thanks a lot for the tips. The problem I see with a lot of the judo techniques I've been taught is that I can only use many of them when my opponent is wearing a gi or a thick/durable collar. With no collar, in just a shirt or tee shirt, I'd probably stick to wrestling single and double legs.
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