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Everything posted by ProjectJanus

  1. I do Gumdo and have a blue belt in it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  2. Brass knuckles. Keeps you safe, very low profile. I have never actually used them, and I wouldn't if it was just a normal fight. Although, if someone else had a weapon, I wouldn't hesitate to use them.
  3. Kiba, which of the steels is cheaper? All it says on the blade is China. Can I just take a clean rag or something and wipe the stuff off?
  4. Today I bought a set that came with a katana, wakazashi and tanto. They are of horrible quality and are not sharp. They just look cool and came with a stand, so I decided to get them soley for display. The blades on each piece come with a kind of...goop on them. I dont know what it is but it makes the blades look almost slimey. I want to take it off with a rag or something so they look better, but I am not sure if it is on there to keep the blades from rusting or whatever. So, basicly my question is, can I wipe off that crap and not be worried about the blades rusting or tarnishing?
  5. I will write up a few. Gumdo kata's are rather long though.
  6. I could type up a Haiding Gumdo kata for you, if you wanted.
  7. Not too sure what your asking? Do you mean, whats it like training in those styles? Or what?
  8. Yeah....I pay $120/month for Haidong Gumdo and TSD 4 times total per week.
  9. Ouch dude, thats gotta sting!
  10. Now its feeling better. I think I just bruised my bone. Nothing big.
  11. We stand facing the instructor. The instructor calls out your name and you walk to the side of the classroom and then to the front. You face him, and bow, and take your certificate. You face the class, take off your belt and the instructor ties the new one on. You face the instructor, bow, turn to the class, bow, everyone claps and you return to your seat.
  12. Thats too bad the prices are like that.
  13. That would be an honor to earn that marking. I want to study there, so bad. Do you know if they do such a thing like boarding over the summer?
  14. One of my favorite looking weapons would have to be the chain whip.
  15. Well..I would get some- Hatebreed Walls Of Jericho As I lay Dying The song Escape by Craig Armstrong - Great song! The Requiem for a Dream, off the Lord Of The Rings soundtrack
  16. Skullcrushers?
  17. In the pounds that we bench, is it only one rep? Because I do 3 sets of 10 reps.
  18. Are they anything like the ones in China though?
  19. Later I will try eating again and see what happens. This sucks, I better not have to stop training.
  20. I don't know if this is related, but a few minutes ago I went down stairs to have a slice of banana bread , it was the first thing I have eaten since. There was a terrible stinging pain. I am pretty worried.
  21. Last night me and my friend were fooling around sparring not full contact but not light contact either. He doesn't know too much about martial arts or how to strike or where. He hit me directly in the chest pretty hard and it hurt pretty badly. This morning it still hurts and I am kind of worried. When I breath in there is a sharp stinging pain and it kind of burns. When I was in the shower it seemed that the warm water made it feel better. When I rub my hand over my chest it hurts. Is there anything I should do to help this? Any thing I shouldn't do? Is there something wrong? Or do I just have to let it heal? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  22. Anyone have any information on any of these styles or know where I can get some information? I only have basic information. Pa Kua Chuan, 8 Trigrams Fist, is a fairly new art, dating back about 200 years. It consists of circular movements and twists to elude the enemy. When practicing the forms of Pa Kua Chuan, the practioner walks in a circle. Hsing Yi Chuan, Shape The Mind Boxing, is based upon the five elements, and twelve animals. Hsing Yi Chuan utilizes a full range of body motion in striking. Also employed are close range grappling, throwing, trapping and locking techniques creating a highly adaptable, powerful, and overwhelming style of self-defense. Anyone have anything else? I am particularly interested in Pa Kua Chuan, it sounds interesting.
  23. I have a video somewhere of a Kyokushin Karate guy crushing 3-I think-Wing Chun guys. Its bizzare, sometimes the guys switch to drunken boxing, and sometimes it looks like its a kungfu of some sort. But anyways, all three guys just get the crap kicked out of them.
  24. I have a question for people who break. I just started TSD, and am pretty sure that there is breaking involved. When you break, is there a certain technique that needs to be used? Or do you just punch as hard as you can with your first two knuckles?
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