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Everything posted by ProjectJanus

  1. http://www.shaolin-wushu.de/en/main_fr.htm?home_fr0.htm Click on Training.
  2. Does it cover the 5 animal styles though?
  3. The first time I wanted to take a completely differant art, nothing that has to do with Gumdo, and he understood that. After the discussion I ask my parents if I could just go to the other school anyways. They told me I shouldn't because I would be a lyer.
  4. Will do. Also, does Kung Fu incorparate the 5 animal styles? Those are what I am looking for mostly.
  5. Well, yeah, see...When I first started Gumdo I hated it, so I found another school and did exactly what you said, I got my parents and went in to talk to him. He said "Training at two differant schools is like having one set of parents, and wanting another one". He also said that it is Korean tradition to stay with one master and one master alone. He also told me that "If you are in the desert digging for water, it is best to dig one large hole, than to dig 20 small ones." So basicly, if I leave, even for a little bit, I cannot come back. And if I go to another school, I cannot come back. But at this point I barely care, kids are dropping out like crazy.
  6. Well, I think I have made my decision. But before I do anything, I want to go and look at the school and price and hours and things. I also feel kinda bad, my father has well over $3000 put into Gumdo.
  7. Currently I have a blue belt in Haidong Gumdo- a Kendo-like form. Before I was ever interested in doing Gumdo, I wanted to do Kung Fu or anything like it, like Chin Na, Wushu, ect. I did some extensive research into schools around my area, and the closest one was 20 minutes away, and pretty pricey. So, sadly, I turned to my next favorite style, Gumdo. I got lucky and found a school near by. Now, at my blue belt, no more than five minutes ago, I find a Kung Fu school that teaches everything that I want, Shaolin, Tai Chi, Chin Na, Weapons, and Qigong. I want to do this so badly! At my school right now, everything is boring. We do the same things every class, and the master doesnt even teach us! He relies on his 1st Dan black belts to do the class for him. I know right now that he will not let me continue classes in his school if I were to go to another school to learn Kung Fu. I am so confused! I am not sure what to do! Do I go to the school that I have always wanted to? Or stick with Haidong Gumdo? The website for both Haidong Gumdo and the Kung Fu respectively. https://www.tangsoo.com https://www.peterkwoks.com Any advice will do, please guys, I need help!
  8. $119 a month. Or....$3000 up front....yeah thats right $3K.
  9. Haidong Gumdo: -White -Yellow -Orange -Green -Purple -Blue -Red -Red/White -Red/Black stripe in middle -Half Red/Half Black -Black
  10. Thanks.
  11. I used to fight alot, because some kids would talk trash behind me and my friends backs. When I confronted them, all hell would break loose.
  12. My motto: "Dont gain the world and loose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold" -Bob marley
  13. Ok, I wasn't exactly sure wich forum to put this in, so bear with me. The point of this is to start a sentance off with the title, and finish it with something related to martial arts. I'll start off. You know when your obbsessed with martial arts when your friend tries to give you a high-five and you put him in an arm lock, by accident.
  14. My mistake. And Strange, its $119 per month. To get paid, you have to get to a high enough belt, and start teaching the classes. Its not like you get paid $368346893986239868732068989 per class, its probably minimum wage, and you dont have to show up every class. He said that promotional tests start at like $15 and get higher per belt, but not much higher, "because testing should be a privelage, not a way for the instructor to make money." <- his own words.
  15. Very beautiful, and graceful. But, a little slow for my taste.
  16. When I talked to the guy, he said they put -jutsu on the end of everything because they teach it "as a combat style." I think I am going to do it, I was really impressed. They teach in differant levels. So if you are a white belt, you are put in a group of belts white-green. The class will be taught by plenty of black belts, so even a low ranked belt gets the chance to work with a black belt. They have a sparring class with foam bokkens, and you are entered into tournaments all over the country and in Japan. Another thing that impressed me was the instructor. He has a 7th Dan in Heishin-Ryu Sogobujutsu, he is the highest ranked person in the USA. The pricing is also fairly decent. It is $119 a month, and if you get high enough belts in the classes, they start paying you.
  17. I am looking around for a new school. I stumbled across Budokan USA in my yellow pages. I went on to their website, and it barely as any information because the place is new. They offer the Heishin-Ryu Sogobujutsu style. I have never heard of this before. When I clicked on it, it said it covers Karatejutsu, Jujutsu, Kobujutsu, Laido, Aikido. Now, I know that Karatejutsu is Okinowan Karate. I also know that Laido is a Japanese sword drawing art. They offer Laido in two styles, Muso Chokuden Eishin-Ryu style and Toyama-Ryu Iaido, the system taught to the Japanese military. I have never heard of any of these. On the site it says that Kobujutsu covers the basic weapons. The weapons studied include: bo (6 ft. staff), han-bo (3 ft. stick), along with nunchaku, tonfa, and sai. It doesn't include any information on Aikido or Jujutsu. And of course, I have heard of Aikido, but I do not know what it is. I have heard of Jujutsu a few times, but, I don't know what that is either. If anyone has any information, that would be helpfull. I will update once I get the prices and things.
  18. The first set of words is pronounced Chariut (Char-e-ut). The second set is pronounced Choon bi (Choon-bee).
  19. Ok, I have been in this very situation that you have been. All I can say is, dont take his crap. When he is harassing you, stick him one right in the nose. If you hit him hard when he is not suspecting it, it will knock the senses right out of him. If he tries to fight back, stick him again in the same spot. That is what I did. This kid kept talking about me and pushing me around, not expecting me to do anything exept for take the punishment. One day I got so fed up with it, that when he pushed me, I punched him square in the face. He hasn't come near me since.
  20. Ah, the good ole' Sakabatou. Sakabatou's can be safer in a way, because if you were to hit someone it would hurt, but would not cut them. But, if you were to stab, then it has the same abilities as a normal Katana. My art never uses a Sakabatou, heck, we dont even use a katana.
  21. https://www.weaponmasters.com You can design your own weapon and send them the blue-prints and they will make it. I think that if they make it, you must buy it though.
  22. For Haidong Gumdo, I payed willingly knowing that if I were on the streets, I could not just magicaly pull out a sword and save myself. Its an art. Thats all there is to it. Its fun to do, good exercise, looks sweet, but, alas, it cannot save your life on the street.
  23. I know a styl- that I personaly take- that doesnt use a katana, but a sword that is very close to it. Check it out, its called Haidong Gumdo. https://www.hdgd.org
  24. Hello, I was wondering if anyone here took any style of Kenjutsu. Do you like it? Why? What makes it better than other styles in your oppinion? How much does it cost? Also, if you have any links on information or school listings, I would be much obliged.
  25. Yes, I at least know that you are taught to climb a spear and be able to sit on the top with out it falling over. I have a video I bought of shaolin martial arts as a theater performance called Wheel Of Life. There are no words, just awesome Shaolin martial arts, including a monkey style segment.
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