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Everything posted by shotochem

  1. Present, and accounted for.
  2. I tried this with a little variation. Used a bit of treebranch along with it. I went up high on my toes pushing force against his chest. While wiggling I moved in a circular pattern until his balance shifted and I used my leg to hook his and drove forard landing on top of him then it softened him enough to work my way out by rolling around in a wrestling fashion to escape. I let myself get into the choke a few times to work on getting out of it. Im 4 for 5 on getting out of it. Only tapped once Boy, this grappling stuff is tireing me out!!!!
  3. Hi Beka, IMO, working out 3-4 times a week is not overdoing it. I do the same and get slightly sore. I used to be in PAIN when I trained 4x a week on CONSECUTIVE days. Now, I train every other day and I feel pretty good. The body needs time to recover, just wait till you get older.
  4. The striking works until he gets his hooks on me, once he's locked It's just about impossible to get out. So far my best defense is not to get in that position in the first place.
  5. Thanks for the link I was put in these 2..... http://www.bjj.org/techniques/jen/tech8a/ http://www.bjj.org/techniques/barra/soca/ nasty!!!!
  6. Hi Guys, As you all know by now Im a Shotokan guy. I have been put in a couple choke holds by my grappling friends. I can't figure out how to get out of the triangle choke? (guy is behind me standing up or Im flat on the ground ) Ive been in a couple where Im standing and facing my opponent and Ive been able to escape with a strike to the ........ or taking him down and landing shoulder into his solar plexus. Still I cant always get out of it. The one from behind I cant get out of at all. Im not up on all the grappling terminology so I hope you understand what Im babbling.
  7. He bit you on the toe?!? Did Mike Tyson start taking jujitsu? Well, it was lunchtime....... He was just busting my chops and showing me that when you think you have somebody don't take it for granted.
  8. I don't think it will completely disable your opponent... however it is very effective if you hit the right part of the bicep. Even a weak strike can make your arm kind of numb. All I'm saying is that if you do this a couple of times, theres a better chance of the person lowering their guard allowing you to kick the head. Believe me if you hit the right spot on the bicep the arm will go numb!!! I use a knife hand block to the bicep regularly on a young overly tetesteroned brown belt that needs to learn the meaning of the term "controlled" contact. It really slows him down, after a couple of min. he just don't want to punch anymore.
  9. First stnd in a natural position relaxed with knees slightly bent..... top hand firml lower hand loose grip then take the broom and move in a sharp side to side motion. Sorry couldn't resist. It's all about timing and and reaction. You have to get the persons foot while in is un-weighted to unbalance them. Ex. when a person is stepping foward to punch parry the punch with your hand and at the same time sweep the foot aside then they are open to a counter. You have to make contact with the foot before the persons full weight lands on the foot or they will not be unbalanced. There are many ways to sweep but the general idea is to sweep the guy while he is in transition from unweighted to weighted.
  10. As a shotokan guy who has taken HS wrestling I can tell you its not the same. The BJJ, Aki & Aikido guys will own you once you get completely on the ground. I have found that my wrestling experience has helped with my positioning and balance where as I do not get swept very often and I am very difficult to take down from the clinch. When I tried to out grapple the grapplers I lasted longer than the other Shoto guys but once the triangle choke is applied just tap out. On a funny note I was being a wise * and put him in a cross arm bar which I had previously thought was escape proof. Wrong!!! he bit me on the toe, promptly rolled me over and into the choke !!!! Lesson learned....
  11. Hey KF, Just when I was about to rip off my shirt and show my old hairy body. I agree 100%. I can't imagine my wife doing MA. (It just wouldn't work) I would prefer she didn't. When you young un's get a little older you will know the value of getting out without the wife(or husbsnd) time. Just remember to make up for lost time after class
  12. Hi Rich, Part of me says it would be a cool idea to see karate in the olympics. The other pessimistic side of me says its a bad idea. If you think there are karate Mc Dojos now, wait till they make it an olympic sport. I feel that there would be a lot more watering down of the art as a result of tournament technique. Which IMHO, is not really effective for much else. OTH kata if done with a tasteful format might work.
  13. We have a friendly yet hard working group. Our senseis are tough yet still have a good sense of humor. They always give an honest answer to any questions you may have no matter how riddiculous they may sound. They are open to new ideas and really enjoy training and teaching. They are not afraid to say I dont know for an answer and will try to find out.
  14. Best IMO is Rowing. Worst (for excercise) The 2 fisted 12oz. can lift
  15. Don't worry youll get even, just wait till your high school reunion. Life has a funny way of evening the score. For example..... I had the pleasure of interviewing someone exactly like you described above for a job. Revenge of the Nerd Indeed!!!!! It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. (BTW I actually hired the SOB he grew up. )
  16. LOL!, Don't kill yourself, I've been stretching and trying for years. I still can't get a full split. I can still kick to the head, thats all that matters. Keep working on it just don't over stretch(stretch too far) and injure yourself(ie. tearing a muscle)
  17. Im mostly a striker these days. When I was in HS and college I wrestled. I still do locks, throws and take downs but my primary focus is on strikeing. It just feels natural to use a strike to set up a sweep into a takedown then finish with a strike. 10 yrs ago I would probably roll around and grapple a bit more but now Im more interested in combining the two for the most effective way for me to end somthing quick and effectively.
  18. Stress relief!!!! It also helps me keep in shape. I never really joined for self defense thats just an added benefit, I was pretty capable of defending myself before, now Im better. It started as a father son thing. (The kid made me do it ) Now I am training without him. He just hangs out at the dojo. Im hoping he will want to start up again. Oh well, he's young and has many other activities.
  19. Do you guys mean to tell me that everyone walking around dosen't have those little red dots and cross hairs on them???? For a while I thought I might be losing it.
  20. I have no problems shrinking anything. Go to the local laundy and use one of the industrial machines on the HOT water cycle its usually hotter that the water at home the same with the industrial dryers. I generally get a size 6 even though I take a 5(Im 5'6") Im long armed and wide shouldered. (I have the reach of someone a foot taller than me ) Am I the missing link??????
  21. Funny to this day I have not been challenged due to my MA practice. Maybe its my Ahem......Age Hey Warlok don't you know that all BB suck, .......except for the ones in whatever school we're in!!!!
  22. Please post the article I like to read it. I was under the impression that Bunkai represented possible applications where as Oyo represented more practical uses of a movement such as changing the angle of application or direction of which you step or making slight modifications of the technique itself for it to be applied practically by the user. Why don't we just learn in English........
  23. Hi GMC, The term Bunkai is basically used to describe the possible applications for movements in kata or forms. Is that move a block, strike, lock, or throw? It all depends on the creativity and ability of the individual.
  24. Every time he tries to blast you drop an elbow.... until he learns control!!! I'll bet you will only need to do it a couple of times then I garauntee it will sink in.... Some people are just naturally a little dense and dont realize without proper physical stimulation.
  25. Well done Eq !!!!! You beat me to the punch Iron Kim is running a cult and has been for years. Run, dont look back, there are many places to train and this one is not reccomended IMHO.
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