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Everything posted by Jiyn

  1. I HATE khion kata its sooooo boring!
  2. i agree that if you like aikido then you should look for a martial art that has karate elements.
  3. i used to do kickboxing before i went into shotokan karate and it was very different as kickboxing is alot more bouncy and shotokan karate is very stiff,so anyway good luck with your future lessons.
  4. i think ill be busy as usual probably but ill ask around my club for you.
  5. ^ i never heard that , really wow what a noble band.
  6. congrats on getting married and i dont thionk your a wuss maybe for being scared of your finacee lol but not for not wanting to spar thats just sensible.
  7. i guess your kind if right but i get satisfied by hurting someone i really hate like someone who thinks they are hard and better than you and then one day you just lash out well then it feels good.
  8. hmm i dont like starting fights like in the street or in school but if you mean about fights in karate or whateva martial arts you go to then yes i want to go into them about 90% of the time aswell.
  9. yes your right school is about learning for a good job later in life and these so called hard lads are gonna end up skinny pathetic little rats on the dole or drug dealing the little turds!!
  10. 10ft!!! wow thats high go for it!
  11. hmm isnt bruce dickinson a piolet now?
  12. yes i know bob poyton took the lesson on monday and we gave him an applause,bob has a very unusual teaching method.
  13. yes kicks are harder to perform but with alot of practice you will be able to kick as easy as you punch.
  14. thank you mart what a kind and nice compliment you have just paid me.
  15. well if i was attacked in the strret i would use a mixture of all what i have learnt such as karate kickboxing judo nin jitsu aikido and ju jitsu.
  16. yes maybe when i have done more freestyle sparring my reaction and timing will increase.
  17. no i havent been to jimmy brennans lessons(franks brother right) anyway are they as hard as franks and is he as provking?anyone know how about you day?
  18. it may be a coincidence then again it may not.
  19. i dont live in america so i dont really know what your talkin about but why is it said ti be crap?
  20. he sounds like a right git and i dont like sensis who show favoritism to students who dont deserve it he should be encouroging you and if he isnt even answering your questions i think its time you complained to someone higher up because he is being a right berk.
  21. i er havent read that book so can you tell me what it is like red triangle student when you get it?
  22. well if i was absolutely conered i would have to fight but if they had weapons like a firearm for example i would give them what they wanted but if i didnt have anything to giver and they were gonna kill me i would rage out like a wild animal and use a blend of judo karate aikido and kcikboxing but i would probably get shot in the process.
  24. i personally think a kick is kore effective as my legs are more powerful thanm my arms they have a longer reach and they can snap back quicker than my arm can.
  25. it really depends on the age size speed and strength of the person, if they were all adults i would run aqway but if it was people around my age or still in school i would probably not run away as i would want my pride and dignity to stay in place even if my nose doesent, then i would lash out and do any kind of damage to any part of the attackers body but here in liverpool they come over to you with their necks streched out and arms at their side almost asking you to take a shot at them.
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