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Everything posted by Thaegen

  1. Duathlon's Reading fantasy books Going to the movies...
  2. Drugs is for mental weaklings.
  3. What are the most efficient and practical styles of kung fu? I practice Wing Tsun and I find it pretty good but difficult. It's hard to master. So my question is what are the most practical styles of CMA. Thanks
  4. Bah, why are there bad people and never stop training. Training is everything.
  5. Hmm it's indeed a very strange postition, when you are in that stance. It's really hard to do it good. Hmm, I don't know how other train their WT, but we do really a lot of Lat Sau. Mostly 1 hour each lesson.. and we spar a lot. 1 is a boxer the other Is the WT guy. Chi sau is later... I have just started to learn the Chum-Kiu form.
  6. I do Wing Tsun, it's the organisation of Leung ting. It's good so far as I know.
  7. Jup, In antwerp: Mortsel and Zwijndrecht to be precise.
  8. We belong to the IKAEF (International Kali Arnis Eskrima Federation). It's a great MA, I personally find it very effective. I think it's a complete system + one of the benifits is that you start training with weapons from the beginning.
  9. 95 euro a month and I train 4 times 90 minutes WT and 4 times 90 minutes Eskrima a week, So that's around 12 hours a week. Monday: WT + Eskrima Wednesday: WT + Eskrima Thursday: WT + Eskrima Friday: WT + Eskrima
  10. I train in Mortsel and in Zwijndrecht both in Antwerp, but our teacher also gives classes in Gent. I am planning to do some there also. Saturday morning:)
  11. Thanks, But Gent is a little bit to far for me. Btw your link shaolin.be was a hell of a lot better:)
  12. There aren't many clubs in Belgium. But it's only a combination of different arts. Mostly Wing Tsun and a bit eskrima I think.
  13. Oh man, that was funny! Almost felt of my chair while laughing!
  14. Just wondering? Do all those fancy kicks have a purpose? Or is it just show? I mean is there a difference between this and for example ballet? But I have a lot of respect for people who can do such fancy moves:)
  15. Nice, well we have one woman, she comes like one time in a month or so... and she is not beautifull....
  16. .... or he just could be a very wise man...
  17. Well I do Kali Arnis Escrima, I am doing it for 3 months now, I train it for 6 hours a week. It's a complete system. I also do Wing Tsun 6h a week. I personal prefere WT. but that's just because I believe in it's effectivness. What I am trying to say, it's good, real good. Like most MA, you just need to train hard.
  18. 1. Wing Tsun 2. Eskrima 3. Pentak silat
  19. Wing Tsun is the way to go. You can do this for the rest of your live. Just look at Yip man. He trained Wing Tsun until his last day.
  20. Hmm, Wing Tsun would be a good choice.
  21. If someone can explain this:)? I know there is a difference, I just don't know what.
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