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Everything posted by Thaegen

  1. I don't agree, Once a month we spar full contact. My nephew who does also WT and MT and another friend who only does MT. What do we use: Headgear (with faceguard) UFC gloves, groin/elbow and shin protection. We do 2x2minutes. I only try to use WT my friend who does MT ofcourse uses his MT. And believe me, I've been in some streetfights and this comes close. It's savage, it's barbaric. When we fight like this, I use everything what I can and have in me. This is why I train. Begin august, we gonna do it again and this time we gonna record it, I will try to put some footage up. So you can deceide yourself if it comes close or not.
  2. Emin bozteppe was a student of Grandmaster Kernspecht, who is the head of Europe. Emin bozteppe left the WT organisation to make his own system EMBAS (or something like that), which is basically a mix of Escrima and WT. WT is close range striking system, it's not a perfect system. For street self defence is very effective, for competing fighting it has to be tweaked, cause there are weaknesses in the system, but in which MA isn't. WT is the organisation of GGM Leung Ting. There are differences between WC/WT/VT etc. I don't know what is the better. But like any other MA if you don't try to spar full contact you will never get good in WT. Even if many people say you can't spar, cause the techniques are to dangerous. It's not true, you can't be a good fighter if you don't fight. Forms and drills are important. But After that you need to fight.
  3. Someone mentioned that training and conditioning is very important. When you to a MA school it is a fact that a Muay Thai class is physical harder then most other MA and like someone said it is your own responsablity. Where I do Wing Tsun we do little conditioning, but where I do MT I sweat like a horse. But I prefere Wing Tsun above MT anyday. To be a good Martial Artist you need to be good in other sports. A good Martial artist is not someone who can do some techniques. A good Martial artist is someone who can use his techniques and has an excellent condition. Who can run miles and miles who can swim a couple of miles and etc... Because before techniques comes physical condition, It doesn't matter how good your techniques are you will lose in a RL situation if you have no condition. After only a couple of seconds your perfect techniques will become sloppy, because adrealine, stress will jump. A good condition gives you a couple of seconds more with a good technique while a bad condition will make it very sloppy after only a couple of seconds.
  4. no, if you don't try to spar in any MA, you will not react good in a reallife situation. There is a huge difference by doing techniques against an opponent who stands still and do nothing. it is good to learn, but after that you need to learn to use it under stress/adrealine/moving and avoiding opponents. The argument about saying I can't spar, because my techniques are to dangerous are the guys who get beaten up in RL situations. Form/repeating techniques and spar are all important, you can't be good at your MA if you don't spar.
  5. What is water. But generally taken softness will always beat hardness.
  6. I don't know, how can you have self-confidence about your MA if you don't experience some reality? Anyway, I don't look for fights, but if someone bullies me, I react. I don't avoid it. Most of you will say I don't understand the true spirit of MAs. if you have a big mouth or you bully people, you need to carry the consequences and there are none "if" you walk away thinking you could beat him. I am more for the line, if he wants hell, he can get hell. And I am still a beginner in my MAs
  7. Hmm what kind of Kung fu? What kind of Karate? But for JJ, you specialise ...chosing BJJ.
  8. "wanna kick butt on the streets? Lose the fancy stuff for now and keep it simple & savage. " I like this.
  9. I do Wing Tsun. It's my MA were I train the most for. But to use WT in a street situation you have to have years experience and train hard. Where I do WT I can tell the people who could defend themself in a street situation on one hand. Now I recently started MT and I am pretty sure you can use it effective in a street situation only after a couple of months training. + The most who train MT where I train, can handle themself in a streetfight. The reason is simple. The training methode is far superior + they get used to hits and know how they react when they are hit. DOn't get me wrong I believe WIng Tsun is far better, but only after +5years of intensive training. With MT you can become much faster a good fighter.
  10. ok, barely walk is a bit to much, but it hurts. , when you do combos like this simple one, left jab, right jab, right lowkick, but your partner takes the lowkick on his left leg and this is hell after a while.
  11. I hurts like hell, when we train combos, It is hell, my leg hurts.. and when I ask to hit less hard, it still hurts like hell.. How long does it take to get used to lowkicks. Want I can't barely walk for the moment. My Wing Tsun lessons are a kindergarden training if I compare it with MT Any advice is welcome!
  12. I always wear a cup, it always amazes me how a gentle hit can hurt so much there!
  13. Hmm It depends on what you want and I don't see why regular boxing is harder to the head then Thai.. in the last one you have to worry about not getting a shin against your head:).
  14. I am 24 and I really don't get how a child can get a BB.
  15. I said I would make some videos, but I tried this weekend and my WT isn't good enough to end the fight quickly. So more training:)
  16. Great! I used to say Thai is nothing special. But I was wrong! The training method is great, the sparring is great! I love it... I said before that MT and WT don't go together. I was wrong again. Great MA! Troubles, every kick above lowkick:) but I always try to close the distance so fast as possible, my opponents don't like it, but I wish thai was without those big gloves and would use finger free gloves.
  17. Question do you WT/WC? or not? Because "Ive done chainpunching before" doesn't soundvery right. Chainpunching isn't something you can learn in 10 minutes.
  18. Hmm not realy, You start chainpunching from the moment the first punch is thrown, When the contact is made, you are in a better position. But it is to difficult to explain. I will try to make some short clip this weekend, how I a would I try to do it. It will explain it much better.
  19. Carriny a gun doesn't mean anything, it's not like in movies you can shoot whenever you want.
  20. I mean you don't need to go to tansau or bonsau when you make contact, only do it when you fight another WT practioner. + Something important your goal is to hit, not trap him, first hit and keep hitting, if you can trap him it's good, but don't seek for it, just hit him. Somebody mentioned that he would throw combos, any fighter should throw combos, 1 attack and retreat is stupid.
  21. Chainpunshing and keep advancing, when you make contact don't let fall in bonsau but be hard en push through.
  22. Your body/muslces need more time to remember/become relfexes then your brain. You can know everything of your MA, but then still will it take years before it becomes your second nature. It's frustrating, but it is reality.
  23. I have no idea.. but does it matter? You where happy and calm...after what you did, so keep doing that:)
  24. No, as a cop you don't want to go the ground and you certainly don't want to be rolling on the grond. We have a lot of equipment on our belt (batton, pistol, peperspray...). + You are always with two. + we can't knock someone in the hospital, we need to react with equal force, so if someone throws a punch at me, I can't chainpunching him to damnation . Ofcourse it's a good thing to know how to handle yourself on teh ground, but you are much better of with a non-ground MA.
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