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Everything posted by Thaegen

  1. You could try Wing Tsun. It's effective and fun
  2. Doing pushing while you clap 1 time in your hands.. is that good?
  3. Infrazael wrote: "MO, Muay Thai will own any Karate, except Kyokushin (full-contact), because of the harsh training methods and just the purely effectiveness of it. ". No Muay thai will not own any Karate or any other style . I wonder why people always got this idea. And again no.. if you your condition is weak it's your fault. I do Wing Tsun and we do almost no condition training. And my condition is pretty good, but then again I also do Triathlon. If your condition is weak it's your fault and not the martial art you train in.
  4. It means friendly fighting, to use learned techniques in a controled enviroment. You fight, but you don't go all the way.
  5. I am interested,
  6. I am 24 years old, I am a police officer since october 2003 and I train in Wing Tsun.. I also did some Kali arnis escrima, but found it to hard to cross train. I love Wing Tsun. The simplicity of it is so difficult:)
  7. Maybe when you are lucky.. it all depends who are "those" 5 thugs. If they freeze after the first drop of blood or maybe you freeze.... And about styles.. Hmm I think a well trained Wing Tsun practioner could pull it of. ..depends of the person ofcourse... But Wing Tsun as a style is certainly effective against multiple opponents.
  8. Block a direct punch with slapping it to the left of the right? That wouldn''t be a good solution... If you block over your center line.. the fight is over for you. I am speaking if you fight against a WT/WC/VT opponent.
  9. It's in Europe. And to answer the topic.. I have no idea how many people train Kung fu In Belgium
  10. I don't understand JDK, how can you be any good, if you don't train techniques? Your mind your body needs to know those techniques.... your muscles needs to memorize how to utilise your learned techniques. I don't believe that a JDKer who never trained a real style can defeat someone who trained a MA with whole his heart and mind.
  11. + don't worry the opponent while have teh same problem as you .... he would also be fighting against another style
  12. Wing Tsun It's effective and fun.
  13. Women are pyshical weaker than men. But most women in Wing Tsun outclass me, because they are more sensitive, they are more like water and I am hmm more like mud.
  14. Gilbert.. you can call me a joke or call me whatever you want.. but your posting about KI, drunken boxing and aikido is crap.. I can't find another word for it. When I concentrate hard enough and summon my ki, I can shoot chemical bombs out of my * and trust me --> that's some strong KI. And the one leg thing is true... there is nothing special about it.. maybe I explain it wrong, but every child can do it.
  15. grab lightly his elbows and use ki....ask him to push you back...he is having a hard time right. No that is not KI, you are just redirecting his force, when you push his elbows. I can do something like that standing on 1 leg and one person grabs my shoulders and I grab his elbows and he can't push me back.. why because you redirect his strength.. It has nothing to do with Ki. Everybody can do this. Ki doesn't excist. If you want to be good, you train if you want to be really good you train harder. That's it.. that's the secret.. not some nonsense of KI, but anyway if you want to believe Ki excist.. it's your thing..
  16. *mArTiAl_GiRl*: maybe I don't have a clue what you mean with mainstream:), my english is quite rusty.. Greets
  17. I am not saying Wing Tsun isn't practical.. In fact it is and a big + is the surprise factor of WT. It's so different:) I train Wing Tsun since february and train 6-9 hours a week. I am 3de grade.. (I am training in the applications of chum kiu form).
  18. Lipton Ice Tea
  19. Hmm sounds you are stereotyping persons... placing them in categories --> which isn't cool
  20. Good luck:), yeah winning is not everything, it's the experience that counts.
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