I forgot to tell you that I've heard this from someone in my Dojang and they said If you fail then you would probably be a disgrace to the Dojang and I find it very odd that you will not bring shame to your Dojang. I think that was a stupid saying that he gave me.
man,that's just crazy. I wouldn't want to show up with a Karate patch on my TKD Do Bak when your gonna test in front of the TKD master himself or even wearing it in the Dojang.
that's a good stance to have your hands up by you cheeks because this way you can dodge,bob,weave,slip, and also protect yourself from getting hit and a good way too throw a punch and bring it back to your cheeks.
if you any of you guys has played the game True Crimes: Streets of L.A. then maybe this may sound familiar, "It's where the birds land, Nick Kang:at "Where?" "at the airport you a**hole.
what they actual fight i though they just did those silly dance routines. actually those "silly dance routines" are like there forms or their performance for the team.
if your talking about throwing a kick in a street fight, then you could throw any kick you want even in a match but i think they stick to just the basic kicks.
hello everybody, this may sound like a dumb question but how do you tie your belt properly because i follow the instructions like when you gotta fold it in half and etc, but in the back is messed up because it crosses and i want it to be even and i just wanted to give me your instructions on tying your belt correctly and not making it cross in the back. Is this normal if it crosses in the back?