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Everything posted by Guy_Mendiola

  1. Welcome to Karate Forums SmokeDragon.
  2. i don't really care what stance anybody fights in to tell you the truth because when they are south paw roundhouse kicks are good when your in a regular stance in doing a roundhouse kick which make them open for the hit but it might get reversed or caught.
  3. isn't it called K1 Championship or something?
  4. when i was sparring with this yellow belt he was keep on doing spinning back kicks and etc, this opponent that i'm sparring with is kinda chubby and i'm skinny but anyway when we we sparring and now this is no contact but i was like really fast for him so when the instructor told him to stop doing those spinning back kicks and my opponent tells him why and he answered because i'm am too tall and too fast for him and the yellow belt just frowned.
  5. all i have to say is maybe to side step when throws that kick at you and when he holds it there just side step and take him down or do what ever you want from there.
  6. i'm from Waimanalo, Hawaii.
  7. all i have to say is to practice a LOT, keep your hands up always when sparring.
  8. that's the key is to talk your way out.
  9. his english ain't that bad.
  10. i think you would break your toe when your bear feet, and i think the only kick i know you kick with your toe is the front snap kick.
  11. ok, thanks Shorinryu Sensei.
  12. that sucks you have to concentrate on hitting those colored points on the chest guard in point sparring and i wish there was a point on the head gear.
  13. why don't you go look it up on the web in the information about those Muay Thai schools in that area.
  14. just like in my dojang the instructor teaches us TKD and the Jiu Jitsu grappling techniques.
  15. will this be better than Google next year?
  16. or just get back up really fast when you get pushed.
  17. i think that's when they got you in a sorta what you call a head lock but i don't know.
  18. is a full time dojo like everyday or something?
  19. that's a good one , but if you did take any martial arts currently i would say you wouldn't be scared of him.
  20. ok i'm not teasing you but your scared of getting hurt. , full contact is the best and it s pretty fun.
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