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Everything posted by hajime

  1. you get fit, learn how powerful your body can become, you adopt self control and awareness. you avoid street fights because they are beneath you you have fun and make friends there was no 'religious' aspect to Karate when I studied it
  2. stare without any blinking and you MUST not smile. pretend to punch the walls of the dojo at maximum force and laugh every time you do it say 'I've just done a 10 year stretch for my last fight' or 'do you want to be cremated or buried?' etc
  3. people that think they are invincible against no matter what opponent and how many they face. people that loose their temper the moment they loose 'face' during sparring people that think Karate or any martial art is a 'waste of time' hahaha people that think you can learn a martial art in a 'few week's' etc
  4. way of the exploding fist on the spectrum now that was my introduction to karate!
  5. oops I was obviously showing signs of my age. It's not meals on wheels it's wheels on meals! you can find it anywhere you want. Even on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/6305234922/qid%3D1067892686/sr%3D11-1/ref%3Dsr%5F11%5F1/103-6276276-2712600 it's a fun film set in Spain. with some excellent fighting of course
  6. how true. I will add they have a sense of humour. They cannot ever bully anyone or use their skills to deliberately hurt a student. It's important to have 100% trust in them.
  7. Surely you can understand learners of martial arts would actually don't want to get broken noses, knocked out teeth, bruised ribs, dislocated shoulders etc? If people want to fight full contact without pads that's their decision. I've watched full contact fights with guys being punched in the body and just laughing. In the style of karate I learnt most blows were aimed at the face/throat/ groin. they are the kind of moves that when carried out with great force and perfect placement would not be at all pleasant to experience
  8. yes if I'm truly honest with you. I when I was younger also wanted to do serious damage to anyone who messed with me. it sounds sad to me now & the more skill and power I learnt the less I wanted to fight anyone since it wouldn't be pretty and if I ever do fight anyone I won't hold back anything
  9. Which is why you keep your hands up. We have this traditional jiu-jitsu guy at my university who shows up at our meetings occasionally. When he gets on the bag he throws punches and elbows that sound like a machine gun (rapid). However, when we spar he's great to take down because he still only gets 0-2 shots in (when I shoot) and he puts so much emphasis on speed, they're basically kisses. sounds like he's aiming to score a point rather than hurt you. As a genuine full on snap punch as with any correctly delivered martial art blow is potentially nasty indeed
  10. one of my instructors was a kickboxing UK champ. He showed no signs whatsoever of steroid use. No one I've trained with did. I would never touch such drugs. I used to do weightlifting and went from a 8 1/2 stone boy to a 14 1/2 stone man didn't need any drugs just effort and protein
  11. Welcome sir! I only lick the boots of my partner if she's got all the money. I agree that friendliness over power trip helped me to enjoy martial arts in a nice atmosphere.
  12. pffft! and it doesn't stop when you get older either. I still can't help looking at women of all ages under 30
  13. hips, hips, hips hurray seriously in Wado Ryu it's in the hips, as well as timing and speed of course but pivot on those hips. it's why you don't need to have muscular arms to hit powerfully. Technique is 100% more important.
  14. hey I assumed it was a friendly sparring session. If it was meant to be full contact then fair enough you take your chance as for hitting them back in the groin, notice my winking face? I was joking m8! revenge in this context has no place outside of films
  15. the snap punch in karate is the fastest and hardest to detect hand move because it moves in a straight line and the hand is already in the forward position. When done by a skilled opponent it will knock your teeth out which is why of course when sparring you stay at kicking range cos kicks are easier to see so long as you face your opponent and keep your eyes open
  16. from my experience you learn the basic blocks first upper, lower, outer and inside to out along with lunge, snap and reverse thrust punch front, side and roundhouse kicks. first of all alone, then practising against opponents. 'grappling' comes later. That's why learning Karate if you stick with it and practise outside the dojo should come fairly 'easily'. basics first and up to ever more 'tricky' moves later
  17. I was wondering, what the heck is a hurricane kick? go on tell me what this is, I've never heard of it. Jumping, spinning back kick maybe?
  18. My instructors told me when you get your opponent on the ground from certain stances then a kick to the groin lifts up the head (when they are on their back) and then you stamp them on their face. you can repeat this as for as long as you want It depends though, as if you have a nice wrist grab on and spin them heavily to the floor and preferably into an object such as a wall/car. They may not be too keen on carrying on
  19. aefibird are you a lady? ahhh. It's difficult to spar with the females. Must have been a nasty person that was trying to hit you that hard if it was a man that hit you that hard and you are a female then 'accidently' hit him in the 'nuts' next time
  20. Jackie Chan vs. Benny Urquidez in Meals on Wheels (end fight) Jackie Chan end fight in the mall in Police Story Bruce Lee V 'Karl' in locker room in 'Game of Death' all these stick in my mind but then so do tonnes of short moves from Van Damme and all great martial artists
  21. at least strapping on the white you get to hide as a novice again - ahh for the easy life
  22. Garage at least if it does pull the roof down it's the garage and not the house
  23. Surely any martial art teaches self defense, otherwise it's missing the point. As for not getting you fit. Ahem. Anyone who finds sparring, katas perfomed with power, use of bags, practising all moves etc not tiring is clearly superfit already
  24. I agree that Ju Jitsu is the one. I know the grappling fans will say that as a former Karate-ka get in close to me and I've lost but whoever thinks Karate is only about kicking is a dumbass I think Akido looks beautiful when done by an expert but it takes way too long to learn to be effective and you can't mix up a striking art and it imo
  25. I wouldn't count on severing a person's spinal cord with one blow. Many people couldn't do that with a meat cleaver. Unless perhaprs the victim is 85. heh. Or nice and skinny. I wouldn't attempt this on a fat person with a fat neck
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