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Everything posted by shazaam

  1. Um, I'm not trying to pick at you, but my TKD school does grappling. We don't just kick and spar. We do joint locks, throws, take-downs, stand-up grappling and ground grappling. Anyways, I started MA for self defense in TSD. While I TSD IS a good self defense art for the stand-up fighter, I do have to agree with Akima's last sentence. Your TKD school needs to change its name. Its no longer TKD.
  2. Akima seems to have finally slipped on this one.
  3. I can't believe he's "giving" this stuff away on the internet.
  4. Yes, Judo is highly underated these days. Just add Boxing and a couple of elbows, low kicks and eye gouges (which some do I understand) and you have the best traditional art that's out there. Or is that jiu-jitsu?
  5. Keep your hand strikes (minus the chambering) from Shotokan too.
  6. Get your kicking knowledge from ITF Tae Kwon Do as well.
  7. You need to take Western Boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Wrestling, and BJJ. Cross training and participating in realistic sparring in these systems and in NHB contests will make you an Ultimate Fighter.
  8. Reverse Punch!! Kiai!!
  9. Hey Shazaam, it's easy to parrot what you here other people say about a subject so can you please include an example of some of the techniques that don't work. Just for my edification. Simple lapel grab. OK, just grap the hand, thumb into the meaty part between forefinger and thumb, twist the hand towards the ground, pinky up and attacker goes down to one knee...OKay. How about...attacker grabs my lapel and while I go for his hand...HAYMAKER to the bridge of my nose!!!
  10. Spar him multiple times during the next class. Whip him good and disguise it as "training".
  11. Akima shines again. TKD improved Karate somewhat in my opinion, other than the whole marketing/commercialization thing. The masses don't think. Karate is easier than Danzan Ryu Jiu Jitsu or Ssissreum or Baji, etc. Just say Karate and they'll understand...
  12. "what the heck" Are you on any type of medication?
  13. What is your definition of "realisitc, self=defense fihgting"
  14. Oh by the way, I beat my own instructor one time after watching some videotapes produced by: The Straight Blast Gym
  15. this website is like manna from....well, you know unlike some of those "other" martial arts websites... I'd have to go with Bruce Lee. At that time, westerners just did not know how to fight. In time we have caught up though.
  16. I agree also. Akima rules with his brilliance as usual.
  17. Ahhhh!!! I get it now. Excellent drill. There is no end to the usefulness and practicality of Muay Thai. I consider Muay Thai and Muay Thai sparring as indispensable to a fighter's core mix of systems.
  18. Glock 9MM, SigSuaer .380, 12guage shotgun Various knives 6 pairs of Sticks.
  19. OH!! I am so sorry. Try both Kendo and Firearms! A classic mix!
  20. The only way to teach your own kids is to not make it a "classroom" session. Just incorporate some basic drills into their regular play and then have them strecthc gently when they are watching cartoons. Also, "Playstation? How about ten pushups and twenty frontkicks first?" Good luck to you! You'll need it!
  21. I heard it from a Jow Ga practioner.
  22. Yes, thanks for your interest. The FHU teaches a meditation that teaches you to be more resistant to stress. You can download the audio to real player or WMA. Look for the "Basic Meditation" Good luck to you.
  23. http://www.fhu.com
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